Wednesday, October 21, 2009

To Thank you with a special giveaway

One year ago today I created this blog to share my stitching ups and downs with the wonderful people in the stitching blogging world. I had three comments to that first post from three lovely ladies that I count as dear friends, Mare, Nancy M and Meari. Thank you.

My blog became a way for me to share my love of stitching but also quickly became a way to share the pain and fears I was experiencing while taking care of my Mom. Little did I know that my blog would include the last six and a half weeks of my Mom’s life, her passing in early December and my outpouring of grief and sorrow. (the photo to the right is one of my Mom, me and my Maggie at age 4, Christmas 1998)

This past year has included and continues to include some major readjustments to being alone without my best friend, my Mom. The first Birthday, Mother’s Day, and all holidays without her there. I miss her with all my heart.

But this year hasn’t been all sorrow and tears. Especially in last five months with the arrival of my new pup, Rory. And even more recently the beginnings of Rory’s career in a dog show ring. This marks the beginning of a long dormant dream of mine. To raise and show an Irish setter.

Through it all there have been so many wonderful people who have listened to my tears and brought me comfort with their kind words. Other bloggers who have left comments of praise for my stitching which warmed my heart and inspired me to stitch more. And some fellow bloggers who continue to share my smiles and pride of my beautiful boy, Rory. I hope in the next year to continue sharing with you my ups and downs. And I hope and pray that there will be many more ups than downs. Lots more stitching finishes and more shows and ribbons for Rory.

How can I ever thank you all? Each comment, each private email, each dear sweet one of you? I can never find the right words that express how much you all mean to me. (And I am trying but not really succeeding in holding back the tears.) Just know that each comment, each and every one warms me to my soul.

I know one way to say thank you. I am going to end this post with something good. A giveaway. Not one but two of them! In celebration of my first Blogaversay (and hitting the 100th follower milestone) I will be drawing two names for two separate giveaway prizes.

The first is a selection of at least four patterns and four pieces of fabric. (Click on the photo to see part of the selection in giveaway 1) I will add another pattern or two or some floss or other stitching items but they will be a surprise.

The second will be for the BBD pattern, Awake the Dawning Day, that I just finished and the floss that is left. Except for one color, Weeks Dye Scuppermong, it looks like there is plenty left to stitch the piece again. You provide the fabric. I am hoping that this one will be passed along when the winner here is finished stitching it. I will also include some other stitching items but they will be a surprise.

Included with both giveaway 1 and 2 will be a Christmas ornament that I am working on. That too will be a surprise.

Now for the rules.

To be entered in either giveaway you need to leave a comment to this post. And this post only.
If you prefer either giveaway 1 or 2 then please mention that in the comment. If you don’t I will include your name in both.
For a second chance in the drawing please tell others about the giveaway and post a link on your blog.
For another chance tell me if you are a follower. Or become one.

I will mail anywhere, US, Canada, Europe, etc. And I do allow anonymous comments. So feel free to enter. You have until midnight, October 31, Halloween, to enter. I (with Rory’s help of course) will draw the winners on Sunday, November 1 and announce the winners on Monday.

Oh and the most important rule. Your email address. Either leave it as part of your post or make sure it is on your blog so I can contact you.

Until next time…………

Love and stitches
and Rory too
****(edited to add) PS
To anonymous who said "Sorry you didn't like Rich and Spicey..." It's not that I don't like it but I got a second one from someone else. I don't need two of the same pattern. So it will be someone else's gain.


Tracey said...

Wow Kathy! What a sweet post and generous giveaways. Please enter me in the one for Awake the Dawning Day, I love this pattern!

Tracey said...

Oh and I am a follower already. :) Going to post on my blog about your giveaways now. :)

Meari said...


Has it really been a year already?? Times does fly by, doesn't it? You have been through so much in the past year. I'm glad you have Rory to keep you company and have enjoyed watching his progress and hearing about his puppy antics :). Your stitching updates are always so nice -- You so such good work.

I'm honored that you consider me "friend" and thank you for helping me and giving advice when my Dad was going through his health issues.

