Two days after baby Alex was born my family lost our Aunt. Aunt Eleanor was my Mom's older sister. I received this news while I was visiting the newest family member. And the next few days were spent cleaning house for company who came to attend the wake and funeral. We all took comfort that Aunt Eleanor was now at peace and in a better place. And that she was with her other sisters who had gone on before her. The Murray girls are together again.
Eleanor, Muriel, Pat and Viola

And I received my HoE stitch red for your heart exchange. Deanne stitched me the prettiest pin pillow. The photo really doesn't show you how lovely and sparkly the fabric is. She also sent me a few extras. She didn't have to but I love them. Especially the cute buttons!
Next the reindeer themed ornament that I stitched for that HoE exchange arrived at its new home. Gwen was kind enough to let me use her photo since, silly me, I forgot to take one before I mailed it. It is a Sampler Girl free pattern. And instead of putting Christmas Eve on it I stitched Gwen's initials and the year. I love the way it turned out and may have to stitch this one again. 
I decided to put this new trick to good use and did a pre-Birthday photo shoot so he will be all ready for this Saturday, March 5th, his second Birthday. I can't believe he will be two already. Wow, it has been a fun time watching him grow. 
My Aunt was not only a wonderful lady but one of the women in my life who encouraged crafts. (My Mom was not a crafty type.) She too was once a cross stitcher. And I well remember her trying to teach me to crochet and knit. I did try both and only ever finished one crochet project. An afghan that took 5 years and was so bad I gave it to my dog to sleep on! Those two needle arts didn't last with me once I found cross stitch. While cleaning last weekend I found two pieces my Aunt had stitched for my Mom. Aren't they sweet? (I am giving one of my sisters the "Sisters are Love" piece. I know she will appreciate it.) 
I did get some stitching in this past week. I finished a Lizzie Kate piece, "Bless Our Home."
Are you still here? Good. Now it's time for the Rory part of this update. No shows but Rory is still keeping busy and provided me with hours of joy and laughter. He also learned a new trick since my last post. I mentioned earlier that company came to stay with me for my Aunt's wake and funeral right? Well, my dear sweet brother, Tim, taught Rory how to sit in a chair at the kitchen table. Okay, so Rory already knew how since he would use the chair to get on the table and steal Rosies food when she was alive. But I never ever encouraged it. And usually had the chairs blocked. Now whenever I get up from the table Rory jumps on the chair and sits there.
Also this Saturday will be the drawing for my "Thank you Giveaway." A $25 gift certificate for the online LNS, Down Sunshine Lane. You have to comment on the previous post to be included. (Or click HERE and it will take you to the correct post.) A number of you have left me comments (which I love! Thank you.) but did not mention that you want to be included in the giveaway. If you do wish to be in the running than please go back and leave a comment saying so. 
Now I would like to offer two more special giveaways. Both are in honor of Rory's second Birthday. That's right TWO giveaways. One will be a stitchy giveaway for dog lovers. Including some doggie fabric, at least two doggie patterns, and various other dog themed items a stitcher can use. The second one is for your dog from Rory. It will include a couple of toys and treats and, well, I haven't figured out what else. But your furry pup should love it.
The rules? 1. You must leave a comment on this post and your MUST be sure to tell me you want to be in the giveaway.
2. You must tell me which giveaway. The Pup one or the Stitchy one. And yes, you can enter both but must leave a comment for each.
3. If you enter the Pup giveaway you need to tell me about your canine furbaby.
4. I must have a way to contact you if your email is not in your profile.
5. That's it. No other hoops to go through. Oh, and international readers are welcome.
The drawing for this giveaway will be Saturday, March 12th. I had hoped to do it earlier but with everything going on I didn't get the chance to post this until today. (I actually started this post yesterday on the 1st but didn't get to finish it!) And the following weekend Rory and I will be at dog shows. So the 12th it is.
Thank you again for all you wonderful comments and I look forward to reading about your four-footed babies.
Until next time................
Love and stitches
and licks from Rory too.
