I did manage to get some stitching in. And I have actually finished the stitching on both my exchange pieces! Now to finish them off so I can get them in the mail before the deadline which is this Saturday. I know, I know, nothing like waiting until the last minute. (Sigh.)
Of course I had good intentions of starting the two pieces while I was on vacation. Now I realize that was not very realistic. I'll know better next year. I hope. I so enjoy exchanges. Getting stitched things from someone who stitched it just for you. And stitching something for someone else. I think I enjoy choosing the right pattern more than the stitching itself.
Speaking of exchanges I received my ornament from the BBI yahoo group Christmas in July ornament swap. Mine came from Charlene in SC. Isn't it beautiful? I love it. Thank you very much Charlene for this. It is perfect and I can't wait to hang it on my tree. Now this exchange was a secret and, no, Charlene is not my partner. I won't say who since I haven't mailed her ornament yet. Soon. 
And I found another exchange to join! This one is a Little House Needleworks design exchange. One of my absolute favorite designers!! I can't wait. If you would like to participate the blog is located here (LHN Exchange Group) and if I read it right you have until tomorrow (Tuesday the 28th--my niece's birthday! Happy Birthday Val!) to sign up.
As you can see Rory is getting bigger. He is up to 40 pounds already. Our handling class went well last week. He stands very well. The moving part is another story. Rory wants to bounce, jump and run instead of the nice pacing at my side. We have worked on it all week and we'll see if there is any improvement tomorrow night. He is doing well in basic obedience as well. Though we still have to work on his pulling on leash and his tendency of jumping on people.
So I'll leave you all with an amusing Rory tale. This past Friday morning I ended up chasing him around the backyard to take away the dead mouse he found. Yuck! I did and of course he really
wanted it back. Not happening. As I am trying to hold the dead thing by the tippy tip of its dead tail Rory is jumping higher and higher to try and reach it. All this just minutes before I had to leave to catch my train to work. Needless to say the adrenaline was pumping Friday morning. :) Then this am was another new one. I was getting my lunch together and heard a thump behind me. I turn and there is Rory on TOP of the kitchen table!! (The thump was a book falling off.) I guess he figured that Rosie (the cat) is allowed up there so he must be too. NOT. I guess we will have to work on that one as well.
So until next time...........................
Love and stitches,
and licks from Rory too