Rory and I are back from our travels. It was a really nice weekend. I had a wonderful visit with my brother, sister-in-law and niece. I only have a few photos and as soon as my brother sends me the ones on his camera I can post those.

The two dog shows went well. And it was so nice having family come watch. Rory did just as I thought he would. Basically second place. But that's okay. He behaved and was such a good boy and that was what I wanted. He will always be number one to me no matter what any judge says.
Actually Rory behaved fabulously all weekend. For his first visit to someone elses home he was much better behaved than I expected. Let me tell you he can be full of surprises. Like the one he gave me Thursday evening while I was getting everything packed in anticipation of Friday mornings departure.
I had let him out around 7 PM for a quick potty trip outside. it was only 15 degrees and windy. In other words COLD!! After a few minutes I went to check on him. Hmmmmmmmmm. I don't see him and he isn't coming. Okay. So I call again and he finally comes where I can see him. He has something in his mouth. A toy? No, he is close enough that I can see he has a squirrel in his mouth. And it isn't a fake one. YUCK!!!
I spent the next 25 minutes or so chasing him, calling him, cajoling, begging pleading with him. All to no avail. I then went back in the house and grabbed some food to try. I threw chunks of warm french bread pizza that I had made for my dinner at him. That worked. So I quick grab the carcass. Not a pretty sight. It must have been left by the neighborhood feral cats since it, well, wasn't whole. DOUBLE YUCK! It probably took me another hour just to warm up and stop shivering from revulsion and cold. Just another day in the life of Kathy and Rory.

As for stitching I have been getting some done. The two exchanges are finished and I have two more to do. So no photos of those yet. I have made some progress on Simply Live. This photo is awful. Sorry I tried about 6 times to get a decent one but I hope you get the idea.

And just to keep on the stitching topic I took a photo of one of my older pieces. This is one of my earlier ones. It is hanging on my brother and sis-in-law's wall. See the date? 1991.
Until next time................
Love and stitches
and licks from Rory too
PS. The photos with the white background were taken at our local Petco. Didn't they turn out fabulous?