Please include me in your drawing (I'll put a blurb on my next MM update)... and lastly.... Happy Blogversary, girlfriend!

Meari said...

Oops... that should have said: "You DO such good work." LOL

Anonymous said...

found your blog from a yahoo group. Reading your post about your mom brought back lots of memories for me--my mother passed in March of '96 and that first Mothers Day was a heart breaker. The pain has eased but I still miss her as well as my Dad. The fun memories eventually overtake the sadness.
I would love to get the Blackbird Design. Love those gals--they are so talented.
Thanks for the opportunity to win.

Emily in NC said...

Wow, its only been a year. Seems like much longer to have been reading about all your sadness and adventures. Enter me in both your giveaways as I would be most pleased with anything.

Kathy A. said...

What a lovely tribute to your fellow stitchers. They are indeed a special group. We quickly become parts of each other's lives.
I am a follower of your blog and would like to be included in your giveaways.
Please toss my name for #1
And Happy Blogaversary!!!! Kathy with a

Anonymous said...

Hey Kathy,
I've been following you through Booke Books yahoo group. I love reading about Rory.....I love Irish Setters....and Rory is such a cutie, and he has done so well in his shows. Congrats on your blog.
Nan Davis (

Julie Routon said...

Wow I cannot believe it has been a year. How the time flys...I love reading your blog. I don't always comment but really enjoy what you post about.

I will post a special post on blog for you! said...

Hi Kathy, I follow you onBrooke's group. i would love to become the new owner of either give away but I do love the pattern in #2. Love keeping up with Rory as well.

Carolyn NC said...

You said it beautifully. We treasure you (along with your blog!) and love to hear the trials and tribulations of raising your sweet little...ahem, big, Rory! We share your sorrow about your mother and we will all continue to be your friend.
Happy Blogaversary!

Carolyn NC said...

Oh yeah, I forgot! Could you enter me in giveaway #2? I'm already a follower. :)Thanks for the fun chance!

Edgar said...

What a super Give Away!! Throw my name in please.


Anonymous said...

I would love to be added to your giveaway for either 1 or 2. I love sharing my projects with other stitchers also and love to get ideas from them also. I posted your giveaway on my blog
~Mary in TX - ILCS

Debbie Jo said...

Where has the year gone! I have always loved following your blog and I am a follower as well. It is a pleasure watching your stitching come alive and reading about how things are going,,happy, sad,,fun,,or just life. I just love reading about Rory's antics and shows too.

Congrats on your Blogaversary!!

Julie R's Crafting Blog said...

Wow I cannot believe it has been a year. How the time flys...I love reading your blog. I don't always comment but really enjoy what you post about.

I posted it on both my blogs!!!

Françoise said...

Hello Kathy
Beautifull words
I would love to be added to your giveways
Thanks thanks

Mel said...

Kathy what a wonderful giveaway! I do not care which one I win so please feel free to include me in both.
I am also a follower of your blog.

Marion said...

Hi Kathy,

I would love to be added to your giveaways. Keep up the good blog. Hugs to Rory.

on Long Island, NY

Katrien said...

Congrats on your blog-aversary. You're being very generous with your give-away. I would love to enter.
Katrien - ILCS
princesje @ skynet . be

staci said...

Happy blogiversary!!! What a fun and generous giveaway you've put together...keeping my fingers crossed :)

Charlene ♥ NC said...

Congratulations! You've made it through what must be one of the most difficult times of your life! You brought tears to my eyes, as well. What joy Rory has brought to you, and us as well.

Thanks for sharing with us, and for the opportunity to win the giveaway! I would like to be entered into drawing number 2, and will post a link on my blog!

Alice said...

I still remember the first post I read on Meagan's forum about what you were going through losing your mom like that. With time comes healing and also in the form of Rory. Happy blogiversary!!! I hope to read your blog for many years to come. Don't enter me for the draw's, I just wanted to say hi.

Jonnie (JB) said...

How generous of you! I would be happy to win either giveaway. Oh, and I just became a follower.

omashee aka Barb said...

