Just a quick note to let you all know that I am still here. I have been crazy busy. With Rory and dog shows and work. I haven't been getting a lot of stitching done. And what I have gotten accomplished is for two exchanges that have to go out soon. Like Monday! So no photos.
Rory and I went to a Match show last weekend. Those are just for fun and most of the dogs there are puppies like Rory so there's no pressure. Good thing since Rory decided to act like he had never been to a show before. Instead of trotting nicely around the ring he thought he would jump up and down and bounce off of me. I wanted to brain him! The judge was a real sweetie and let us try four times before Rory remembered what to do. And then the judge gave him first place over the other setter that was entered! WOO HOO!! Then when I took Rory to handling class on Tuesday he was perfect. Go figure. I also took Rory to have his pictures taken by a photographer at our local Petco. They turned out really nice and I can't wait to get them.
Tomorrow we are off to visit with my brother and sister-in-law. There are two shows right down the road from them so Rory and I get to visit and go to two more shows. These are real shows so I sure hope Rory doesn't decide to pull his stunt again. But if he does that's okay since I do want him to have fun. I only hope he plays his games outside the show ring not inside. My DB wants to come watch me run in circles. (I can just hear the comments now!) That means I'll have someone there to take some photos. Yippee!
The following weekend is another fun Match show. At the same place that Rory goes to class. And the weekend after that are three more shows.
Whew. I am tired already.
So there you have it folks. I do hope I get my exchanges finished soon and manage a few stitches on my wips which are calling out to me. I think I'm going through stitchy withdrawal. In the meanwhile keep your toes crossed for me that Rory does well.
Until next time...................
Love and stitches
and licks from Rory too
9 hours ago
Wow, busy lady!! I bet Rory's pics are just precious! And WTG on his win! :)
Good job and good luck! Please show us his portraits when they come in?
Good luck to Rory in the next 2 shows :)
The best of luck to Rory for the next shows.
Have fun and wish yous the best in the shows! Will be looking forward to seeing the pictures. Hope you can come home and have some well deserved stitching time too.
I hope that Rory does well in all his shows. And that you can find some time to get some stitching in!!
Rory looks like a champion, the show is just a formality...Good luck to both of you!
Rory sound like a real character. I love the header photo. So innocent.
wouldn't you know it. LOL! Thanks for sharing your story. Hope you do will at the next shows.
Debra S from ILCS group
Rory - look at me, yes, I mean you...! Behave for your mother! Have a lovely time both of you!
You have been busy and hope Rory does well at the next 2 shows.
Well done Rory and good luck in the next show. They are monkeys aren't they, Ruby does naughty stuff just when I'm saying how much she has improved lol.
Hum... I wonder if it's the atmosphere of the event that lets Rory know it's not so serious? Best of luck to you both - especially in front of 'family'.
Good luck to Rory!
And glad to know you're still around. :)
Sounds like you and Rory have been busy! I can't wait to see pictures your DB takes.
Good luck to you and Rory in your upcoming shows.
It was good to read an update from you, Kathy! Best of luck to you and Rory. Enjoy your weekend!
I do love your picture at the top. I'm sure it was an accident, honest!
You sound like you're in a whirlwind- enjoy your time with Rory!
Congrats on the first place!! Sounds like Rory is like most little kids, lol! Always wanting to play at the most inoportune times...oh well, as long as he is having fun.
Sounds like Rory is keeping you hopping....and doing some hopping himself! LOL I guess it's all a learning process so I'm sure with you next to him he'll keep learning the right way!
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