Sorry I have been such a bad blogger. I blame it on two things. Facebook, which is so easy to get lost in, and being very busy. Busy stitching, busy working, busy with Rory and just busy with life. That's the story of the last month. Whew. Time for a breather but it sure doesn't look like that is happening any time soon. The first dog shows of the year are this weekend. Than my great nephew's Birthday and party the following weekend. Deadlines are fast approaching at work and another stitching exchange to get finished soon. Oh well, I can't complain about being bored.

Since I posted last I have actually had two stitching finishes for me. Both are the pieces I started on Christmas day and new Year's day. I also finished one exchange piece but since I only mailed it today I can't show any pics yet.

My first finish is La D Da's My Sunshine. I just loved stitching this. A quick stitch and one that makes me smile every time I see it. I sing this song to Rory all the time. This chart was generously passed on to me by Kat G of
Flopsykitten stitchin'. Thank you so very much for letting me stitch this. And continuing with that spirit I would like to pass it on to another stitcher. Leave a comment and if there are more than one wanting it I will put your names in a hat. Make sure you leave your email so I can contact you.

The second finish is Hooked on Dogs. Rather appropriate don't you think? I want to find a couple of Irish setter charms instead of the ones that came with it. So framing this will be a little while.

I also started two new pieces.

Now for the Rory portion of the posting. Even though we haven't done any showing the past few months we have been keeping busy. Rory was asked to be a model for a local company,
Mighty Mite Dog Gear, (click on the company name to see the whole page.) that sells Agility equipment, among other things. He was also asked (by the same woman) to help a little poodle overcome her fear of big dogs and me to play with my camera and help her with that fear. We all spent a couple of afternoons having a grand old time. Little Phoebe, the toy poodle, got so that she kept running up to Rory and teasing him something terrible. And poor Rory couldn't go chasing her. After all she is only 4 pounds and Rory is 74 so we did keep Rory on a leash. He was such a gentleman. Every time she came up to him he would lay down so he didn't scare her.

We had our first snow of the winter. One of Rory's favorite things. Catching snowballs! It didn't last but it was fun while it did.

And last but not least Rory had to have his Valentine photos taken. He so wants a sweetheart.
Until next time......................

Rory and I hope you all have a wonderful Valentine's Day.
Love and stitches
and licks from Rory too