Snow, bone numbing cold and more snow. (Only two things warms me up. Rory in my lap and all

of your sweet and wonderful comments!) That seems to sum up the past week and a half. I know it is winter but, geez, do we really need this much snow? And the record cold? It was 5 degrees (Fahrenheit) this morning! I didn't even want to know what it was with the wind chill I was cold enough! The only good thing about this morning was that the car started. Unlike Saturday. But that's for later.

Rory continues to enjoy the snow. I tell you he must be wishing for all this white stuff so I can stay home and he can run and run and run in it. Last week I ended up home on Thursday due to a migraine. (I'm fine but the medication side effects are nasty and I would rather be home when one hits.) So Rory got to run and play in the snow for three hours straight! He just loves it. And I could not get him to come in! It also made for a nice quiet afternoon since he exhausted himself in the morning. And they are calling for MORE SNOW this week! Sigh. I don't mind staying home but then I also have to shovel the stuff. And it is only January.
The one thing about snow days is that I do get a bit more stitching done. I have the stitching all finished for my February exchanges. I just need to finish finish them and then mail them off. I hope to get to that this weekend. I have worked a little more on my first
Flip'n challenge wip. Here is CCN's Christmas Carols as of January 22.

I started working on another wip for the challenge. This one I originally started about 4 years

ago on aida. (My pre-linen days.) Since I had barely started it I decided to change it to linen. I'm not sure if this one would be counted as a start or an old wip but I'm calling it an old wip since it has been sitting in my wip basket for way too long. So here are photos of where it was and where it is now.

Other stitchy goodness: I had two very pleasant surprises in the mail last week. On Friday I received a package from
Veronica. I had won her Birthday giveaway earlier this month. What a delightful package. Filled with all kinds of stitching things. Fabric, ribbons, laces galore, a few Crescent Colors, and variegated DMCs (I am already stitching with one of them.), a tatted bookmark that is just gorgeous and a little burlap bag that she stitched on. Thank you so very, very much for everything Veronica!

The second parcel came all the way from

Australia. I was next in line for the BBD pattern, Their Song. (I can't wait to start this but need to get the WDW first.) So
Gabi sent it on to me. But she also included one of her foot warmers! It looks so warm and comfy. I just need to get some rice to fill it. She included the muslin bag that you fill with rice (or wheat) and heat up in the microwave. Then put that inside the cozy fleecy warmer and insert your cold tootsies. I am picking up the rice tonight! I wonder how long it will stay warm? It would be ideal for the icy morning train ride.
Rory and I had our first show of the new year on Saturday. It was a local match show, a practice show with no points for the winners. Rory is entered in four shows in February but we both need to get our show feet back under us since we haven't been since Thanksgiving. The match show was set to start at 10 am. I got up very early, gave Rory a quick bath and blow dry and by 8:30 am we are ready to go. I go out to start the car and nothing. Nada. Dead as a doornail! ARGHHHHHHHHH!! So I go back in and call AAA (Thank you brother Bill for convincing me to sign up!) I tell them that I really need to be somewhere by 10 at the latest. (That is when the show is supposed to start.) They tell me, no problem someone will be there shortly. 9:40 the truck arrives. Jumps my car battery and gets it running. Thank you. The guy leaves. I called and found that there will be a delay in the show so I am still on time. We get set, in the car and I stop for gas. Only to find that one of my tires is almost flat!! NO! Oh, yes. So I back track to the used tire place. I have to get a new tire! Get that done and we are finally on our way. Thank goodness the show site isn't far. We arrived with about 20 minutes to spare. Rory was a real trooper and performed beautifully! He won the breed and was such a good boy. Me? I was stressed beyond stressed. Maybe that was why Rory behaved so well? No photos because I forgot my camera.

That leaves yesterday. Both Rory and I decided it was a day to rest, relax, me to stitch and him to nap. But before I got too busy with all that it was the perfect day to take some new photos. After all Valentine's Day is coming up and the blog needed a new header photo. So which one is your favorite?

