What a busy week it has been. To start Rory and I went to our first shows of the year. Four back to back shows. And one show too many. Rory behaved and performed well the first three days. But the judges weren't in our favor so he came home with a third place in his class all three days. On the fourth day there was hope that he might do better since that judge liked Rory's type. EXCEPT Rory decided he wasn't going to behave and began to jump and dance and sit. Everything but stack as he should. I was ready to brain him! (As you can see from some of the photos he does know how to stack properly!) I guess the judge felt sorry for me because he gave us a second place anyway. Maybe next show...............
Then it was time to get back to normal life. Whatever that is. Of course Rory was so happy to be home again where he can run and run and run. And get as wet and messy (within limits believe me.) as he wants. Photo above he is nicely groomed, clean, bathed and stacking beautifully. Photos below after 20 minutes of running in whats left of the melting snow. What a difference!
I did come home to some wonderful mail. Two of my exchanges had arrived. Both those I sent and those that were sent to me! The ones I received are just gorgeous. Both my partners in the HoE Reindeer ornament exchange and the Lizzie Kate exchange sent me some beautiful pieces. 
The piece I stitched for the Lizzie Kate round A also arrived at its new home so here is a photo of what I sent. As well as my HoE Stitch Red exchange. For that one I stitched a JBW pattern and finished it as a pin pillow. There is one more exchange out so I should be able to show you that one next time.
And now for some giveaway news. I am still planning on doing two but thought I would start things off with this one.
A 25 dollar gift certificate to one of my favorite online stitching stores. Down Sunshine Lane. This giveaway is to say Thank you. Thank you for all for the support and votes you gave Rory in his recent photo contest. Thank you for all the wonderful comments you all leave me. Thank you.
Below are two of the photos that I am giving the artist who will paint his portrait. Aren't they just gorgeous!!

The rules for this giveaway are simple. Leave a comment stating you want to be included in the giveaway. Please make sure your email address can be found by me. If I can't locate your email I can't send you an online gift certificate. Easy as pie.
The deadline for this giveaway will be next Saturday, March 5th. Rory's Birthday.

Until next time......................
Love and stitches
and licks from Rory too
It's so much fun to see Rory the show dog and Rory the mud dog. lol! I hope next time he cooperates and does his stuff better. Love all the presents and exchanges -- wow! What a bounty! Thank you for the giveaway. You're a sweetie. Oh, I love the pics you're using for the painting! I can't wait to see it!
Hi Kathy ... mmm which photos do I like best ..lol think the ones in the mud heheheh... seriously though he is a beaut and looks so good when he behaves ;0 and those photos for the artist well what can I say they are adorable:)
would love to be included in the give away but being from across the pond am not sure it would work ???
love mouse
my email can be found on there :) xxxx
Every time I hear about a dog show in R/L, I think of you! :) Rory looked like he had so much fun run-run-running! lol
What great mail surprises you received! I participated in the reindeer exchange. I will have a saga to share, let me tell you!
What a nice giveaway, Kathy. Am I eligible? Good luck to all who enter :)
Love the pictures! He is so beautiful! The goodies you received are so nice! Lovely!
I was chuckling when I saw Rory after his run. Dogs just have so much fun running around that they don't realize how much of a mess they're getting into. It warmed up here and I've had to give Bailey a bath every day. But there is nothing better than watching them run around to their heart's content.
Love both the pictures you're going to have portraits painted. So sweet!
Wonderful goodies too! Looks like Christmas!! And I'd love to be entered into your giveaway. DLS is a great place to shop with great service.
Look how dirty he got in that photo! He knows how to let loose after a show!
Your goodies all look wonderful!
Please enter me in your giveaway, I am still so happy that he won the photo contest, he deserved it!
Wow! You have been busy! Dog show, exchanges, and a RAK. Please include me in your giveaway.
Rory is truly beautiful - And well cared for :)
Even when he gets all wet - lol
Enjoyed the photos :)
Ah Rory, my love you really are growing up to be a very handsome man! I can understand how an Aussie might want to bring him downunder. Four shows in row can be rather tiresome, and he is still a puppy at heart, well until the 5th :D
His head shots are beautiful (I like the top one). Isn't Trecie and her 'Rosie' Fan Club just wonderful. Such beautiful exchanges all round and a wonderful give-away win.
Oh I suppose you have twisted my arm, and yes I would love to enter your giveaway. Have a great day or is it night
LiBBiE in Oz
Rory is a beautiful dog. What pretty finishes you have and exchanges you made. I am sure I will meet you soon. Please include me in the giveaway.
so sorry to hear Rory didn't do so well at the shows, but as we used to tell our kids after a not so good rabbit show........better luck next time!!
