Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Another reason to celebrate
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Exchanges and ribbons

Thursday, May 13, 2010
Almost time to celebrate!
What giveaway you ask?
Well, my Birthday is on June 1. And I thought it would be nice to hold a "Happy Birthday to me" giveaway. Since I really hate my birthday (well the gifts part is fun but the getting older part sucks) I decided I wanted to do something to make it special. I love to give as much as receive so I am holding a giveaway in my honor. My birthday gift to to one of you.
The first giveaway is for a 25 dollar gift certificate to my one of my favorite ONS, Down Sunshine Lane.

The rules are simple.
Rory and I will choose a winner on May 31st and announce the winner on June 2.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Two finishes and Five ribbons.
All bathed, dried and ready to go!
This is my second attempt at posting today. I have no idea what happened to the first one. Oh well.
My first weekend of dog shows and traveling is now behind me. Rory had a blast and so did I. Except for the cold weather and crazy winds of up to 30 miles per hour, thunderstorms and two hours of bumper to bumper traffic.
The first show we attended was an Irish Setter specialty. That means the show was for setters only and there were 45 of them.
While I have been taking Rory in the ring up till now I thought that for these types of shows where there are more dogs and a chance for more points towards his championship that his breeder, who is also a professional handler, would take Rory in to the ring. I will take him in if needed and at smaller shows. Like the one we went to on Sunday. On Saturday both Rory and Shelly's dog won their classes which meant they had to go in again with all the other male winners to see who wins the points for that show. So I took Rory in then. Rory didn't win the points (Shelly's dog did.) and that's fine. He is young and having fun. That's all that matters. Rory still came home with five more ribbons and a new toy. Me? I came home tired and with a banged up knee. At the Saturday show when I took Rory in I slipped on the wet grass and went down on my knee on the way out of the ring. The knee is okay. Just hurts when I bend it.
Mommy where are you?
Two more specialties coming up this weekend. This time we will be in Connecticut.
I have been stitching. Though all of it has been for exchanges and gifts. I do have one of the two finishes that I can show you.
This finish was for the Lizzie Kate exchange blog round four exchange. What a surprise and a pleasure to see that my partner was someone I consider a very dear friend, Mare. I met Mare a number of years ago through the I Love Cross Stitch Yahoo group. We were in an exchange then and found out that we worked a few blocks from each other.
Many lunches and phones calls have passed. Mare no longer works so close but she does drive past my house when she goes to visit her mother. I have had the pleasure of her visiting me at home and even spending the weekend with me. When I saw who I had for this LK exchange I knew which patterned I would do. It was the perfect fit. I also like how the finishing on this turned out.
The second finish is, well, a surprise. You'll just have to wait and see.
Until next time.......................
Love and stitches
and licks from Rory too.
Monday, May 3, 2010
I'm baaaaaaaaack

The second weekend of the month I was pretty sick and pretty much did not much of nothing. The next two weekends were spent working at home. Lots and lots of proof reading. And that sums up April. Exciting? Nope.