Friday the forecast called for more snow. The weather people are beginning to drive me bonkers! They keep calling for the "significant" snows. Two inches?? I think significant snow would be a foot or more. Not TWO inches! Hey, I live in New York. Not Alabama or Mississippi or Florida where they so rarely get snow that two inches IS significant for them. Oh well with all the panicky forecasts and the railroad (my means of transportation) threatening to stop service I headed home early. Of course the snow didn't start falling until about 7 PM. Big fat flakes. Oh my but it looked so pretty. And even prettier the next morning with every branch outlined in white.
I joined a couple of stitching blogs for 2011. One is the Totally Useless Stitch-a-long. I have been
collecting my orts for a number of years. Don't ask me why. They just look so neat in the jar or, as I displayed some of my orts from 2010, in a glass ornament. So since I collect my orts anyway i figured why not join in the fun officially. Then I go and miss the first official day. I did take a photo on the correct day so here is my TUSAL for January. A little late.
To the left is my ort jar empty on January 1st.
When I emptied the jar I put my 2010 orts in this clear glass ornament.
I also joined in the Flip 'n Crazy January Challenge. The one where you choose 15 older wips or
ufos to work on. I have posted a list of the ones I hope to finish this year on my side bar. I am currently working on CCN's Christmas Carols. This is my newest wip. I started it in early December but didn't get very far by the new year. So I have made a bit of progress on it since.
Basket containing my 15 wips/ufos

CCn's Christmas Carols as of Jan 1st.
As of January 8th.

Basket containing my 15 wips/ufos
CCn's Christmas Carols as of Jan 1st.
I have also been working on a gift and my upcoming exchanges so no photos of those yet.
I do have two giveaways to show you. One I am late in posting photos (sorry DSL Santa.). I won the Down Sunshine Lane blog Christmas giveaway. And the DSL Santa sent me some fabulous gifts. All wrapped up for Christmas morning. I just love everything! But especially the scissors and fob. I also won a lovely piece of linen from Sheri. I know just the piece I am going to use this for. Another gift for a dear friend.
Another giveaway was won but not by me. By Rory! Some of you may remember the silly photos

Well, he won a photo contest with this photo! His prize arrived
just after New Years. He adores the toys and especially one. The box also contained a book for me but Rory decided he would read it first. (I haven't read it yet but will soon.)

Until next time..........
Now if you have stuck around and read everything so far I would like to leave you with something that should make you smile if not laugh out loud. While 2011 hasn't been all that great it is impossible to stay down for long. Especially when you have the silliest dog ever! I mentioned the little bit of snow we had this past weekend. Well, Friday evening the snow drifted gently with these huge snowflakes. Rory being Rory just had to stay out and play even though it was 7 pm, cold and pitch dark. After a little bit I looked out the window to check on him and saw the funniest thing. There is Rory on the deck jumping straight up and twisting and trying his darnedest to catch snowflakes! Yup snowflakes! I got my camera and spent the next half hour or so trying to get a good photo of his antics. These are a little dark but I hope you get the idea. I have seen children do this. Heck I have done it. But I have never seen a dog try it. Just too too funny.
Love and stitches
and licks from Rory too.
PS. I can never thank you all enough for the warm and caring comments. For the cyber hugs and sympathy. For your friendship and love. Know that each and every comment help ease my heartache and sorrow. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.
How funny seeing Rory catching snowflakes! New fallen snow is so pretty...but I can still do without it.....
Your Christmas piece is very nice...
Hi Kathy, first let me express my deepest sympathies regarding Rosie, I am deeply crushed that she has left you but is probably very happy now that she is with your Mom.
Just have to say how much I love Rory, what a fantastic animal you have - the pictures of him chasing snowflakes is just priceless.
I also joined the TUSAL, have always kept my orts in a container and thought it would be a fun SAL that would not require much effort.
Have a better New Year and month.