Until next time........................
Love and stitches
and licks from Rory too.
looks like all things considered, you had a great week! Love the new items!
My favorite picture is the 2nd one down. He looks like he's saying, "come on, give me a kiss!"
Beautiful stitching and Rory looks like he is having a blast
Wow, you sure had a time of it...but, what a sweet reward!
Love the WIPs, they are going to be lovely.
I love all of the snaps, but #2 had my heart...what a handsome man you have there!
Happy Stitchin'
Like Christmas Carols, really cute and the fabric is really cool as well. Rory is all tuckered out from all his playing in the snow. AWWWWW.
Car problems and snow - yuk!
But how can any day be bad when you have gorgeous Rory by your side, I can't imagine how he can ever be outwon in a show ~ fav picture #4 for me, his coat looks beautiful and his head has such a regal pose, a real King xxx
Beautiful stitching and how wonderful to receive Gabi's foot warmers, they are so lovely!
Thank you for sharing the photo's of Rory, I always look forward to seeing them as he is one handsome fella!
Sorry for all your car troubles. Nothing like a dead battery and a bad tire to make ya pull out some hair. Glad Rory was so good for you and congrats on him winning his breed. Love all the stitching and goodies. Nice to see a tatted bookmark. I love to tat. Picture #2 is the heart melter in my book! You and Rory take care.
Glad that you made it to the dog show and that Rory won his breed! Wonderful new stash and your stitching is beautiful. I love all the Rory pics. Too hard to choose.
Hi thre! Congrats to you and Rory for the win! Even if it is not the normal show, it is a great thing for 'warm up!' I saw Gabi's blog about the traveling BBD pattern and wondered where to get info about it? Is it closed? I do like that pattern... You will be done with Christmas Carols before you know it! Hugs!
I love the CCN Christmas Carols it is beautiful! Lovely stitching. Rory as usual is GORGEOUS! and I love the photos of him. (Don't tell him, his head will swell. ;) My fav photo is the 1st 'cute stuff', the one you already have on your header. He is SO photogenic. Give him a big hug from me. :D Cathryn
gotta love Rory...oh and your stitching is nice too...lol
Great update, Kathy! I especially love 'Christmas Carols'........one I'd love to do sometime down the road, so I'm now anxious to see it's progress.
Hey, would you take a peek at my blog now please. suzzanestitches.multiply.com Thanks!
Kathy what a busy week you and Rory have had. One advantage of snow and cold, think of all the coat Rory has to grow to keep warm :D :D
What wonderful stitchy surprises... Love the tatted bookmark, that is something I have always wanted to try.
Ahh the pre-linen days I remember them well... hardly any frogging!
CCN Christmas Carols... I do not need any more enabling, It is just lovely.
Congrats on your local match win, and good luck for Feb's shows.
By the way, the snow looks lovely ;) We are expecting 38C today with high humidity. Try that with a girl who could whelp any day from tomorrow onwards.
Stay warm LiBBiE in Oz
Hi Kathy, I like photo # 3 and #4. I do not know how you do it. It seems there is always something happening before you head out to a dog show!!!
Awww....you picked the one I would have picked for your header...Rory is such a beautiful boy!! Sorry to hear about your car troubles, but thank heavens for AAA. We have always subscribed, my Dad was a member for 50 years!! Your stitching (as always) is amazing...I love the Christmas Carols pattern! If you think 5 degrees is cold, my Mom was complaining it was 37 BELOW!! I'll take my 11 degrees thank you! LOL Keep warm! *Hugs*
Rory is as handsome as ever!!
Love the CCN you are doing...great job...
and I see a Rory in your WIP pieces!!!!
Sooner or later this cold & snow will end......
great gifts you got in the mail.....once you use your warmer bag, you will be SOLD!!!! I make them & fill them with corn...oh my!!!! They are so comfy cozy!!!
Awww! We had a Rory when I was a kid. Well, his name was actually Rosco, but he looked the same. Good ole Rosco Peco Train. I have, since growing up anyway, come to realize it was Rosco P. Coltrane, but I thought it was spelled the other way when I was growing up. He was the bestest dog ever. He ended up getting parvo or whatever that was. It was a very sad time in our lives. He was a part of our family. Wow, sorry for the downer LOL. Just taking a walk down memory lane. Great pictures! I love your blog.
Oh gosh! The show day with your car troubles -- argh! I would have been a nervous wreck! Congratulations on the win though -- great stuff! Love the stitchy projects -- and the presents too! As for the pictures --- gosh, it's hard to choose one! I like them all! Rory is such a handsome dog. It's so cute how much he's enjoying the snow. (I hope we're not getting more snow. Please no!)