PS. Edited 3/2 . Another gift in the Stitchy giveaway will be a copy of A Dog's Purpose:A Novel for Humans by W. Bruce Cameron . A fabulous book that I won in a giveaway and want to pass on. Any dog lover will adore this book!
PSS. edited again to add: IMPORTANT!! You must say which giveaway you are entering. The stitchy one. Or the Doggie one!
Congratulations on your newest addition to the extended family! What a darling :)
My deepest, most sincere sympathy to you for the loss of your Aunt. But I bet she and her sisters are having a blast in heaven...look at them in that picture! :)
Sweet exchanges and finishes!
And look at handsome Rory in his birthday suit! LOL!
No entering for me, I just am happy to visit with you!
Congrats on the handsome new great nephew! I love his name as well. Sounds so grown up already!
I am so very sorry for the loss of your Aunt. Like you said now all the sisters are together and that has to be a comfort.
My roommate and I just love your pictures of Rory and have enjoyed watching him grow up as well. I know he will enjoy his birthday party!
I would love to be entered in your stitchy give away. My email is
I just love reading your blog.
My furbaby Boots is 110 lbs of Staffordshire and Black Mouth Cur mix. He will be 11 on April 18th. He is all black with brown eyebrows, a blaze of white on his chest and 4 brown "boots" on his lower legs and paws. He has been such a joy to us. I picked him out when he was 2 weeks old and now he is a happy old man. I know with his age that anything can happen but he has been a joy to us as Rory is to you. Please enter us in the doggie give a way!
Congratulations on becoming a great aunt again...the baby is so sweet. Sorry to hear that your aunt passed away. My thoughts are with you and your family during this hard time. Thank goodness for happy memories.
Love your exchanges. Both are pretty but I love your reindeer ornie on the gingham fabric.
No need to enter me in your giveaway. :)
What lovely stories and pictures and memories you shared. How nice that you still have pieces that you Aunt had made to share with others. No need to include me in the giveaways, I do love dogs but don't have one right now to share all the goodies with.
I would love to be included in the stitching give away. Your pictures of Rory with the birthday hat reminds me so much of my golden retriever that had for many, many years!
I am so sorry about your Aunt. It is really hard to lose those we love. However, Alexander will help I am sure. He is sooo cute.
I would like to enter both the giveways but if I have to choose, it will be the stitchy one. My furbaby, Bandit, is a shitzu who co-exists with the cat, Goldie and lives to lay in my lap while I stitch and run around with my husband (who feeds him constantly). Don't know how we existed before him.
Darn, I forgot my e-mail address: :)
I'm so sorry about your Aunt; know that you're always in my thoughts.
Please include me in your stitchy giveaway.
What a beautiful baby! So sorry to hear of your Aunt. My thoughts and prayers to you and your family.
Love all the stitchy things and who doesn't like to see new pics of Rory!?!? Happy Birthday to him!! No need to enter me in this one - we don't have any furbabies right now.
Sorry for your loss =/ but congratulations for the new baby boy in the family!
I'd love to enter your stitchy giveaway! Please, count me in!
Congrats on the new family member, And sorry for the loss of your Aunt. Please enter me in the stitchy giveaway only, thanks. Angel
I absolutely love Rory - that last photo of him in his birthday hat was too cute for words - you need to enter that one somewhere. I am a dog nut (as many of my xstitch friends know) and my Daisy is the absolute love of my life.
I'd like to enter the stitchy drawing because I want to win the book and because Daisy (who was rescued from a puppy mill at age 5) doesn't really "play." She only likes to drag around her stuffed "babies" and cuddle them.
She also has taken quite a liking to my stitching chair of late and boy is it hard to get her down (we both just don't fit). I've posted her photo several times both on the KYK & CCS groups and my blog.
Dottie K
Hi, my name is Sassy and I would love to be entered in your Doggie giveaway. I am a gorgeous black and white Shih-Tzu and was born November 30, 2003. Don't tell anyone, but that means I'm now 7 years old! I love being held and loved on, but I really, really hate being groomed. I've got one doggy sister named Molly that Mama & Papa rescued off the side of the road a couple years ago and I'm pretty good about sharing things with her and I've also got one kitty brother and one kitty sister that I'm okay with.
