The winner of the DMC "Think Pink" kit is number 25-- MAGGEE !!
The winner of the Just Cross Stitch magazines id number 9---LIBBIE!!
I emailed both ladies yesterday and will be getting their prizes out to them asap. Congratulations Maggee and Libbie! And thank you all so very much for entering and for your kind and generous comments. I was so tickled that so many of you entered my giveaway. 112 comments!!! Wow! 37 comments were entries for the magazines. 63 were for the DMC kit. The others were just because comments. Rory's pirate costume seems to have been a hit.
Speaking of Rory (and don't I always?) we had another busy show weekend. (and the reason why I am a day late with my giveaway announcement.) It actually stared Friday when I finally had gotten paid so I could call the oil company to come fix the hot water. I had been washing my hair in cold (shiver) water all week but Rory needed his bath before Saturdays show and I just couldn't bathe him in cold water! The oil guy shows up at 9AM. Takes an hour to clean the furnace and blow out the pipes or whatever else they do. $130.35 for an hours work! Okay, he says I now have hot water. Hey, it is early so I did some house work and a load of laundry. Around noon I take Rory down to my grooming area in the basement. (I need to

Saturday dawns half an hour before we reach out destination. All goes well for ringtime at 10:45 AM. Rory behaves for the most part and takes his class. A fair showing for us both. The rest of the day is spent visiting with friends, getting Rory's grooming touched up, watching his cousin go in the

Sunday morning we are on the show grounds by 7. Exercising and getting Rory ready for ring time. He goes in at 9:30. I'm feeling good, he is raring to go. Our class is called. The judge tells me to take him around the ring. Off we go.......Wow! Ooops! Ouch! No! Down I go! Instead of Rory running to my left I let out a little extra lead and he ran RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME!!! There was no way I could stop and I fell right over him. Landing on my right shoulder and rib cage. And never letting go of the lead! The judge was as nice as could be. I didn't stop to think but got up and started all over. This time I made sure to keep the lead short. Rory and I finished our turn without any further fuss. Except to my pride. All I could think of was that it was a good thing I had tights on. Embarrassing moment 101. We came home from the two shows with two more blue ribbons but no more points. It looks like we have more practicing to do. I am okay. Much better today than I was yesterday. A little sore but okay. And with luck that will be gone by this coming weekend when we have another show on Sunday, Halloween.
Here is the other winning news making this a pretty good week, except for the fall. I am sure most of spent a few minutes at the Online Needlework Show this past weekend. It had started on Thursday and I know I tried to enter as many of the doorprize contests as possible. Some I even managed to enter a couple of days. And guess what? I won one! I won a doorprize from Of Generations Past. They have a few lighthouse type patterns that I know I can do for a couple of my brothers. They love those kinds of things.

And the bestest stitchy news of all was when I read this blog post from Ellen of With my Needle. (click on the words this blog post) Talk about being thrilled and honored! She used the name I submitted to her name this pattern/needle hornbook. I am just tickled to pieces. My prize will be a needle primer and pattern as soon as they are ready to go. She says that should be early next week. I can't wait!
I have no other stitching to show. My exchanges are all stitched but I have to finish them and get them out. So I will leave you with a couple more of photos of Rory.
Love and stitches
and licks from Rory too