Congrats on the giveaways. I wondered if I knew the "Kathy" who'd won the Down Sunshine Lane one. :)
Rory looks like one happy doggie!
Glad to hear you're feeling better.
Yep. I did laugh right out loud. At work, not to mention, at the pics and thoughts of him trying to catch snowflakes. Thanks so much for sharing this!
Christmas Carols is looking good. I joined that challenge too and finished a UFO over the weekend. I really needed that challenge.
Rory is too funny trying to catch those snowflakes. Our PJ used to do that too.
Glad you're feeling better.
Oh that sickness sounds so nasty! I'm glad you're feeling better. Love all your stitching projects too. And Rory! Isn't he just the cutest! I love it -- trying to catch snowflakes! And I bet he was excited by his prize as well! Congrats to him for winning the photo contest!
Kathy I only have 5 minutes before going to work, I BUT I love Rory chasing the snowflakes, silly, happy dog. Will get back for a better look and read later today.
LiBBiE in Oz
So sorry to hear that you had the yuckies so bad - I do hope you are feeling better! Love all your stitches and goodie!!
Rory is too funny trying to catch the flakes!
That is so cute with Rory. I needed that laugh. Thank you Rory for being such a great dog :). Great stitching and congrats to Rory for winning his prize
That is adorable with Rory trying to catch the snowflakes. Yea to Rory for winning the prizes he did. I look forward to seeing your progress on all of your projects for the flip n crazy challenge. Get better soon.
Kathy,,I am sitting here at work laughing and crying for you. I am glad your finally better,,so sorry for your heavy heart but your right how can you stay down when Rory is right there to make it all better? God bless you both! I love the stitching and goodies you and Rory have won. Love each and every picture too. I cannot wait to get home and share Rory's pictures with my roommate. She loves to hear about Rory's adventures. Please take care and know I love reading your blog!
That Rory is one smart dog. It must be all that love that is coming his way everyday.What a great win with the picture. No wonder you got it so bad after what you have been through this past holiday season Kathy I am glad to hear that you are feeling better. Take care of yourself that stuff takes a while to get over. Loved the stitching and pics of Rory catching snowflakes.
awww Rory looks so cute playing in the snow, lovely new stash there, enjoy :)
First, I hope that you are feeling better. I know that the cold/flu thing was really nasty. Congrats on the great new stash! Last but not least, Rory brings a smile to my face every time you post pictures of him :)
Glad to hear you are starting to feel better. That Rory!! He is priceless. I'm sure he brings many a smile to your face. And he brings lots of smiles to the rest of us too. He is definitely an award winning personality!
I love the photos of Rory grabbing at snowflakes! Congratulations on your giveaway wins!
Happy to read you are feeling better!
With your Rory, and winnings for both you and Rory you have at least had some bright moments in 2011 already. I think Rory's snow antics is just what you needed!!!
So sorry about your beautiful cat. That is so sad. Good luck on the finishing up WIPs, sounds like a good idea.
Rory won a photo contest, good for him, well he is handsome after all. Dogs are so silly trying to catch snowflakes, such fun though.
I love the pictures of Rory in the snow, my dogs don't know what snow is LOL
I think weather people are raised in the warm climates and come up North to scare us on their views of significant amount of snows. CCN Carols is looking great. The picture of Rory catching snowflakes are the greatest.
That is really too bad that you spent the holidays sick...I'm glad to hear that you're feeling better now.
LOVE, love, love that Christmas Carols pretty!
Sorry to hear you were sick over New Years, I came down with a heck of a cold myself.I kept going into work, we have our annual inventory next Friday. I am afraid that if I called in sick that they might come and drag me into the store. I work in an office. Now my DH has it.
I love the photos of Rory, my Irish Setter Tucker has the same personality, playful most loving dog. We have had four Irish, our home will probably always have one.
Have a week, happy stitching.
LOL...Rory is such a clown. But a gorgeous one. So good on him to win the contest. Congrats!!!
Love Christmas Carols.