My Mama's name is Debra and I lie in wait for her to wake up each morning. All she has to do is make the slightest movement and I'm right there licking my face and making little begging noises. Of course, there's a reason for my "morning madness" (that's what Mama calls it); once awake Mama gives me a belly rub and there's no better way to start the day than a belly rub.
I prefer soft & chewy treats over crunchy biscuits any old day and squeaky toys are the BEST; in fact, the louder they are, the better. I keep Mama and Papa entertained every night by putting one of my squeaky toys in the floor and rolling all over it just so I can hear it squeak.
I think that's the type of information you were asking for. If Rory (he's a hottie) chooses me, he can get in touch with me through Mama at
PS Think Rory would be interested in a play date any time soon?
I would like the doggie give away to give to my grandson's dog. His name is Aboo and he is an English bulldog. He gets into everything and chew up my 4 grandson's toys, etc. It is hard to train him ...anyway, this would be a great gift for Aboo. LOL
Thank you,
I am a follower and my blog is
I am sorry to hear about your aunt. We lost our great aunt right after CHristmas. She was the last in her family at 102! Now she will be with all her brothers and sisters (there were 11 of them).
Happy Birthday to Rory. I love to see your pictures as our dog is now gone. We miss him everyday and I keep thinking he will be lying on his blanket when I walk by. We are remembering the funny things he did which is cheering us up.
I would like to be entered in the stitchy giveaway. Thanks for the chance to win.
Looking forward to seeing more ROry pictures as well as your cross stitch projects.
Kathy, so sorry for the loss of your aunt, and congrats on that sweet lil bundle!!
A very Happy 2nd birthday to you mind if I share his birthday picture with some FB friends and doggies lovers??
Your niece's son is so beautiful! Congratulations to the new parents. I'm so sorry for your loss too. It's nice to think the 4 sisters are together again.
Nice stitchy pics! And happy birthday to Rory! I'd love to enter the stitchy giveaway. I only have a kitten, but I think about getting a dog sometime. Thank you!
I am sorry to hear about the death of your aunt.
What a beautiful new baby in your family! Congratulations.
I'd like to be included in your stitchy giveaway drawing.
Thanks so much.
I'd like to enter your stitchy give-away. We have two crazy Shih-tzus. Thanks so much.
So lovely you have such wonderful memories of your aunt, treasure them. Your family is like ours - 5 grandsons for my parents, oh boy! Love those babies, so precious.
Love Rory's birthday pics, I bet he'll be smiling on his actual birthday when he gets totally spoiled! ; )
I'm so sorry to hear about your aunt, but it sounds like she had a wonderful life and experienced much with her family. Love the new grand-nephew - so cute!ANd all the stitching and exchanges look wonderful.
Rory is, as always adorable. Happy early Birthday to him!
If I say I want to be in the stitchy giveaway, then I feel guilty for leaving out Montana!!! But, let's face it...stitching wins!
So sorry to hear about your aunt! I am glad that you have a new little bundle of joy to keep up with at the same time. :) Lovely cross-stitch pictures! I especially like the Lizzie Kate Bless our Home finish. :) Oh, an what a wonderful giveaway! I'd love to be in the stitchy giveaway! Thank you!!
I'd also like to be in the Pup giveaway, please! My furbaby is a 20 pound Schnoodle (schnauzer/poodle) name Kolar. He is a little overweight and spoiled, spoiled, spoiled. :) He taught himself to jump on the soft folding chair when he was little, and loves to sleep in it beside me. He likes to play, but my sister's new puppy steals all his toys, and he is too much of a gentleman to take them back. He mopes instead. LOL Poor dog! I love him dearly. Thanks for the chance! We'll be back to wish Rory a happy birthday. :)
Sorry about your loss. The new baby is beautiful. Love Rory, all ready for his 2nd BD. So cute. I would like to be entered in the dog giveaway. My Sammi is 17 and still going strong. She is a small pup (around 15 lbs.)with a big heart. She would love to win your and Rory's giveaway.
