Eleanor, Muriel, Pat and Viola
My Aunt was not only a wonderful lady but one of the women in my life who encouraged crafts. (My Mom was not a crafty type.) She too was once a cross stitcher. And I well remember her trying to teach me to crochet and knit. I did try both and only ever finished one crochet project. An afghan that took 5 years and was so bad I gave it to my dog to sleep on! Those two needle arts didn't last with me once I found cross stitch. While cleaning last weekend I found two pieces my Aunt had stitched for my Mom. Aren't they sweet? (I am giving one of my sisters the "Sisters are Love" piece. I know she will appreciate it.)

I did get some stitching in this past week. I finished a Lizzie Kate piece, "Bless Our Home."

And I received my
HoE stitch red for your heart exchange.
Deanne stitched me the prettiest pin pillow. The photo really doesn't show you how lovely and sparkly the fabric is. She also sent me a few extras. She didn't have to but I love them. Especially the cute buttons!

Next the reindeer themed ornament that I stitched for that HoE exchange arrived at its new home.
Gwen was kind enough to let me use her photo since, silly me, I forgot to take one before I mailed it. It is a Sampler Girl free pattern. And instead of putting Christmas Eve on it I stitched Gwen's initials and the year. I love the way it turned out and may have to stitch this one again.
Are you still here? Good. Now it's time for the Rory part of this update. No shows but Rory is still keeping busy and provided me with hours of joy and laughter. He also learned a new trick since my last post. I mentioned earlier that company came to stay with me for my Aunt's wake and funeral right? Well, my dear sweet brother, Tim, taught Rory how to sit in a chair at the kitchen table. Okay, so Rory already knew how since he would use the chair to get on the table and steal Rosies food when she was alive. But I never ever encouraged it. And usually had the chairs blocked. Now whenever I get up from the table Rory jumps on the chair and sits there.

I decided to put this new trick to good use and did a pre-Birthday photo shoot so he will be all ready for this Saturday, March 5th, his second Birthday. I can't believe he will be two already. Wow, it has been a fun time watching him grow.
Also this Saturday will be the drawing for my "Thank you Giveaway." A $25 gift certificate for the online LNS,
Down Sunshine Lane. You have to comment on the
previous post to be included. (Or click
HERE and it will take you to the correct post.) A number of you have left me comments (which I love! Thank you.) but
did not mention that you want to be included in the giveaway. If you do wish to be in the running than please go back and leave a comment saying so.

Now I would like to offer two more special giveaways. Both are in honor of Rory's second Birthday. That's right TWO giveaways. One will be a stitchy giveaway for dog lovers. Including some doggie fabric, at least two doggie patterns, and various other dog themed items a stitcher can use. The second one is for your dog from Rory. It will include a couple of toys and treats and, well, I haven't figured out what else. But your furry pup should love it.
The rules? 1. You must leave a comment on this post and your MUST be sure to tell me you want to be in the giveaway.
2. You must tell me which giveaway. The Pup one or the Stitchy one. And yes, you can enter both but must leave a comment for each.
3. If you enter the Pup giveaway you need to tell me about your canine furbaby.
4. I must have a way to contact you if your email is not in your profile.
5. That's it. No other hoops to go through. Oh, and international readers are welcome.
The drawing for this giveaway will be Saturday, March 12th. I had hoped to do it earlier but with everything going on I didn't get the chance to post this until today. (I actually started this post yesterday on the 1st but didn't get to finish it!) And the following weekend Rory and I will be at dog shows. So the 12th it is.
Thank you again for all you wonderful comments and I look forward to reading about your four-footed babies.
Until next time................
Love and stitches
and licks from Rory too.
PS. Edited 3/2 . Another gift in the Stitchy giveaway will be a copy of A Dog's Purpose:A Novel for Humans by W. Bruce Cameron . A fabulous book that I won in a giveaway and want to pass on. Any dog lover will adore this book!
PSS. edited again to add: IMPORTANT!! You must say which giveaway you are entering. The stitchy one. Or the Doggie one!