Congrats Kathy on you Blogoversary & 100th! I've enjoyed you blog and adventures with Rory. Am a follower & have posted a comment on my blog
Would love to win your BBD pattern. It's on my wishlist.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the first year anniversary of your blog! Sorry you didn't like Rich and Spicey. It was on your wish list at the time.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your anniversary...and I love the blog!!

I have only recently become an official follower, but I have been lurky in the background for quite a while.

Rory is beautiful and will bring you years of love and great success!

I would love to be entered in both drawings! I have posted your link on my blog as well.

May your sweet mother's love stay with you forever :O)!


Pam said...

Hey Kathy! I missed seeing you at sit and stiche last week, but it was the rehearsal dinner for my BIL's wedding. I posted pictures of my family fromt he wedding on my blog if you are interested in looking.

I can relate to how you are feeling about the loss of your mom. I don't know if we ever talked about it, but I lost both of my parents in an accidednt nine years ago and it was so hard to lose them. That first year of firsts is so hard, but I can honestly say that it does get easier. Maybe it's because my kids are still young and I am so wrapped up in raising them and taking care of my family, but it's not as tough as it used to be. Don't get me wrong; there are so many things that I wish my mom and dad could have been here to see, but the hurt does lessen. if you never want to e-mail me, please do.

Can I be entered into the give away? I'll keep my fingers crossed!

Vicky L said...

Where did the year go? Happy blogiversary! I love reading your blog about your stitching and new stories of Rory. Even though I read every post, I officially became a follower today. I didn't realize I wasn't one earlier. I will be putting a post about your giveaway on my blog too. Congratulations!

Vicki in CO said...


What great giveaways! Please enter me. Congrats on your first blog-aversary! I am already a follower.

I will post about your giveaway on my blog as well:

Angela said...

Congrats on your blogiversary :) I am already a follower and have been enjoying your blog and puppy pics for awhile now!

Please enter me in draw #2 as I just LOVE your finish!

Many thanks,

Sadie said...

Congratulations on reaching your first year milestone AND passing 100 followers :-)
Your blog is always such a joy to read Kathy and I love to hear about your stitching and Rorys antics too.
Please enter me into your giveaway, I would be happy to win either of the two prizes, but I think prize number 2 would be my first choice.
I am a follower and have posted a link on my blog too.
Happy Blogaversary Kathy

Cynimin said...

Hi Kathy,
I have also followed your healing progress this year and I must say you are an inspiration to the rest of us. Even though I don't post much, please know that we are reading and you are helping others too.I'm not looking forward to that day when my Mom is gone. And your dog 'Rory' is beautiful. Dogs really are helping healers aren't they. Please enter me in your giveaway, I'll post an entry on my blog also.
Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Happy blogiversary, Kathy! I don't have a blog yet of my own but enjoy reading yours.

Thanks so much for the drawing. I love both prizes so I'm not picky if I were to win.


Milly~ said...

Amazing how quickly the time passes. I've enjoyed reading your blog on a regular basis and I am a follower of it. I would love to be included in Give Away #2 and will post this information to my blog. Take care and here's to another (less painful) year. Hugs.

GoldenAngelsWorks said...

Happy Blog-versary.

What great drawings and a ornament made by your own hands... who could ask for more.

Please include me in the drawing for #1. I am a follower and have posted about your drawing in my blog.

Thank you for this opportunity to join in on the fun.

Dawn said...

Oh Kathy! I love your words about your mom. I would like to be in for the first giveaway. That's so perfect for my girls (princess), something I can make for their teacher (end of year) & my sis in law love gingerbread man. I love those charts & fabric. Count me in! I'm follower for months & know you from OOE. I will post to announce your giveaway!! HUGS, Dawn

Dawn said...

Forgot to include my email addy ~ ~ Dawn ~

Kim Reid said...

Happy 1ST Blogaversary! Love reading your blog - I am a follower and please enter me in your wonderful giveaways - Thanks!

Cindy's Stitching said...

Your blog is wonderful. Thank you for holding a drawing. Maybe I will be lucky.
Cindy - NY

craftypatty2 said...

