It has been another busy week. And it doesn't look like it's slowing down for a while. No rest for the weary as the saying goes.
I know I let you all know that Rory won the photo contest. To those who helped by voting for Rory I can never thank you enough. I can't wait to show you all the painting once it is done. We picked up his prize which included the gift certificate for the painting, a package from Mortons Salts (in a bag with pet safe salt for the ice!) and a bunch of treats for Rory. Rory loved digging in the bag for his treats. 
Next up was a full weekend. And Rory's second Match show of the year. (To those who are curious: A Match show is the same as a regular dog show but there are no points awarded. It is more for experience and practice.) So that meant grooming, bathing and blow drying to get ready. Rory was so good at the show. I really do think that he knows what a show is all about. But the Wooooo Hooooooo part of this posting is that............ wait for it............
Rory won Best Adult in Show!!!!!!!!!! The Best. When the judge said "the Irish setter" I stood there puzzled not knowing what he wanted me to do. it wasn't until the others in the ring (a beautiful Great Dane, a Dalmatian and two more) started saying Congratulations that I realized what happened. I was stunned. Flabbergasted. Speechless. Beyond happy. You could have knocked me over with a feather. To say I was flying on a cloud since Sunday is right!! I am soooooooo proud of my little boy.
But wait. The good stuff with Rory didn't stop there. You see my sister and my nieces came to
watch us and my one niece brought her son, my six year old great-nephew. Well, he had the time of his life. I don't get to see them too often and this was only the second time that Devin, my great-nephew, and Rory had met. Rory was oh so gentle with Devin who is a VERY active little boy. My niece and Devin came back to my house after the show. Devin and Rory ran and played for two hours. They both had the grandest time. But what impressed me the most was the fact that Rory never once jumped on Devin or knocked him down. That was my fear. Rory would run up to Devin and then around him and wait. You see this was Rory's first real one on one time off leash with a child. He just amazed me. He is such a good boy.
Okay, now for a little stitching. I received my
Winter exchange from Ann (no blog). She stitched and finished one of the BBD stockings. It is absolutely gorgeous!! I love, love, love it. My exchange has been mailed but hasn't arrived so no photos of my stitching. I also have two other exchanges in the mail. Maybe by next week I can show you some photos.
I also took my TUSAL photo. I took it on the correct date but didn't download it until now.
And that brings us to today. A short day at work since I need to get home and groom Rory.
Give him a bath and blow him dry. The I need to finish packing so we can leave early tomorrow morning for the first big shows of the season. Four days, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday of Irish setter specialties. (90 or more Irish each day!) These are always the biggest of the year. The shows that lead up to the Westminster dog show on this coming Monday and Tuesday. (And no Rory isn't entered in that. Every dog entered is a Champion and Rory isn't yet.) I am looking forward to seeing all my dog show friends and four days of nothing but dogs. Well, I do hope to stitch a little here and there. Wish us luck.

If you have lasted this long and are still here I will let you in on a little secret. March 5th is Rory's second Birthday so stay tuned for a special giveaway. I'm still thinking of what I want to do because this will also be a thank you giveaway and if the magic 300 follower number appears then it will have to be a triple giveaway. Hmmmmmmm. It will have to be something really special.
Details to follow next week.
Until next time................
Love and stitches
and licks from Rory too.
Congratulations!!! Rory is a gorgeous dog and you both deserve it! I just love reading about him and seeing his pictures.
Your great-nephew is a cutie, too!
AWWWW well done Rory:) and what a lovely feat to become best in the show but then again we are biased and know he is anyways .... love pics of your great nephew with him they look like they had a wonderful time playing :) love mouse xxxx
I told Meg all about Rory's success and she is so pleased for him. I love that BBD stocking, it is really striking. Good luck with the next shows. Irene (& Meg) xxx
Congratulations on the win & the exchange !!! You are truly blessed :)
Congratulations on best adult in show! Wow! That's so cool - and well deserved too! I bet Rory loved his dog treat prize -- can't wait to see the painting! Your great-nephew is so cute! That's so neat that Rory knew how to behave around him without any prompting. Smart dog! Love the exchange you received too! Good luck with the shows to come! (I discovered that I did the usual thing with your blog and hadn't become a follower yet despite following your blog. So I'm a follower now. lol!)
Rory is just a beautiful young man...his coat is just glorious!
I think that sweet picture of your great-nephew and Rory laughing is darling Kathy! PRECIOUS!
WOW what a darling stocking to receive in an exchange! Beautiful!
Congratulations to Rory! He is a beautiful dog!! His winning is well deserved.
Just love that stocking you received in the exchange too.
Congratulations to Rory for winning the photo contest! Guess what... he ALSO won a Kong Tugger Knot toy from our blog! If you email our Mama with your address, she'll get it out to Rory ASAP! :D
A big Congrats to Rory for winning Best Adult in the show. Keeping my fingers crossed for you both for this weekend. Love your exchange piece you recieved.
Congratulations to Rory!! You must be so excited, both for the prize but especially for how well he did with your great-nephew. :) That's really nice. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you for the weekend!
Love the exchange piece!
WHat great photos.... congratulations to Rory on his win.