I'm with you on the snow... enuf already! And the temps... brrr.
Your stitching looks beautiful, Kathy and congrats on winning Veronica's giveaway. That's great!
I bet Rory thought he was in heaven running in the snow for 3 hours. :)
I am so in love with your Christmas Carols project...lovely stitching! Wonderful new goodies too.
Congrats to you and Rory for your Best of Breed win!!! Stay warm!
Its so nice to see Rory having a blast in the snow. I stay inside in the winter so the snow really doesnt bother me, unless I HAVE to go out. You will think I would have more stitching done.
Your stitching looks great. What wonderful packages you got, it looks lovely. I always enjoy the pictures of Rory. I really like the one you are using for the header.
That's the one I would have picked had I had a chance to read this "chapter" of your blog earlier!! He's so cute and wonderfully photogenic! I'd say you could send your snow our way, but I know I have to be careful what I wish for --- so we'll all just wish for spring!!!
Beautiful stitching and some lovely gifts.
Thanks for sharing the pictures of Rory in the snow. I like the 2nd picture that is also in your header.
Way to go, Rory!!!
What timing, but glad it all worked out.
You have some amazing gifts there. I wish I could tat. I'd also like to try to make one of those warmers, just the thing for this weather.
I am sooo sick of the snow, too. More tomorrow night, I guess. Yuck. I laughed today when the weatherman on the radio said "Sunny and Seven today..."
Love the pic of Rory in the snow, looks like he had fun!!
Sorry to hear about your car troubles. Glad you reached the show in time though.
Rory is gorgeous as usual. Love the photo you picked for your header. Looks like he's begging for a kiss with his head tipped to one side :)
P.S. Would love to see what you're stitching with the variegated DMC.
Wow it does look cold brrrr... Rory is the cutest. Love all your wips. They look fab. x
Beautiful stitching and stash. I love the fabric you chose for the Christmas Carol piece. I'll have to remember that if I get around to stitching that one...which I hope I do.
Great Rory pics! He sure looks like he was having fun in the snow.
First things first...Rory is adorable (as always). Love the pictures of him in the snow and the second one of the Valentine pictures.
Christmas Carols looks so beautiful. Great new stash. And glad that you'll like the foot warmer.
Awww...who can resist Rory the "Love Dog!" So cute... I'm so glad he likes the snow--some dogs are scared of it. And we sure have had enough this winter... Anyway, tell Rory congratulations on his win!
Your gifts from Veronica and Gabi are wonderful--I've wanted to stitch that BBD chart ever since I saw it. Maybe some day...
Love your Christmas Carols start, Kathy--I don't think I've seen this stitched up before.
Have a great week :)
Really great progress on your stitching. I like the one you have or Rory as the header now:)
Mary Louise
Love the pic of Rory in the snow. My dogs love it too although we haven't had any more since Christmas. My fave valentines pic in the second one down, although he looks adorable in all of them.
kind regards, Shirley
p.s. Congrats on your giveaway wins. I currently have two on my blog if you'd care to pop over.
Sweet pics of Rory! LOve the idea of a foot warmer that Gabi made.
Can't wait to see your stitching on the BBD - Their Song. It's one of my favorites.
I'll be starting my first BBD shortly called Easter Parade, uh humm.. that is whenever the fabric arrives. Can you tell I'm anxious. lol
cute pics of Rory :)
Your stitching looks great
Love your Christmas Carols and the linen you are using. Congrats on the giveway win. You received som wonderful goodies.
Sorry you had such a hard morning getting to the show, but congrats on the win. Rory is beautiful and I love all the pictures.
I think you chose the perfect photo of Rory! He's so handsome!
You've certainly had some adventures! Love all your stitchy things and Rory is handsome as always!
Rory looks adorable, as always :)
Love the goodies you rec'd in the mail. Your stitching looks fabulous.
Rory is such a sweetie!
What a nice stash of stuff you got, and I Iove the Christmas Carols.
Your WIP photos are beautiful! So is Rory!
Wow, you do have a lot of snow! Rory looks so cute playing in it :o)
Your WIPs are lovely! The fabric you are using for Christmas Carols is lovely. Gee, I wonder why you're stitching that second pattern? ;o)
Sorry to hear about your car trouble but thankfully it all worked out in the end. Congrats to you and Rory!
I always think of you when I hear more NY snow!! It is a bitter sweet relationship between your feelings for snow and Rory's!!! Nice win and great stitching from you! Love the foot warmer and appropriate for a NYer this year! You already have the picture I liked at your header.
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