Oh man!! Those pictures of Rory are hilarious! Congrats on your stash wins! I finished my Christmas Carols on Saturday in the wee hours--my first finish of the year. It is awfully cute! Hugs.
Kathy, so sad to read of Stormwatch Sunset Kiley Rose's passing. She was a beautiful kitty and I know that she brought you much love and happiness and memories, which you will have always. Rory is the quite the entertainer - chasing snowflakes! Take care of yourself and cherish the memories! Deb
Sorry to hear about Rosie but glad you have Rory to cheer you up with his antics.
Lovely prizes and Rory winning one too.
My dog loves the snow too. She tries to catch snowflakes, but she doesn't jump up like Rory does. You capture his expressions so well in your pictures. I can really see his personality.
Sorry to hear about Rosie. Be kind to yourself and know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.
Loved the pics of Rory trying to catch snow flakes!
The TUSAL is great fun, it's helped my stitching mojo return this year :) but not enoughto joinin the 15 challenges - you're very brave.
Rorylooks like he's having a fab time.
Rory is loving the fun!!! We are getting some snow today, so maybe I can take Spyro out to enjoy it....
sure hope you get feeling better..we have had it here too & it hangs on....
Love, love, love the pics of Rory jumping for snowflakes. He is a treasure, isn't he! :) TFS. Cathryn
I have to tell you that Rory is a ham! :) He is so cute. I love your UFO challenge and I'm working on mine as well so we'll have to cheer each other on. :) The snow pictures are beautiful and hope you enjoy staying indoors stitching away.
Such cute pictures of Rory!! Really lightened my day (well almost bed time now).
Great progress on christmas carols. Love the fabric too :)
Rory is such a hoot :) Always a good laugh...Your WIP is very pretty. You're making great progress.
Kathy, I am so, so sorry. I am behind on blog reading and just saw the post about Rosie. I am so sorry. I love the pictures of her with your mother--you could see the bond they shared. How sweet that she went to your mother's bed when it was time for her to go. I truly believe that they are together again, happy to be reunited, watching over you and always loving you. Big, big hugs.
Your pics of Rory catching snowflakes made me laugh. He is such a character! Congrats to him on his win. ;) Love the WIPs! I hope your cold is totally gone by now.
Happy new year to you & Rory!
So sorry to hear about Rosie. I lost my Mittens 2 years ago & still miss him. Like you though I have a goofy dog to make me laugh. It must be the breed because Brandi loves playing in the snow & I have seen her trying to catch snow flakes also. She also loves to have the kids throw snow on her when they are shoveling. Silly pupopies.
Looks like Rory was having a grand time with the snow. When my Tiger was younger, she loved to play catch the snowball.
Great pics! And congrats to you and Rory on your win! Your stitching is coming along nicely. :)
Love the pictures of Rory. My dogs love the snow too. sorry to hear about your cat. I lost my Norweigan Forrest cat Tim. 2 months ago. My poor old dog Boots half the time I call him Tim. The bad part is I'm not sure what happened to Tim. We think that either ther neighbors Bull Mastiff got him or maybe a Cayote....
Mary Louise in IN
Thanks for joining my SAL, Kathy! Your TUSAL photo looks great!
ROFLMAO at Rory catching snowfakes! Those fat, lazy flakes are my favorite kind of snow.
Rory is adorable! My ferrets would just be cold and run back inside!
I like your ORTament! Very cute.
Great starts on the WIP's and congrats on yours and Rory's winnings!
Hugs from Guiness to your lovely Rory!
Best regards...
Love the glass ornament with your orts! Love Rory also, he's precious!
Hi Kathy, I had the bug for about two weeks also. I really enjoyed looking at all the pictures. Rosie and your mom are so cute. Pets really bring a lot of joy to us.
Love your ort ornament! Rory is having a blast in that snow. I am so sorry you were sick and hope you are feeling much better now.
You made a glass ornament with threads! That's cool :D
I'm Nia from Portugal, I'm a new follower :)
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