Rory still looks wonderful....such a pretty dog...
Everything you sent & received stitching wise is wonderful!! Wow!!!!! Love them all! can't pick a favorite...
I would love to be entered in your giveaway....thank you!
You know how I love Rory. He just absolutely makes me smile. Great photos.
Your stitching and your exchanges are all beautiful! And what a nice RAK.
Since I have already won one of your giveaways, I think it is fair of me to not be included in this drawing.
Let someone else experience the joy of winning!
Thanks for sharing all the wonderful photos.
Rory is such a beautiful dog. He looks gorgeous in every photo. The headshots are fabulous. That's going to be an amazing portrait.
Well done on all your stitching and exchanges. I especially love the housework motto!
How sweet of Rosie's fan club to remember her in such a lovely way.
I can't get over how happy Rory looks in that second photo in the snow!!! :D He's smiling!
I'd love to be included in the give-a-way.
Have a great day!
Well you already known that I think Rory is gorgeous! These pics are fantastic!
I would love to be included in the giveaway :)
I never know what to comment on in your posts, cuz they are so chock full of fun!! I love the pictures of Rory - especially the muddy dog one. It's a good thing he's used to lots of baths! And all your stitching goodies are fantastic - both those you sent and received. I love the frosty the snowman pillow! Your giveaway is so generous. I would love to be entered!
What a great post Kathy. I loved the photo's of Rory, he is soo handsome.
You lucky duck winning that amazing package of snowman goodies, they all looked fantastic.
And your stitched exchanges are all soo lovely too.
I love the pillow you made for me, I am decorating a new stitching/study room and have just bought a new shelf with hanging rail, your pillow will have a special hanging spot to be displayed.
Pls enter me in your draw, my email address is in my blog profile.
I would love to be entered in your giveaway! Thanks for the chance! :) Love all of the pictures of Rory, and all of those wonderful stitching projects are fabulous! They are fun to make and receive. :)
Hi hun; please enter me in your give away. Rory is such a ham. :) you can tell he loves his picture being taken. He'll so handsome. :) Take Care,
Hugs, Shar
No matter what, Rory is #1 with me. It was a pleasure to help with the voting. I called my sis back in RI and said she had to get to my blog then I directed her to yours and told her to vote...she did and thought he is so handsome. Of course I would love to be in your drawing...sending a scratch behind the ears to Rory!
Your exchanges look wonderful. I just love the Snowman pin pillow, its adorable. I love the picture of Rory getting all wet after his shows. Please enter me in your giveaway.
First off--LOVE the picture of Rory looking at his treaties!! What a card! And the fact that you were able to catch the moment on the camera is amazing! I am just not that good! Your exchange pieces are terrific, both the ones you stitched and the ones you received. A Snowman giveaway... now I am thinking of THEMED giveaways! I would love to be entered in your giveaway. Hugs.
What fun exchanges, both in giving and receiving, but best are the photos of Rory before and after! Dogs have sooo much fun when they can romp and play - wouldn't it be nice if we let ourselves enjoy life as much? Please included me in your giveaway. Some DSL shopping would certainly melt some of the snow in my yard, haha!
As always, I loved the pictures of Rory. Dirty or clean he is a beauty. Great exchanges on both sides. The little snowman pin pillow is gorgeous. Thanks for letting me enter your giveaway. It's very generous.
Kathy, what a generous offer. I'd love to be in your drawing. Rory is such a beautiful dog. Also, beautiful stitching!
Rory is such a gorgeous dog! All these pictures are great, but I especially like the one of him when he was done playing in the snow. So cute!
Lots of wonderful gifts you received!
Please enter me into your drawing.
Well hello there Rory and Kathy (doI have my priorities right )lol.When I saw a post from you I couldn't wait to get a Rory fix.
Kathy no one could be more deserved of the pressies than you and I loved the tribute to Rosie.
Hope this weekend is a little quieter for you, many hugs to Rory for his birthday .Oh forgot please may I be entered in your giveaway.
Hugs as always
Kathy, I must say that Rory is just such a treasure and really thank you for sharing photo and stories about him - he is a beautiful dog inside and out.
What nice exchange pieces you received and how special the gift in memory of Rosie.
Have a great weekend.
Add me to the list - simplystitching@gmail.com
Rory has changed so much from when he was a pup! I love seeing his photos and hearing about his shows.