Hello Kathy,
Happy Blogversary
WOW can not believe that a year has past already. Please enter me in your draw, I sign up to be a follower today didn't know that was so easy and I will add this to my blog as well.

Ranae said...

Hi! I just wanted to say "Happy Blogoversary". I have the BBD and I really don't need more to stitch right now, lol. So please don't count me in. I love reading your blog and hope you have many more wonderful years of blogging.

Did you see my give-away on my blog for over 100 followers too?

Good luck! to everyone

Anonymous said...

Lovely giveaway! Please enter me.

Anonymous said...

I became a follower of your blog today. It's lovely!

Alice said...

Congratulations on the anniversary! Please enter me in the drawing for Awake the Dawning Day and if I win, I will be happy to pass it along to another stitcher! Alice - email is I am going to be a follower on your blog also. Thanks!

blueladie said...

I have so enjoyed reading about you and Rory. It has been a pleasure. Happy Blogaversary. Thanks for sharing.

LHN/CCN group

Sheila said...

I found your blog from just looking around at different ones and when I started mine, you were one of the first to leave a comment. I have enjoyed seeing your finishes and hearing about Rory. I have two dogs so I know how they can be. I am sorry about your mom. I' going to post on my blog about your giveaway, you caan enter me for either.
Good luck and I enjoy following your blog.

Nancy M said...

2 wows....It's only been a year since you started blogging??? And I was one of the first to comment? I didn't realize either of those! Your posting is just so sweet and exactly why I enjoy reading your blog. I'm so glad that you have Rory now and are doing what you have put on hold for so long. Happy stitching!!!! You don't need to include my in your drawing, you are offering very nice things. But as you know I'm having a hard enough time getting to all my stash!

Diana said...

Congratulations on 1 year of blogging! I hope this next year is full of "ups" for you. I enjoy seeing and hearing about Rory. He seems like a very special dog.

Anonymous said...

I love your blog please enter me for both and I will pif any pattern I win when I am done thanks Donna and huggss to Rory

Anonymous said...

I would like to have a second entry I am following your blog on mine thanks Donna

Sherry said...

Kathy, I am so glad I got to know you through blogworld. You are a favorite person of mine. I can feel your pain and loss over your mother and I know I will be facing many of those same "first" this coming year. You know how much I love seeing Rory change and grow as he prepares for his shows.

Happy Blogiversary and I look forward to spending another year reading your blog! Do not enter my name in the giveaways as I have too many still waiting to be stitched!

Ellen said...

Happy Blogoversary! Please enter me for giveaway 2, I love BBD designs.

I always admire your beautiful stitching.


Mistylynn said...

I am so sorry to hear about your mom. She sounds like a wonderful woman. I would love to enter for draw number 1.

Mistylynn said...

Forgot to say i am a follower of your blog


Anonymous said...

Hi Kathy
You boy Rory is beautiful.
I love to see what other stitchers are working on.
Thanks for the generoue giveaway.
I would love to try for #1.I am a snowman lover.

VinGirl said...

Congratulations to you, hon! I would love to be considered for giveaway 1 please, thank you so very much!



Donna said...

Congrats on the anniversary. I have so enjoyed my online friendship with you!

Anonymous said...

Hey Kathy,

I remember when you started this blog as you were dealing with the loss of your Mom. It's hard to believe it's been a year! Thanks for sharing with us. I lost my Aunt about the same time and it's always comforting to hear someone else's thoughts and feelings.

Thanks for being a part of our group! Meagan

By the way...I would love the BBD chart =)

Anonymous said...

Kathy, I am sitting here crying my eyes out over this post. I think most of us feel the same about our blogging/stitching friends but sometimes it takes someone to put it into words - thank you!
I hope 2010 is a fantastic year for you.
please enter me in your drawing; I'll take either LOL!!!
I'm becoming a follower and will post a link on my blog, so I guess that gives me 3 entries, woohoo!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your blogversary, Kathy. I'm already a follower of your blog. Would love to win either of your very generous prizes. Thanks for the opportunity.
Barb in TX

5 Foot Runt said...

Congrats! PLease enter me for give away 2 and yes I follow your blog. I am glad to hear that this blog has been a source of relief and support for you. Good luck to all those who enter.

