Normally I wait until all the leaves are down before I rake. I hate raking twice especially since raking aggravates the carpal tunnel in both my wrists. (Yes, I try to remember the wrist braces before I do the raking.) But it was so nice and I really wanted to take a photo of Rory in the leaves. I love how his coat matches the leaves. So I pulled the rake out to get some of the leaves into piles.
I have a pretty large yard and will be doing lots of raking. Do you think I can get him trained to actually rake the leaves in a pile? Right now he just carrys the rake around.
Here are a few other photos of the colors around my yard. 
The only stitching I have to show today is the Lizzie Kate exchange piece I received.
It is gorgeous and I absolutely love it!
Melissa stitched me a two sided, folded ornament. It is really neat looking and I just can't wait to hang it on my tree. The finishing on it is really unique. I hope you can tell from the photos that it is lined with fabric as well as double sided. Isn't it fabulous? Thank you Melissa.
Thank you for all the lovely comments about my PS (yes, it is a Prairie Schooler design) ornament that I stitched. I love reading the comments and especially those about my Rory. They warm my heart and mean so much.
I know I said I was going to start on LHN Winter Wonderland but I haven't quite finished my last exchange piece. Almost but not quite. Maybe today.
Until next time................
Love and stitches
and licks from Rory too.
Aren't fall leaves just so beautiful?
That ornie is really neat.
You know, they say chivalry is dead, but then you show posts of Rory so gallantly carrying the rake for you... what a gentleman!! Oh, if only you could train him to get the leaves into piles, right?! He is too adorable. Thanks for the autumnal pics, too--it warms my heart while it is gray and dreary here.
The ornament that you received is beautiful!
Kathy, Rory is such a lovely russett colour what a beautiful boy! He matches the leaves perfectly I have just started blogging, you can see my goldie on there if you want to go see. He might blend nicely too!!!!
Wonderful photos, Kathy. That's a cute ornie you received in the exchange.
Rory is beautiful! And I love your photos.Here in Asheville, we had a gorgeous weekend, too!
Oh Rory is just beautiful! I bet he's a good hugger too as well as a great helper!
Lovely ornament! I love the pics - yes, Rory could blend right in with his beautiful fall color. Looks like you all had far prettier leaves this year than we did. Not a super pretty year here.
Rory looks beautiful amongst the leaves!!!!! Some of the pictures are postcard perfect!!!!
Love the ornament you received!!!! What a neat way to finish a project!
Rory + Garden Rake = YES.
Could he possibly be cuter–I think not. :D
I also enjoyed seeing your fall foliage. I do love those crimson leaves.
What beautiful colors in your yard. I really miss the Fall colors, nothing like that here in the desert southwest. Good thing you didn't have a big pile of leaves, Rory would have vanished in them, perfect camoflage for him.
That is a really cute ornament.
Love the fall colors!!! Rory looked like a good helper!! lol. I love the fall season, and there are no fall colors here where I live, so I really enjoyed your post! Thanks so much for sharing! =)
Great pictures of Rory and the Autumn look sorroundings.
Cute ornament received.
Wow, he can carry a rake, never got our dog to do that. Let me know when he can rake the leaves and you'll be famous. LOL He is just awesome.
You should send that photo of Rory in the leaves to some competition. It's just perfect!!! I think you need to get a riding lawnmower with a leave one should have to rake! All our leaves are down and we haven't had color for awhile, but it was in the 70's this weekend! Great ornament you received, that folded piece looks wonderful!!!
The colours at your place right now are so amazing. Love those leaves.
Great stitching!
Very cute finish. I love the idea and will have to borrow it. Your dog is too can send him to my yard when he's done.
Lovely fall colours. Rory should be a great helper. Love your ornament.
Love the leaves and pics of Rory. And that double sided ornament is so cute!
Nice all pictures and the exchange is very cute.
Goodness, but Rory has grown! He's so handsome!
Great autumnal photos! And lovely stitching, as usual :-)
Your "four legged child" has so much personality! You could have a blog just on his adventures I'm sure but I'm glad you share your cross stitching with us as well. The colors of autumn are spectacular and the stitched ornament is so sweet. Take care.
The fall leaves are almost as gorgeous as Rory and the exchange you received.
Patti xxx
Lovely Autumn colors, Rory looks right at home in the leaves! Wonderful and unique LK exchange :)
Beautiful ornie. Such an unusual finishing technique. I'll have to research that one. Rory looks so regal when you sits with his head up high. The colors of fall in your yard are to die for. We don't get those gorgeous colors in Cali:(
Fall is my favorite time of year I love the colors and the smells.
I think Rory is smart enough to be trained into raking the yard :) But if not he's pretty darn cute just carrying around the rake.
Thanks for the pictures of fall and of Rory hes a beautiful boy.
Take Care
Rory is an adorable helper! He does look pretty in the leaves and matches perfectly. :-) The ornie is very nice! I like the idea of the double side...I think I saw that in TGOSM. I especially like the second!! LOL
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