I would love to be entered in your giveaway. My email is birdwatcher17@aol.com
Have a wonderful weekend.
Kathy, thanks for this giveaway. Please enter me. I always love reading about you and Rory. He is such a beautiful dog and a wonderful fur baby. He loves his life, you can tell that from the photos. It was a PLEASURE to vote for him!!! :D Cathryn (blueladie at hotmail dot com)
What amazing photos of Rory...you have both come a long way in a very short time and what a nice tribute to Rosy...not to be forgotten. Your stitching is terrific. I love those pieces and the colours you have choosen. I can't wait to see Rory's water colour painting. He sure looks like/ is a champion. I will continue with my linen work so enter me in your draw. Good luck Kathy it finally looks like things are going your way and that is very deserving and exciting!! Happy March B-D Mr. Rorry
I got carried away with the "rrr's" in Rory...great name for a Scottish accent. Just rolls off the tonque.
Great goodies that came in the mail!!
All the pics of Rory loko great - but as with my boys, I tend to like the relaxed just having fun ones - so my favorite is of Rory after his romp!
Thanks for having a great giveaway!
Rory is so beautiful and he loves to have his photo taken!
I'd love a chance to enter your wonderful giveaway!
Thanks :)
kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com
Just wait, one of these days we'll get to see Rory on that BIG show, won't we? Too bad there's no time to give a good guy a break between all those shows! He's first place to us, anyway! Right?
Rory takes such good pictures, even the one where had been playing. Our Labs like to go down to the pond and go swimming and look similar when they come back. Rory's poise is perfect.
Your box of goodies is stunning! What great treats you have (no pun intended LOL) and looks like Rory likes them too.
Count me in on your giveaway!
I love seeing pictures!! :)
hahhaha Rory likes to have fun :D But he looks better all cleaned up ;) ehheeh
Beautiful gifts that you received :) So many goodies!!
Please, count me in for your giveaway! :)
Have a lovely Sunday
Every time I see a dog show on TV, I'm always reminded of Rory! He is such an elegant and wise looking fellow :) Can't wait to see his finished portrait...
Lovely exchanges you and I love the snowman package from Joanie!
I'd love to be included in your giveaway, Kathy--thanks for the fun :)
That Rory is such a ham. It is such fun to see what he is up to next.
Those exchanges are stunning. WOW
I would love to be entered in your giveaway - drewsgrands@hotmail.com
Happy Birthday to Rory. Your giveaway is great. Thanks for the chance to win. I am a new follower, just finding the cross stitch blog sites. What fun I am having reading them. Your exchanges were fun to look at also.
I'm sure it must be frustrating when he behaves so well and then just won't do it!!!! He's just gorgeous when groomed and then well, not so much when dirty!! LOL I know that my dog just liked being able to go out in the yard more than just the path I had shoveled for her! She can't run through the deep snow like Rory with his long legs! Your exchanges, both sent and received look fantastic. That was quite a haul on that winning! I'd love to enter Rory's birthday giveaway!
Beautiful stitching and a fantastic package in the mail.
Looks like Rory is still enjoying himself in the great outdoors.
I would love to entered in your generous drawing.
Happy (early) Birthday Rory!
Thanks for the chance to win your giveaway!
Where to start - kids! uh, oops, I mean dogs!...one and the same...always unpredictable! Love the pics, especially the playing - too funny. You have some awesome exchanges, both given and received. And your win is fantastic!! I love, love the second picture the most, I think, but both are so sweet!
What gorgeous photos of Rory--as always! The portrait will be wonderful!
I enjoyed all the stitching photos--what great stuff, sent and received! I loved the package in honor of Rosie--what a sweet thing to do.
I'd love to included in the giveaway--thanks for the opportunity!
What a wonderful update. I always look forward to reading your blog, and can't wait to see Rory's painted portrait. Please enter me in your give-a-way.
Rory is an absolute beauty. I love all the pics of him, but I think the mud dog Rory is my favorite. Thanks so much for giving everyone a chance to win your giveaway. I wouldn't mind having a chance at it myself! Mostly I just came on here to admire Rory! :)
Rory is gorgeous! And obviously so happy, as he is so well cared for! :)
I'd love to be included in your giveaway. Thanks for the chance!
Oh wow the pics of Rory is just so great and I love his profile when he is standing in show form. I would love to be included in your giveaway and the stitching photos are beautiful! This is one of my favorite blogs to read so happy stitching and keep taking photos of that handsome fellow of yours!