Anonymous said...

just love to look at other folks stitching.... what gifts these are,
you do nice work.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your blog anniversary. I enjoy reading your blog and hearing about Rory. Thanks for sharing.


Jeanie said...

How time flies ! Congrats on your 1st blogoversary, Kathy. Soon it will be mine :)

Please include me in your drawing :) Thank you !

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your blogoversary! You don't need to include me in your draw because I haven't commented before, but I just wanted to say how pretty your Dawning Day piece is - nice work!

Myra said...

Hi! I have only been reading your blog for a short time and didn't realize all you have been through. I know how tough it is to lose a parent and even years later, the memories pop up when you least expect them. It is great that you have Rory and he is such a handsome fellow too. Thank you for sharing your life with us. I have enjoyed following yours and Rory's adventures in the ring. Please enter me in your drawing.

Cindy in MA said...

I love your blog mainly because your Rory reminds me of our Brandi.
She is a 5 year old Irish Setter.
I also love the beautiful stitching you do.
My email is
I don't have a blog yet.
Cindy in MA

cookiekenney said...

Kathy, I like your gingerbread man pattern but your dog is beautiful!

Lisa V said...

How generous of you, its such a lovely giveaway.
I've enjoyed watching Rory, and i'm sure he will definately be bowling them over and winning more ribbons over the years.
Pls enter me in both draws, I especially like the idea of the BBD pattern being handed around after the winner has stitched it up, I would definately do that myself. My email contact is in my blog profile. Oh and I am a follower to. Cheers LISA V.

Yese said...

I became a follower just recently after seeing a posting on a yahoo group and just enjoy reading your posts, even tho I don't leave a comment often (or if at all) I do read your blog. Thanks for the chance to be entered into the giveaways. Now.....I'm off to post your giveaway on my blog.


Pauline said...

Hi Kathy! My mum passed away 12 years ago, whilst I was pregnant with my son. I miss her, but she quite often visits me in my dreams which is comforting.

Anyway, congratulations on your blogiversary! Please enter me in both draws, and if I don't win, can you please send Rory this time? I wanted to win him in your competition a while ago, but missed out! My Jack would share his dog rug with him, I promise!


Pauline said...

Oh, forgot to say, I'm already a follower, and also, you've really set the standard for blogiversary giveaways! Mine's coming up in 72 days. I'd better start destashing!

Shari said...

I must not have been reading your blog back then. Sorry! I am so happy you now have Rory to help keep your mind occupied. Our fury friends are so important to us!
Congrats on 1 year & keep up the great blogging.
I would love to be entered in your drawing!

Carol said...

Hi Kathy... Congratulations on your 1 year anniversary. You sure have been through a lot over the past year. I can't even imagine what losing my 82-year-old mom will be like for me... I'm glad Rory is such a comfort to you.

I'm already a follower and would love to be entered into your drawing :)
Thanks for the chance...

Kat said...

Hi Kathy,

I am a new follower and I'd love to be entered into your giveaway! Congrats on your first year!


Carol R said...

Congratulations on your first year blogoversary! Please enter me into your giveaway.

The Chief's Chef said...

Hi Please enter me in the giveaway. My email address is canneram at gmail dot com I have also become a follower. Cheers Cheryl at Low Income Lady and HAEDxstitch.

Ariadne said...

I still have my mum but lost my best friend who was my dad 11 years ago.I still cry when I think of him.He loved my stitching. I would love to be included in your very generous drawing.Ariadne from Greece

Dawn said...

Kathy, Time flies when you are blogging, and stitching doesn't it. Happy Blogoversary! As with all the other fellow stitchers on BBI group,I have followed your blog through all the trials and tribulations that you have been through.
You words are very sweet, and what a generous giveaway, I would love to be included please.


wot said...

I'm already a follower, and I would like to enter your giveaway, doesn't matter which one. I mentioned you on my blog, linking here. My email is jadestitch @ gmail . com without the spaces of course.

Anonymous said...

