Rory even tried to help with my stitching!
For the past month or so I have been stitching like crazy (when Rory lets me) but I can't show you any of it yet. I've stitched 8 ornaments so far and have two more to go by New Year's. I've also stitched two samplers and another piece for one of my brothers. I am never sure who looks at my blog and who doesn't so after Christmas there will be lots of stitchy photos. I am looking forward to Christmas Day and a new start. I have it all kitted up and waiting. What, you ask? I am going to stitch up You are my Sunshine by La D Da. A song I have always sung to my nieces and nephews when they were little and now sing to Rory.I knew I had a number of things to get done before Christmas so I didn't sign up for any exchanges. I hope to get back to them in the New Year. I only have a few photos of the ones I did in October. Unfortunately the other photos were on the camera that was stolen. Here are some of the pieces I did before the Christmas stitching rush began. Including a finish that I did in October.
HOE Words of Christmas from Meari
HOE Autumn exchange stitched by me.
I have had a very hard time getting into the spirit of the season this year. Even though it has been three years since my Mom passed I seem to miss her more each Christmas. In her memory I did put up the Christmas village. That was always her favorite part of decorating. I have many photos of her sitting on the floor both putting the village out and showing it to the grandchildren. Here is my version for this year.
Last weekend I finally put up the tree. It's for Rory. Really it is. If you look carefully you'll see that all or almost all the ornaments are dog related. So it is Rory's tree.
Love and stitches
and licks from Rory too