What a beautiful dog. Congrats on the dog shows. I have a basset hound and he loves to be right in the middle of my stitching. www.stampinfromtheheart.blogspot.com
Please enter me into your wonderful giveaway and thanks so much!
WTG Rory!!!! You made your momma proud ;o) You're such a beautiful dog and it's good to see that you can still be a dog too. LOL!
What wonderful things you received in the mail Kathy! WOW! You must be on Cloud Nine :o)
I would love to be entered in your giveaway if that's okay. What a generous gift!
Wow, that is a lot of cross stitching! Our Mama says she used to do canvas stitching. Have you ever tried that? She liked it because the needle was big and dull, so she didn't get hurt when she stabbed herself with it, which was a lot.
We'd love to be entered in your giveaway! :) Our email is on our Blogger profile.
Kathy, you received some nice exchanges and sent some awesome ones, all the stitching is wonderful. Rory is such a cutie no matter if he's wet or dry. Please enter me in your giveaway.
Jennifer B.
All the exchanges are so very beautiful, you got a lot of happy mail, everything is so beautifully stitched. Happy birthday to Rory! Please enter me in the giveaway.
Kay B
He's a handsome lad!
Rory is such a beautiful fellow, and all the stitched pieces are gorgeous. Please enter me in your draw :)
Happy Birthday to Rory! I love seeing his pictures, whether he is clean or dirty. lol
The stitched pieces are beautiful. And the RAK brought a tear to my eye. Such a wonderful and caring thing to do.
i would love to be entered in your drawing.
What a good group of pictures. Rory is a looking dog and wow does he enjoy the outside.
Enjoyed seeing all your stitching too. Please enter me in your drawings.
Stopped by to say Happy Birthday to Rory. I enjoyed your blog so much I joined and became a follower. I would love to be entered in your giveaway in honor of Rory! My email is kimanncurry@yahoo.com. Thank you and give the birthday doggie a hug from me! Kim Curry
Happy Birthday to Rory (in 3 days!). He is stunning pet and those photos will make beautiful portraits. I would love to be entered in your giveaway.
Great packages...love the frosty ornie with the snowflake on the back. :)
Hi - I'd love to be entered in your giveaway. Seeing your Irish brings back fond memories of my first purebred show dog who was an Irish - Heather was more a sporting type instead of a show type but I loved her for 13 years and she got me started in the sport of pure bred dogs. I did not stick with that breed but spend 25 years exhibiting Afghan Hounds - your boy is really a looker - good luck with his career. Melody mbryan10@comcast.net
Rory is just ADORABLE! I especially love the wet-puppy picture! I'd love to included in the give-away, please!
HI, Rory is gorgeous wet or dry. I use to have a Red Irish setter when I was young. Please enter me in your giveaway, thanks.
Wow! Another dog lover! I would love to be entered in BOTH give aways. I'm very, very new and don't know how this works, but as far as saying what to give away, patterns, tips, or ideas work for me!
For the doggy give away, first, you have one beautiful pup there! I have 7 dogs now, down from 8, and I still celebrate each and every birthday for them; my oldest just turned 13 in October. One tradition I have with my dogs is that the night before their birthdays, when we get in bed, I tell the birthday pup his or her "baby story." The baby story is the story of how I got them and I say it in a soothing voice that has them all sit around with goofy looks on their faces.
Your pupster is gorgeous! I so enjoy reading all about Rory!
Please enter me in your giveaway!
Dear Kathy,
Rory is great, but I do not have to tell you that. lol I love to read about your stitching and about Rory. Please enter me in your giveaway.
threadsandneedles @ yahoo com
Well Kathy, even though I'm a cat person, Rory has stolen my heart! I just adore the pictures of him in the melting snow, he's even smiling!
Please count me in for your giveaway, how sweet of you!
Congratulations on the newest member of your family Kathy,he is beautiful,and such a wonderful name.thank you for sharing the photos of your mom and aunts,such a sweet family memory.Rory is beautiful as always and so smart in his birthday hat.He always cheers my day.Your stitching as always is beautiful.Its always nice to drop by and see you here. Hugs and Stitches Terry N
PS please include me in the drawing.Its always fun to enter. Thanks.
Rory is just toooooo adorable even when he's completely soaked. Love your exchange pics. Everything looks wonderful. I'd love to be included in the giveaway if it's not too late.
Here's someone who wants to be included in the giveaway :-)
Wow, Rory is such a handsome dog! Two years really have gone by fast (my puppy turned 2 last December)...