I love seeing his pics and also hearing of his antics. LOL
WOW! Congratulations!!! I love the pic of Rory at the show! He's gorgeous. It's like he has his cute-at-home poses and then his professional I-mean-business poses!!!
And it looks like Rory and your nephew are the best of buds already!!!
Good luck with the upcoming shows!
What a beautiful boy he is! His coat is so shiny. Of course he was wonderful with your great-nephew. =) Congratulations on his ribbon!
Congratulations Rory!! (And you too Kathy!) What a good boy he is, and it looks like he had as much fun as your great nephew! Best of luck in the upcoming show!! Have a good time! Hope you are able to squeeze in a little stitching this weekend! I love the little stocking you were given...I have that pattern around here somewhere, and the wheels are turning. Just what I need...another start LOL. Thanks for enabling! *Hugs*
Ah Kathy you baby is becoming a man, 2 hasn't time flown. Oh I remember that feeling when the judge said... Dachshund. I think I swore and looked at the dogs on either side of me this was after being pulled into to the final four to make sure there wasn't another there with me that I had forgotten about, LOL! Good luck at your speciality four dayer (not a work but it works) They are always so much fun.
Can't wait to see Rory's masterpiece!
Rory was such a good boy with Devin, always hard when you know your dog hasn't been raised with children.
Your exchange is beautiful, very nicely finished. Look forward to see yours.
LiBBiE in Oz
Congratulations!! And such great pictures.
What a lovely exchange too.
Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations!!!!!! What a wonderful accomplishment for Rory! What a good boy!!
Congratulations to Rory!! I can tell that you are positively beaming!!
Love the exchange piece !
How lucky that you have found such a wonderful friend and companion in Rory. I am so happy he won the photo contest and then to win best at the match show.
Thank you for sharing him with us.
Oh Rory, I am so proud of you! He is a winner for sure. The smile on Devin's face is telling it all. Good luck at the show.....
Whoo Hoo!!!. What a great post Kathy, you made me smile this morning :)
Rory is just such a treat to see pictures of! The last picture of Devin & Rory is just precious, it looks like BOTH of them are smiling!
That is just so awesome that he won! And he's such a sweet boy - love all the pictures! Beautiful stocking, too. Have fun at the show!
Yays! Congrats to Rory. Both of you completely deserves it. Enjoy the goodie bag. Devin and him looks so sweet together.
Congratulations to Rory!! He's really pretty and lovable =) We can see it on your photos :D
Adorable exchange :)
Wow! Just amazing! Congratulations on your win (to you and Rory). Beautiful ribbon! Rory looked as though he had fun digging in his prize bag. I am looking forward to seeing the painting. What a treasure that will be. Be thinking of you this weekend. Good Luck! Hugs to you and Rory. :) Cathryn
I am so glad Rory won the photo contest. Rory is a beautiful dog, no surprise he won best Adult. The pictures are so nice. Love the little stocking. Hope to meet you this month.
Congrats to Rory! Awesome award at the dog show.
Aww! Congratulations to Rory, Kathy! I'll bet he is better behaved than many human adults, too :)
As they say "hard work pays off" and it certainly has for u2. congratulations adn good luck this weekend!! Love the stocking. The colours are great.
I'm so glad he won the photo and the championship!!!! He always looks so well groomed! You don't even want to see a photo of Cheyenne, her grooming appt was canceled due to the blizzard and I have to wait another 2 weeks!! Somehow I didn't think Rory would have any trouble hanging around an "active" boy!!!! Good luck at the shows upcoming and have a good time around all your dog friends.
Congratulations! I am very happy for you and Rory on the ribbon win and the prize. Your exchange is very pretty. Good luck this weekend.
Congrats on winning best in show, and for the prize from Mortons. That's awesome.
Loved the pics of Rory with Devin. They were adorable.
Nice exchange, too.
Rory is such a handsome dog, can't wait to see his painting. Your GN is such a cutie and looks so happy with Rory.
Rory is such a beautiful pup! What I love about him so much is he totally knows what is expected of him when. He looks like he can "turn on" the champion the minute he needs to and then "poof", it's time to be a puppy and play with little boys! You are so very lucky.
I didn't get to vote for Rory and I don't remember why - mmmm, must have been something like I'm always behind on reading blogs!! But you know I would have just added to the avalanche if I could have.
I can't wait to hear how this weekend of more shows goes for you and Rory!
Congratulations to you & Rory, you have done so well with him. Knock me over with a feather ~ he is nearly two? How did that happen???
Wow ~ lots of ORTs! Where do you find the time?
Congrats to Rory! I know you are proud and happy! The exchange you got is so beautiful, Ann did a wonderful job of stitching this up for you.
Congratulations on Rory's win, and best wishes for the weekend! It's really been fun watching you raise and train him into the wonderful Adult that he is! Here's a giant hug for Rory, and a puppy kiss from Pixie to you!
congrats to Rory, that is awesome!
Congrats to both you and Rory for a wonderful job! :) Love the BBD stocking you received in the exchange!!
Rory was a very good boy with your nephew and it sounds like you had a wonderful visit with family. Looking forward to hearing of your adventures soon!
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