You certainly have a very nice blog, I follow it from I-love-cross-stitch yahoo group but rarely leave a comment (I´m quite shy).

Happy blogaversary!!!!


Kimberly~~~ said...

Sorry about your Mom's passing!!!!! I am sending prayers to lift your soul......
Thank you for a chance and I would like to be added to Giveaway 1 please.
PS Rory is adorable!!!!
I am Mom to 9 parrots, 4 cats and 2 dogs...LOL
mycatjj @ hotmail. com

Lynn S. said...

Really enjoy looking through your little blog! Congrat's on your anniversary too! I'd love to be included in the drawings for either of the items...Give Rory a pat on the head for me too! LOVE dogs but can't have them because of a family member allergy :(
Thanks for sharing your items too!

Unknown said...

Congrats on your blogaversary. Mine is coming up in the very near future. I love your dog Rory. I have loved Irish Setters since I read the book Big Red. I dont have a preference for the drawings and I have become a follower to see your wonderful stitching and how Rory progresses in the ring. Have a great weekend.

Unknown said...

By the way I have a link to your blog on my blog Mind Wanderings.
Penny I

Kate said...

Hi, Kathy -
I found your beautiful blog via Milly D. I especially love reading about Rory as we used to bred and show beagles. What a challenge you have undertaken.
I love both groups of I would be perfectly happy just winning.
Keep up the great work -
Kate or

Parsley said...

I'm a NEW stitcher so I was very excited about this giveaway.

Please enter me.

I now follow. I will also put this on my blog. I hesitate to list an email because of spam but if I win you can let me know via my blog and I'll email you from there. Thanks!!! God bless.

Kristin said...

Happy Blogoversary! I love seeing whatever you are working on and I love seeing pics of your beautiful pup.

Katri said...

Congratulations on the first year of blogging!

I found your blog around the time Rory came to your life, and having a puppy at home myself, it has been interesting to follow Rory's growing up. And of course I'm here to admire your lovely stitching!

Siobhán said...

Kathy, I missed your other post but didn't want to miss a chance to congratulate you on your finishes. Woohoo! They're beautiful. Love your new start, too.

Congratulations on your first year of blogging!! :) Please don't enter me in the giveaway... I have some of the charts & don't think I'd stitch the others, so don't want to take the opportunity from somebody else that would use them. Thank you for the offer, though! :)

Rory is too cute! I hope his bad habits clear up. I heard about a friend's beagle that snatches food out of people's hands while they are raising the hand to their mouths to bite it... it could be worse than swiping the food off the counter!! ;) I hope your injuries are healing quickly.

Marion said...

Wow, has it been a year?? Time flies! I think we all miss our mom's and think of them every day.
I'd be happy to enter your very generous giveaway!
Take care

Vicki's Stitching In Oz said...

Happy Blogiversary Kathy! Glad to hear your pain is slowly easing. Love reading your blog, including everything to do with Rory. He's growing into a gorgeous dog, you must be so proud of him. Keep up the great blogging, look forward to years of reading your adventures, and your stitching accomplishments.
Please enter me into either draw. Both look wonderful.

too_busy_to_stitch said...

Happy blogversary Kathy!! I love to read your blog, and have been here almost from the start! I won't enter your giveaway - thank you for the invite - but at the moment I would feel guilt at adding more stash to my SABLE house - and I'm not stitching much at all at the moment. Lucky winners!

AMBER said...

I am very fond of second hand patterns, but have no problem with new ones also. Enter me for both please.

ladyirismom said...

I am so sorry you lost your mother this year. The first year of holidays is roughest. Or so they say. I lost my mom 14 yrs ago and it still feels like yesterday. She went suddenly and young so it was a shock to all of us. I would be honored to be entered in your contest. Thank you so very much and if you need to chat email me.
Leah B in Tn
ladyirismom on 123mb

Terry N said...

Congratulations on your anniversary.Please include me in both giveaways . Thanks and hugs for Rory! Terry N

Anonymous said...

I have not left a comment in a while but I have been stopping by. I love reading your posts and seeing your stitching. Congrats on your blogaversary!! Please enter me in both giveaways.

