First photo above shows some of the daffodils that are blooming around my yard. I have tons and they bloom at different times. These are the early ones. Aren't they pretty? The sight of their yellow faces dancing in the wind brings a smile. 

Next up. A while back I won a giveaway on Jennifer's blog, Feathers in the Nest. I completely forgot it until she emailed me about a slight delay. And what a delightful surprise to open my mailbox and find this in the package. A chart from The Sampler Girl, a large piece of the prettiest plaid wool (just perfect for the needlebook!), a sweet little card and the cutest, most adorable pair of scissors called chocolate. Aren't they just darling? I must make a fob for
these so I don't loose them down the side of my stitching chair. (Does that happen to you too? Or am I the only one with a scissor hungry chair?)

I also had two finishes this week. Finish one is Needle and Thread by Little House Needleworks. I just love this one. (Thank you to my dear, dear friend, Deborah who rak'd me with the pattern and the mattress that goes with it.) I just need to wait for Deborah to finish hers and we will do the actual finishing together. I also need to stitch up the fob that goes with it. But the "coverlet" for the mattress is done.

(And thank you so very, very much to the sweet stitchers who offered to send me the missing Gloriana silk. You know who you are. And you really touched my heart with your kindness.) I ordered a replacement. Had to order two different greens since the photos all looked right I couldn't remember which green I had been using. I have it now and should finish it up this week. (And NO the silk will not be leaving the house!)

And last but not least. Rory in all his Easter bunny glory. Now I am sure that if you were to meet him up close and personal you would never believe that he can be so well behaved and sit so still.
He is so full of joy and life and exuberance. Something I just adore. You can never be depressed or down for long with hime around. And I have these photos to prove that he can be still!
Rory doing his dead bunny routine.

Okay, not all the time.
I did have to chase him for a while to get the bunny ears back. A little worse for wear. Sigh.
Do you think he was trying to tell me something?
Thank you one and all who read my blog and enjoy my photos. And a bigger thank you to those who comment. Each and every one are precious to me. From the bottom of my heart:
Thank you one and all who read my blog and enjoy my photos. And a bigger thank you to those who comment. Each and every one are precious to me. From the bottom of my heart:
Thank you.
Until next time.......................
Love and stitches
and licks from Rory