Please entre me in your stitchy draw, no pups here, I loved the photo's of Rory, he looks so sleek. Clearing the house must have left you with mixed feelings, but finding the needlework was bliss. I love old stitching. Sadly I have none of my mum's.
Well Kathy and Rory, it will have to be the pup giveaway... Which one of my furbabies do you want me to tell you about? I've just about decided... OK I have decided to keep Podge, she is just so darn beautiful, and special. Plus I think the name has stuck :D
Early Happy Birthday Rory, you beautiful boy.
LiBBiE in Oz and Meah, Evie, Quincy, Podge her four siblings, Stella, Syliva, Levi and Chobe.
Ok under the premise that you have to be in it to win it... I also enter the stitchy giveaway as well.
LiBBiE in Oz
I would love to enter for the stitchy giveaway.
Your great-nephew is so beautiful. Alexander William are names in my family too. I am sorry to hear about your Aunt.
I have 3 dogs. Golden Lab mixed (10 yrs) named Anabelle. Beagle named Buddy and terrior mixed named Max.
Thanks, Mary
Congratulations on the birth of your adorable grand nephew.
My sympathies go out to you and your family upon the loss of your aunt.
the baby is adorable. Rory looks cute in his hat. Love the finishes and exchanges. Please include me in the the stitchy giveaway.
Baby Alex is adorable, congrats to your niece and her husband on their bundle of joy. My condolences on the passing of your aunt. Those were some wonderful things she stitched, thanks for sharing. Your exchanges and finishes are beautiful. Rory looks handsome getting ready for his bday.
So sorry for your loss!
I'd love to be entered in to the doggie giveaway. I have 2 furbabies, Allie, who is almost 3, and Kody, who is about 1.5 years old. Allie is a miniature American Eskimo and my "heart" dog. She is a spoiled princess! Kody is a toy American Eskimo and is quite a character! He is such a cuddler now! They never fail to cheer me up, no matter how bad my day has been. They both say "woof!" to Rory!
I'd also love to be entered into your stitchy drawing!
Ack! I forgot to say congrats on the new nephew! He's adorable!!
i want to enter your dog giveaway. I have a sweet little Basset Hound named Gus. (Plenty of pictures on my blog.)
What a beautiful addition to the family. Alexander is adorable and the name is awesome.
All your stitchy exchanges and pieces are wonderful.
Sorry to hear about your Aunt, at least she is at peace with her sisters now.
Rory is so adorable in that birthday hat. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU...
No entry in either doggy exchange for me as I am mainly a cat person. Don't hate me for that please, lol!
Kathy - I just love reading your blog. You always make me feel I'm sitting across the kitchen table from you chatting. Congrats on the new grand-nephew. He's adorable. And condolenences on your aunt. How nice to have some stitched pieces to remember her. I'd love to be entered into the stitchy drawing - dog-lover that I am!
Happy Birthday Rory!
I'd love a chance to enter your stitchy giveaway - no pups now, lost our last one several years ago and will always be a dog lover!
Thanks :)
kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com
So sorry about the loss of your Aunt. Rory look so dapper in his hat. I couldn't get a hat on the who hounds for love nor money!
Throw my name into the super doggy drawing.
Since you have 2 super drawings - why not throw my name into the stitchy one also.
thx edgar
Your great nephew is absolutely gorgeous. So sorry to hear of the loss of your aunt.
I would love to be entered in your stitchy giveaway.
Hi Kathy, You are so lucky to have a dog that minds. We have two miniature schnauzers. You can call them till your blue in the face and they just sit there and look at you. Oh well, we still love them. Please enter me in your pup giveaway. Max and Rocky say thanks.
We would love to enter the pup giveaway! There are two of us. Trixie is 4 years old, very gentle and sweet, and loves to nibble on her toys. Lily is 2 years old, 10 pounds of sheer terrier, and loves to shake her toys like crazy! (She's sweet too and loves to cuddle with Mama.) We are sorry for your loss, by the way, but happy for the new babies... and we think Rory looks cool in his birthday hat!
