His name is Rory. He is 11 weeks old. And I am one very happy Mom. Isn't he precious?

I hope you all don't get too bored of photos of my new baby. I promise to include some stitching in the next post.

I miss my Maggie and was ready for a new "furbaby." I was actually thinking of getting a cocker this time. (I have had Irish setters for over thirty years.) Last weekend I went to a local dog show and talked to a few breeders. While wandering around I spotted a camper with a bunch of Irish puppies being exercised. Well, of course I had to look. Now all puppies are adorable. I know that. So I didn't say anything to the breeder. Later that afternoon I stayed to watch the setters. The woman with the puppies was showing an absolutely stunning dog who I thought was breathtakingly beautiful. She was just the type of setter I like.
Well for the next day and night I couldn't stop thinking about those puppies. So I emailed the breeder. Three days of back and forth emails and phone calls and a ten hour car trip and Rory came home with me yesterday.

Rory, my little boy, wouldn't be my boy if not for the world's greatest brother! You see he, my baby brother, bought my Rory for me. Greg, if you read this know that you are the BEST BROTHER. Thank you Greg.

I hope you all don't get too bored of photos of my new baby. I promise to include some stitching in the next post.

Until then............
Love and stitches,
and Rory too