Lisa Kathryn said...

I love your blog, the photos of your dog and seeing all of the projects. It's such a neat thing to have a give away. I want to make a blog - whenever I can find the time LOL!

JOLENE said...

Happy Blogaversary!!!!! Yeah!! I just found your blog through Cindy's Stitching, and I am so glad I did. I wold love to enter yor giveaway and if you have a moment visit my blog as I am also hosting a giveaway. Have a lovely day!

Kay said...

Hi I am now following your blog! Beautiful stitching! I would love to be entered into the drawing for both giveaways. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Your dog is so beautiful. Good luck in the show ring with him.

I would like to be entered in your giveaways, please.

thank you

Lisa Feltman said...

What a lovely blog! I'm so glad I stumbled across it. You do lovely work, and Rory is just beautiful! Please do enter me in your's very generous of you!


Shelley said...

You are such a generous person! I would love to be entered into the drawing for the first prize. And today I officially became a follower of your blog!

ladyirismom said...

I posted my comment once but I forgot to let you know that I put a post on my blog also. It is
Thanks again for the contest

Edit said...

Congratulations for your anniversary!

Sounds like a wonderful giveaway. I wish so much to be the lucky winner :)

Best wishes,

(edit dot stitching at gmail dot com)

Carin said...

Thanks for this beautifull giveaway !!!
I also posted it on my blog AND I have become a follower.
I have a emailbutton on my blog.
BTW I love the sampler lady in the post before !

Terry said...

Happy Blogversary Kathy! I love the pic of Rory! I bet you can get a lot done when he's sleeping lol.


Berit said...

I would love to win either prize!

Looking at pics of Rory is always a treat; thanks for sharing him here along with your beautiful stitching!

Blu said...

Happy blogversary
What a great giveaway!
I'm a follwer and have posted on my blog.


Robyn in Oz said...

Happy Blogoversary Kathy! Lots of lovely garden photos here & your stitching of course. Love to be entered in both giveaways, always appreciative of any

Gabi said...

Happy Blogoversary Kathy. I would love to be entered in the second give away. I'm a big fan of that chart and would love to stitch it as well.

Gabi said...

Ooops....I didn't read the rules before posting.
Yes, I am a follower of your blog.
And I will put your give away on the sidebar of my blog. I guess that counts also as telling others?

Akila said...

Hi Kathy, congratulations on your first bloggoversary :). I came across your blog through the link in Meari's post. I am not a follower yet, but am determined to follow. Please do count me in for the draws. I will post a link rightaway in my blog.

Donna Blenis said...

I was away for a while, but always kept up with your Blog along with a couple of others. Know you had a rough year, and most of our correspondence was via email. Even while you were going through all that, you cared about me and what I was going through. You are a dear person and friend. And, Rory is just awesome.

I would be interested in either giveaway.

Anonymous said...

Your blog makes me laugh, cry, smile and sometimes makes me feel like I am being hugged. I wouldn't miss it for the world. I am so envious of your perfect photos & that fab garden! Your stitching is always inspiring and often enabling. I really don't need to find more things I have to stitch.

Quiltsmiles said...

What a genereous giveaway. Thanks for sharing your world with fellow bloggers. God bless,

CritterLady62 said...

Please enter me in your giveaway. I'd be happy with either. I am a follower and have added a link on my blog.

CritterLady62 said...

What is the name of the pattern that you have stitched at the top of your blog? I really like the design.

Patricia Lessell said...

I can't believe it's been a whole year. But this year has gone so fast. Please put me in for the first one. I already have the other one sitting waiting to be stitched! I am posting your giveaway on the left hand side of my blog. HAPPY BLOGAVERSARY.
Lots of Love
Patti xxx
P.S. I am not a follower but I do follow you by having you on my bloglist which is on the left hand side too!

dpolinsky said...

Hi Kathy,

I have been reading your blog for several months now, and want to tell you how much I enjoy it. You are the friend I wish I had. Love your stitching, Rory and gardening. Please enter me in your give away. I have recently started cross stitching, it gives me a lot pleasure, and slightly addictive.