We will enter the stitchy giveaway too. Our Mama can stitch a little and would like to try it again. She will be very careful not to stab herself with the needle!
Baby is adorable! Thank you for sharing pictures of your Mom and so sorry about your auntie. I will keep her in my prayers.
Your stitching is lovely as always and Rory... he is a very handsome boy. Happy birthday to him!
I would love to be entered in a doggie gift away. I am a proud mama of an eight year old Hungarian Kuvasz name Topaz. She is a Valentine girl and just recently was her birthday. She was born in Alaska and she loves the north. Tonight I will make a post about her in my blog and I will include some pics. She is a very special girl.
Awww...your nephew is simply adorable! Someone new for you to spoil!! The pictures of your Mom and Aunt are wonderful! I can see that their smiles never changed in all those years. I'm so sorry, Kathy, for your loss. *sending virtual hugs* Rory look so cute in his birthday hat!! Please enter me in the stitchy giveaway. My e-mail is Thanks so much for your generosity!! *Hugs*
Thanks for the chance....I would love to enter the pet giveaway in honor of my mini daschound Homer....he brings soooo much joy to my life espically since losing my mom in 2004, losing my home in Katrina, and losing my brother in
A life taken and a new life has the world turns. Your exchanges look nice, both sent and received! Rory looks so cute sitting all prim and proper at the table! Sure doesn't seem like 2 years to me already. How fun to have a pup giveaway! You already know about my Cheyenne, she's my almost 6 yr old rescue Schnauzer who will be celebrating one year with us this May. She is a great dog and I love that I was able to give her a forever home!
Happy birthday to you ,Happy Birthday to you , Happy birthday dear Rory happy birthday to you.
Oh what a super birthday hat Rory, you will be well and truly spoilt I am sure as you deserve to be.
Well I am sure Ollie would love the toys so I will enter him for that but knowing how costly it is to send to the Uk I will say that if the stitchy thing is lighter may I have a chance of that one. I will buy Ollie a toy from RORY if I should get the stitched item lol.
Sad loss for you , but your aunt will be I am sure catching up on all the gossip and the sisters will be watching over you. Take care sweetie.
Congratulations on the new addition to your family. I am so sorry about your loss. You are in my thoughts. My aunt and mother who passed on were also my inspiration for crafts. Love your exchange. Since I no longer have a pooch to love on, I will pass on your giveaways. Have a great weekend.
Boy, you covered a lot of ground in this posting. Your new nephew is a sweetheart. I'm so sorry about your aunt's passing. Funny (the odd way) sometimes - a new life reassures us that life will go on just as we lose another. When I was in the hospital having our daughter, a friend was losing his fight on another floor. His wife and my husband met up in the cafeteria, and she was comforted by our happier news. Must be God's way of letting us know life is still good!
I've wanted to start a doggie stitchy wall (or shelf, if they're smaller)so please, please draw my name! I'd be thrilled to win the patterns and whatever else you've got in mind!
Now, about my four-legged best friend - Woody is an almost five year old Golden Doodle and the joy of our home (I can say that because our daughter lives in another city, lol). He's a fifty-three pound bundle of energy whose favorite non-family people are the mailman (honest!) and a neighbor who purposely plans to be out when we take our walks so he can rough house a bit and rub Woody's tummy. Woody started out all black (momma was a black poodle), but his coat has been continually evolving, and now his legs are grey (but his feet are still dark as coal), his muzzle is a cinnamony brown, and there are white-gray flecks along his still-mostly-black back. He's a mixture, but it doesn't matter because he's still our best friend!
Woody would be ever-so-excited to hear from Rory, so please include him in that drawing. And please tell Rory that Woody wishes him a happy birthday, and says way to go on sitting up in the chair!
What an adorable baby!! Congrats to your family. I am sorry for the lost of your aunt, but I understand the comfort you have of her being with her sisters again. Great stitching finishes!! I have that LK in my stash many others! LOL Give Rory a hug for me!
