I do have one exchange finish that I can now show. It is the Lizzie Kate Spring Fob kit. The kit included the linen and the teeny tiny scissors to match. I finished it off a a scissor keeper. My first attempt at this type of finishing. It is now at it's new home with Roberta, my exchange partner. And since I couldn't get my fat fingers in the tiny scissor holes and they came with the kit I sent her the scissors too. I have pretty bad arthritis in my fingers. My Mother's legacy. At least that is what I have always called it. I rarely let my hands stop me from what I love to do but those large knuckles with all the extra calcium build up do put limits on some things. Sigh.

Jax, Maddy and Rory
Now on to the important part of this post. The further adventures of Rory. A new Rory story. This weekend Rory discovered GIRLS! Read on.

Rory and Jax
And then came Maddy. Now Rory has not had close contact with another female since he left his siblings. I mean sure he has briefly sniffed a few at dog shows but never off leash. This was his first time and, boy oh boy, was Rory impressed with her. She let him have a good sniff and he was hooked! He followed Maddy round and round and round. Of course she would just get so tired of him that she would snarl and snap, telling him to BACK OFF. Did he listen? Maybe for a few seconds and then he was right there stalking her again. My friend and I laughed so hard the tears were rolling.

"Romeo and Juliet"
Besides the shows, which seemed to be a side note to the weekend, what with Rory discovering the fairer sex ( and constantly being told off by his "Juliet"), the other highlight of Rory's adventures were the ferry rides to the shows and home. Yes, ferry rides. I live on Long Island, NY, and we went to Foxboro, MA, (Home of the New England Patriots). Rather than drive west to get off Long Island and then east through the Bronx and along the Connecticut coast to Massachusetts I went to the east end of Long Island and took the ferry across the Sound to Connecticut. What a fun ride. Especially since the ferry company allows you to bring your dog on the decks and even into one of the large cabins. Rory had a blast and some really positive experiences with smaller children. Another new experience for him since none of my younger nieces and nephews live near us.
The best and funniest incident on the ferry was the one with two small girls, ages 2 and 6. They entertained Rory and I for almost 30 minutes. The littlest one was darling. She had me, her father and all the passengers near us in stitches. Playing with her "camera" and telling Rory to say "Cheese!" Their father watched and took a ton of photos of Rory and his girls. He even emailed some to me! I just love the one of Rory saying "Cheese!" (With my help of course!)
"Say Cheese"
Until next time...............
Love and stitches
and licks from Rory too.
Great stitching! Love the pics of the lovelorn Rory following his amour around! Poor baby (I'm not sure which one I mean!) Great pics!
And such a beautiful scissor keep!
poor Rory.....meets his love & has to leave her! Too cute!!
And that little girl is precious! How sweet of her daddy to send you the pictures!
Ha... The story about Rory discovering girls is too funny!
I have that fob kit, too. I'll be stitching it up once I get a few things finished.
Lovely scissor keep there Kathy,Oh dear the pangs of young love. I think the one on the stairs is Brilliant, looks as if Maddy is saying "Come up and see me sometime just not now!!" Your post is such a happy one to read thankyou for making me smile and to the star of the show a special UK hug.
Thanks for the comment on my blog I am not sure how to do that e mail back thing. DUR!! hugs Barb
Love the exchange piece you made! And Rory's adventures! What fun! Poor Rory being all love sick. He probably suffered, but it's just so cute! And the ferry ride too! Rory is making friends all over -- and you too! Good luck with all the upcoming shows.
Lizzie Kate Spring is cute !!! Poor love sick Rory. Funny... Cute pictures !!!
I love the story about Rory's "Juliet"...too cute.
Adorable! I love the pic of Rory and "Juliet" on the stairs! roflol!
wonderful story! and I love your stitching!
I would have never thought of finishing that fob off that way! So very, very cute!
And Rory. Poor lovesick Rory. Well, what will be will be. Great pics!
A girl, don't you think he is a bit young, and an "older" one to boot. That was a great story, hope he has better luck next time.
Rory and his woes are too funny! Better luck next time, Rory~
Very cute stitching.
Such a cute finish Kathy. Its quite something to see Rory and friends together. I could pick the girl out a mile away and it was clear Rory liked her......ok, loved her. : )) So cute how children connect with animals.
What a cute fob, such lovely, bright colours!
I can picture Rory with Maddy so well; I've seen the same happen with my dog, when he meets my uncle's Belgian Shepherd... Though when we're at their place, he obeys quite well if she tells him to back off, but if they meet at our summer house, he doesn't listen to her at all. :-)
Beautiful scissor case. The dogs are so lovely. Thanks for sharing. x
The stories about Rory were so cute. Loved the pictures. Will look forward to hearing all about his shows in July.
the scissor fob looks great.
Love the story about Rory :)
Your exchanges were beautiful. Poor Rory, some day mayhe get his girl :)
Your exchange piece is really pretty! Love Rory and his girlfriends, so cute!
Poor "Rorymeo"! First love, there's no stopping him now! Kathy, I love your blog and Rory Stories. Looking forward to your summer adventures.
Great finish on your exchange piece. I'm going to have to bite the bullet someday soon and try one.
The scissor keep is so pretty. What wonderful pictures of Rory and friends. You can tell how much you love your dog.
Lovely stitching. Poor love lorn Rory;)
The exchange gift you stitched is just fabulous! What a great job you did on the finishing.
That is so sweet that Rory has a crush! Had to happen sometime as he is just too handsome.
Hugs from Holland ~
The scissor case is adorable. I love the bright colors.
Rory, poor love sick Rory, lol!! Too cute.
Nice stitching! Sounds like a super fun time. :) Duffy's best friend is a female dog named Angel. She puts up with him following her around with his nose in places I don't think I'd appreciate if I were her! LOL
OMG, too funny! Love the fob and the photos. Sounds like you had a ball!
Love your pictures of your "babies" in the pool. LOL thank you for following my blog hun; it made me smile.
Hugs, Sharlene
Awww...poor lovesick Rory--he just can't take his eyes off her can he, Kathy? So sweet...
Your scissor keeper turned out beautifully. Don't know how you do such pretty stitching with having to deal with arthritic fingers!
What great pics. Rory is a darling. It sounds like you were very busy. Love the scissor keep, nice work. Give Rory a kiss for me.
Great pictures of Rory and friends. and what a lovely scissor keeper.
Cute LK scissor case finish! Love the "frisky" Rory photos. I bet he was a busy boy that day. I'm sure he was great with the kids on the ferry too. He's got such a good personality!!
Awesome scissor case - awesome stitching and finishing, too! Poor lovesick Rory!
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