You've received such lovely exchanges (and sent some lovelies as well), prices and RAKs, I've just been "ooh'ing and aah'ing" while watching the photos!
I would love to be included in you giveaway.
I love looking at pictures of Rory. He is just so handsome and very happy.
I also enjoyed your pictures of your cross stitch exchanges, finishes and RAK's.
Rory is just sooooo gorgeous!!!!!
I love all the photo's of him, he's a real character.
I'm also very impressed with all your cross stitch pics.
I would love to be included in the giveaway. kerereru@yahoo.com
I follow your blog and think Rory is so handsome.
I am sorry about your Aunt.
Enjoy that new baby nephew.
I would like to be entered in your giveaway. That is very generous of you.
I love seeing your stitching and reading about Rory's "escapades".
Please enter me in your drawing.
I really do love hearing all about Rory. He really is so handsome.
Kathy, your stitching is beautiful. I ofen wonder where you get the time to stitch.
Thank you for hosting a give a way. Please enter my name.
Nan Davis
Sign me up for your stitching giveaway. I would love to find a good online stitch shop.
HI...Well I'd like to be included in your give a way. How nice of you to offer this to us stitchers! Thanks so much!
Rory is just too gorgeous for words! How can you ever pick your favorite picture! Congrats on the wonderful stitchy hauls. It must have been so much fun to sort through them. I'd love to be entered in your most generous giveaway. Thanks.
What a super give away!! Throw my name into the mix - thx edgar
Hi Kathy, I just love reading your blog. Please enter me in your giveaway.
Thanks, Linda
Hi there,
You do have a beautiful blog...and the tributes that you make to family are quite tender...
I love the continual flow of beautiful needlework....I have only one question...when do you sleep?
Keep keeping us updated on stuff.
Jeannie in Dallas
Rory looks as beautiful as ever. You have some lovely shots of him. I would love to be entered into your very generous giveaway. Thanks for the chance. xx
Here's wishing Rory a very Happy Birthday! I'm sorry I didn't post sooner, Kathy, I went to post the day you wrote this, but my internet was acting goofy and I never got back. Please enter me in the giveaway, my e-mail is tickledpinkone@yahoo.co.uk Both pictures of him are just gorgeous!! He's such a beautiful dog...and the RAK candle wrap was so touching. Lovely photos of all the stitching! *Hugs*
Enjoy reading about Rory and seeing his pictures. What lovely exchange pieces and winning prize. Would love to enter your give away.
Your dog is beautiful! Add me to the giveaway!
I always LOVE your blog, Rory the Super-dog is so gorgeous, I just want to cuddle up to those soft, silky ears which go on forever!! Thanks for sharing.
I'd love to be in your give-away too.
LOL, its my brother's birthday on the same day as Rory's, so I'll be eating cake for them both, I think I MUST!!
Julie in Australia
Rory is a beautiful dog! Did you watch the Westminster Dog Show on TV? I saw the final night.
The smalls in your pictures were great. I just love that PS leaping reindeer and the JBW French Country Amour.
Please enter me in the giveaway. I'd like to but some charts at Down Sunshine Lane.
trilliumcreates (AT) gmail DOT com
For me Rory is the prize because he's the most beautiful dog !!
Belated happy birthday, sorry I didn't post this as sooner.
please include me in the give away.
BTW My favorite overseas shop is also DSL from Amy.
I love your dog. I have always dreamed of getting one just like him (not for show, just as a pet), but somehow have only ever gotten SPCA mutts..One day I hope I'll find just the right one.
Thanks for sharing your pictures.
I can't believe that Rory will be 2 already. It seems like yesterday that you mentioned that you got him. I love seeing his snow pictures. And I am thinking that you can't wait to take pics of him smelling the flowers of spring and summer. Your stitching is beautiful. I haven't gotten much done lately other then the froggy exchange. I wish to be included in your giveaway.
Hi Kathy, tell Rory ~ Happy Birthday!
I'd love to be included in your generous giveaway. Sorry to hear of your Aunt's passing. It sounds like she has a special place in your heart and memories.
PS: Rory's photos are grand. He has such intelligence about his look.
What a nice give-away. I would love to be entered.
Rory is just beautiful.
Teresa's Heartfelt Stitches
Its wonderful to see your posts. I wish our dogs would do some of what Rory will do but 2 hyper Jack Russels are not fond of sitting still for pictures. While the sheltie is another story. I can get endless pics of her. Could you enter me in the drawing please. And give Rory a hug for me.
Penny I
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