I would love to have my name dropped in the hat for the doggie stitching giveaway! We are certainly a dog family at our house and love dog designs.
Thanks for offering such a generous giveaway. Happy Birthday Rory!
maurer dot katie at gmail dot com
Now, for my entry into the Rory to my doggie giveaway.
We have two furbabies at our house. Joey, an 11 year old chocolate lab and Libbie, a 2 1/2 year old boxer/pit bull mix rescue dog. Poor Joey is losing his hearing and has trouble climbing onto the bed for his frequent naps. Libbie was a forced surrender to the local animal control office, so she isn't very friendly with strangers, but hasn't shown the slightest bit of aggression since we brought her home more than a year ago.
Rory's birthday pictures are wonderful!
I can't imagine a life without dogs.
maurer dot katie at gmail dot com
The only thing for the give away I hear is... the doggie one, the doggie one and the one who says it is .... my dog Bowy hihihi ....
We love the photo's of Rory with his party hat one !!!
Thank you for sharing the memories and the new joys. Happy Birthday Rory!
I would like to enter the doggie giveaway. Thank you for doing this. I would like to tell you about my step-dog, Caesar the pit bull. This fall, we had to let his brother cross the Rainbow Bridge. The next morning, Beazer sat on the hill behind the house, and howled softly. I don't know if he was calling for his brother to come home, grieving the loss we all felt, or singing his own little dirge to tell his brother it was OK now and farewell, but it was the most beautiful, heartbreaking, pure expression of love I've ever seen. And when people tell me how bad pitbulls are, I remember how he looked in the dawn that morning and I feel so blessed to have experienced that.
My email is rspory1976 @ yahoo dot com.
First, my condolences on the passing of your aunt. ((hugs))
Second, Rory is two already??? Wow, time flies.
Third, your newest nephew is soooo precious!
I would like to be included in your doggie giveaway. :)
I would also like to be included in your stitchy giveaway. :)
My condolences on the loss of your aunt. I could see the Irish-ness in the picture of her and your mother together when they were younger! Congratulations on the birth of your latest family member.
Wonderful stitching!!
I'll pass on the giveaways, but thanks!
Hi Rory!
No need to enter us but we wanted to stop by and thank you for coming over to Doggies and Stuff blog!
You are PAWsome!
Doreen, Kiko, Millie and Riley
Congrats on your new great Nephew, he's a cutie.
Your LK is beautiful.
Congrats Rory on your second birthda. He's just adorable!
I'd liked to be included in the stitchy give-away. Thanks!
I'm so sorry about your aunt. The stitching is lovely and Rory looks great in the birthday hat. Please do not include me in either giveaway; I just wanted to comment on the other stuff.
Kathy- what a beautiful grand nephew. Congrats! I hope Rory enjoyed his day. BTW- I am interested in the stitchy giveaway. Jane
I'm so sorry to hear about your aunt passing..., & congrats in the new addtion in your family, you got a goodbye and a hello
I'm pretty sure my Prisca, my mini doberman who's 11 years old would love to know her name's displayed in your blog, lol, please enter her and me in the giveaway, thank you sooooooo much for the chance
Five paws to Rory!!!!
Please enter me in the stitchy giveaway, I'm a dog lover, sorry... I'm wrong... I ADORE dogs, I'm sure they're angels among us!
I just love reading your blog. Rory is just so sweet. I love the Birthday Party pictures. I have a green bow tie just like Rory is wearing (i don't wear it) just hang it up.
Becky J, MI
My condolences on the passing of your aunt. Thanks for sharing the family photos. Congrats on the arrival of your new grand-nephew. He's so cute!
I would love to enter your Stitchy giveaway. I am a dog lover and have a parti-color cocker spaniel named Abby.
I would also like to be entered in the Pup giveaway in honor of my 1 1/2 year old cocker spaniel Abby, who is a rescue dog. She has helped to heal our broken hearts after our cocker Scooby passed away last year at age 15. I miss him every day.
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