The posting title is a bit lame but I just couldn't think of anything else.
I hope everyone in blogland who celebrates Easter had a joyous and blessed Easter Sunday. And those who don't, well, I hope you too had a beautiful weekend. Mine was mixed. My dear friend and neighbor's DH lost his battle with cancer suddenly on Thursday. So on Friday I attended the viewing and wake and offered my support. Not a great start to the weekend.
Saturday started out sunny and warm. Perfect for some yard work and sitting on the deck stitching and reading. I did a little of both. But when I went to pick up some flowers to plant at the cemetery the sun disappeared and it got down right chilly. But when I got home I pulled up and found the prettiest surprise sitting on my front stoop. My dear brother remembered Easter and sent this gorgeous basket full of flowers to plant in the garden--lilies and tulips and little mums--as well as a cute pink bunny that Rory would just love to rip apart, err, play with. Honest, I think I have the greatest brother ever. Oh, and I LOVE the basket. Just the right size to hold more works in progress or maybe patterns to be kitted or .......................

Last week was also the birthday of a dear friend,
Carolyn, and she called to tell me how much she loved the little gift I stitched for her. So here are some photos of my very first attempt at a pin pillow. I must say I just loved the way it turned out. And when it turned out exactly how I envisioned (A
very rare occurance!) I whooped and hollered and did a happy dance that had Rory looking at me like I was nuts. I think he was trying to figure out where he could hide.
(The fabric is the back of the pillow.)

I loved doing the little pillow finish so much so that I finished up two more this past weekend. One was for a private pin pillow exchange and is on its way to its new home so no photo yet. And the other is the companion design to the one I did for Carolyn. I am keeping that one. And I have a few more almost ready to be completed. A new finishing technique that my dear stitching friends will probably get tired of. Fobs and pin pillows are now my specialties. :)
Both this little pillow and the one I sent to Carolyn are stitched with the recommended colors. The Pattern is by Raise the Roof.

I didn't do anything really special for Easter. I had hoped to be finished with
He is Risen by LHN.

Close but not quite. I was so tired Saturday evening that instead of stitching I fell asleep at 8:30 PM! So here is my progress on this one. I have the frame and mat all picked out and not much more to do so I hope to be done by the end of the week.

I have a couple of pieces all lined up for my next

I'm not sure which one I'll do first. What do you think?

I also got a couple of patterns in the mail last week. One is a loaner from
Missy, called
Hearts Left Behind by Hester's Needle. I saw this finish on Jill, the
Purple Peacock's blog and it brought tears to my eyes. It reached out to me that I had to find this to stitch in memory of my Mom. It is perfect. So I contacted Missy and she graciously allowed me to borrow it. I am going to order silks from Victoria Clayton for this one and start it as soon as they arrive.
For Easter Rory got a new ball that he had a blast with. Also a couple of frisbies to play with outside with his new baby, uh, puppy sitter. Today is her first day with him so I hope all goes well.

I hope everyone has a wonderful stitchy week.
Until next time...........
Love and stitches
and licks from Rory too