Fondly Dianne in Saskatchewan

Nita said...

Please enter me in this very generous giveaway!

Nita said...

I've become your follower - please enter me again!

Nita said...

And I posted about your giveaway on my blog! One more chance to win, please.

Jenna Z said...

Oooh, what a fun group of goodies! I would love to win either one! Rory is gorgeous, are you planning on doing any performance events with him?

Libbie said...

G'day Kathy, I've been a bit of a slacker, but finally made it! Look at the face of your beautiful boy, such and angel, it is so obvious butter wouldn't melt in his mouth :D Stitching looks great, take care Lib

Deb said...

Well, what a group you have of contenders! My heart really felt the weight of your grief about your mother, Kathy. My daughter and I are so close, I couldn't even bear to think one minute about losing her as we are also best friends. It's a gift to be so close, I think, and a blessing. Please know that she will never leave your side 'though you may not see her now. Love never dies and she will always love you.
Now, I would like to be a part of your fancy
giveaway (the 2nd gift package, please). I have posted about you on my blog tonight. And, I'm a follower! Hugs, Deb email:

Kahlie said...

I'd love to be entered in the giveaways. I'm not a follower as I do not have my own blog. My mum usually sends me blogs about stitching to check out. Sorry to hear about your loss.

Conny said...

HAPPY BLOGVERSARY, Kathy! Love reading your blog. Such a beautiful giveaway, please enter me in your drawing. I chose for the first part of it.

stitchinpeanut said...

I would LOVE to be added for either well for both of these giveaways... I love your blog and even though I am a devout stitcher... I have to admit I love catching up with Rory too!!!

I am going to place a link on my blog...


I am joining your followers...

WOW !!! that is 3 chances... maybe Rory will find my name!

Thank you for this AWESOME Giveaway!

Rene la Frog said...

Has it really been that long that I have been following your blog, it seems like just yesterday you started. I'd love to be included in your giveaway and either would be great.

Give that beautiful Rory a pat on the head from me.

Teresa S. said...

Please include me in your drawing. I prefer giveaway #2-all Blackbird Designs turn out adorable! Congratulations on your blogoversary!

Jocelyn said...

What a great giveaway! Please include me in both drawings. Thanks for entering me :-)

Deb said...

Dear Kathy, I'm mentioning you and your Giveaway on my blog. Please continue to enter me in your hat of those included in the draw! I like package #2. :] I hope today is a good day for you.

Jan said...

Wow Kathy, what a wonderful thing to do to commemorate your first year of blogging! Best wishes for another great year of sharing, I know I have always enjoyed coming here and reading what you and Rory have been up to!!

I would really,really love the chance to win the second gift, primarily since I never was able to add that BBD pattern to my stash and I love it!!!

Already a follower and I will be sure to add your giveaway on my blog's sidebar!

Best of luck everyone!!

Ronel said...

Hi Kathy, what a generous giveaway! Please enter me in your draw. I Like the BBD pattern, Awake the Dawning Day. Thank you for the opportunity. Unfortunately I have only discover your blog today, but have add you to my list.
Ronel, Cape Town, South Africa

Vikki Gable said...

Kathy, I can only imagine I will feel the same way when my mother passes (not any time soon please!). My mother and I are very close and I know I will be an absolute mess when the day comes.

Please enter me in your give away. I am a new follower and I'm going to my blog now to post your link.

Take care and best of luck with that adorable pup of yours.

Deb said...

Hi, Kathy, I've been posting your BlogGiveaway on my blog daily, and hoping the "fickle finger of fate" will choose me for giftie #2!! :] Please add me to the drawing hat again. I'm so excited to see who the winners are. Have a great weekend! Hugs, Deb

Deb said...

Hi, Kathy, I've been posting your BlogGiveaway on my blog daily, and hoping the "fickle finger of fate" will choose me for giftie #2!! :] Please add me to the drawing hat again. I'm so excited to see who the winners are. Have a great weekend! Hugs, Deb

Deb said...

PS: I forgot to tell you...I am a follower and here's my email: :]