It has been ages since my last post. I apologize for being away for so long. I also apologize for not commenting on your blogs. The past six weeks or so have been insanely busy, mostly at work, that when I had time to update I was just way too tired to come up with a single sentence that made sense. Late March to the end of April is always a busy time for me at work and this year was busier than usual. And no, I am not an accountant but an editor and the end of April is my first publishing deadline of the year. The next is early October.

So I am hoping to catch up on my blog reading soon. Goodness but I missed you all.
So what have I been doing besides work? Not a heck of a lot stitching wise. I did manage to stitch up my three exchange pieces. I can show you one since I know it has arrived at its new home. I used part of a design from one of the Just Cross Stitch ornament issues for my Quaker design ornament exchange on
HoE. And I received my Quaker ornament from
Suzanne. Isn't it beautiful? I love birds and swans are one of my favorites. This one will look wonderful on my tree this year.

I never updated my
TUSAL from April. I did take the photo. But just never updated here. So here is both the April photo and the May photo for the Totally useless Stitch-a-Long.
April on the left and May on the right.

I was lucky enough to be the winner in two giveaways. The first is a pin pillow stitched by
Mouse. It is perfect! Since Lily of the Valley, which are just starting to bloom in my yard, is one of my favorite flowers this pin pillow is so pretty and so me.

The second one is from
Blu. I won her giveaway back in January and had actually forgotten about it.

When this stunning work of art arrived in the mail I just couldn't think who it was from. Until I got an email from Blu asking me if I had gotten it. Apparently the note she included slipped down in one of the pockets and I didn't see it right away. I'm glad that mystery was solved since this is just too beautiful not to show and give the proper credit. Thank you so very much Blu. It is gorgeous.

And she included a pin pillow, a pair of scissors, needles, and the most beautiful Christmas color silk. Everything I need to start a Christmas pattern.

Other stitchy news? Not much since my hands have been bothering me a lot. I have arthritis in my hands and every once in a while my fingers hurt terribly. Especially during damp and rainy days or when the knuckles are building the calcium deposits. Since My Mom had bad arthritis in her hands I guess this is just one of the gifts she gave me. I do think that stitching helps to keep my fingers nimble but this past month it has been a chore trying to hold on to the needle. With luck the spring showers will start to clear out and my fingers will start to cooperate.

Rory giving his "dog-father", Greg, a hug. Notice how he looks to see if everyone is watching.
Rory news. Well, that's has been the best part of this past month. We went to visit my niece and her fiance for the Easter weekend down near Baltimore. It was also a dog show weekend. Since my niece lives 10 minutes from the show site we stayed with her. Three days of shows. I was so excited thinking that both my niece and my brother (who lives in Washington, DC, and hour away) would be coming to watch Rory and I run in circles! We did (run in circles) and they did (watch us) too. And I had another visitor come to cheer Rory and me on to possible victory. A

fellow stitcher,
Beth and her service dog, Kasey, her blog is
Crossed Purposes! How fun to meet a fellow stitcher and blogger face to face after being online friends for a number of years. Even though Rory and I didn't win anything the days we had company watch us it was wonderful seeing family and friends. Spending Easter Sunday at a dog show and part of it with Beth and Kasey was such fun for me. Oh, and they even had services before the show started.

But the best part of that weekend is that Rory and I won FIVE more points toward his

championship at the first show of the weekend!!! (Of course it was the show that no one came to watch!) For those that don't know, in order to become and AKC Champion a dog has to win 15 points. (Rory now has 10.) Out of that 15 two wins have to be 3 - 5 points in one show. Those are called majors. (The more dogs entered and you defeat the more points awarded. With a maximum of 5 points.) Well, I never ever thought that I could handle Rory in the ring for one of those majors. With more competition to beat and me being pretty much a beginner. Imagine my surprise and elation and shock when at the Potomac Irish Setter Specialty the judge pointed to me and Rory as the Winners Dog!! At a specialty!!! That meant that Rory beat the other 18 class dogs entered and won the 5 points!! I am still beaming when I stop and think about it. I mean showing a dog is team work between you and the dog. Me! I did it! I really did! Now to win one more major win and my little boy will fulfill another dream of mine by becoming a Champion in title as well as the champion of my heart.

"Wake me when it's time to go"
So many other things happened but nothing as wonderful as that show win. We have more shows lined up over the next three weekends. And the rest of the summer season. I have tons of stitching I want to get to and the gardens need cleaning badly. So much to do and definately not enough time. But I promise not to be away so long.
So until next time..............
Love and stitches
and licks from Rory too 
"So where are you sleeping?"
cooo eeee :) so glad to see you here ... well done to you both on winning :)and nice exchanges you got too :) love mouse xxxx
good to see you & Rory back..........I was concerned & wondered what was wrong.....so glad to hear you have just been extremely busy....seems lots of people are....
Congrats to both you & Rory on the shows Easter Weekend!!!
So good to see an update from you! What lovely goodies you have won!! An congrats to you and Rory - how exciting for you!!!
So good to see an update from you! What lovely goodies you have won!! An congrats to you and Rory - how exciting for you!!!
Nice to see you posting again :)
Great exchange pieces!
Congrats to you and Rory -- great stuff getting 5 more points! That's so exciting! He's such a cutie, and a very gorgeous dog too. Love seeing all the exchange pieces and stitching. Sorry work has been so busy. I probably already told you this, but one of the possibilities for my DD is publishing. Although she's starting to think of other things too. lol!
Ok, if you tell me you were at the Howard Co Fairgrounds (cause the pictures look familiar) I'm gonna scream! I live about 10 minutes away from there! Glad you had a good time, hugs to Rory!
Always love to see what you two are up too.
((hugs)) to both of you!
Rory is soooo cute.
You got some lovely things for sure. Glad Rory did so well getting those 5 points. What happens when we achieves his championship? Do you keep showing him then? Love your ornaments and your ort jar is looking good even if you have been busy.
YAY, way to go Rory!!!
Love all the stitchy goodness too.
Nice exchanges and your prize is very unique! Best of luck to all your upcoming dog shows. I'm sure he will get to the Champion position sooner than you think! Hope your hands don't give you too much trouble so you can keep up your stitching!!!
Congrats Kathy, on your show win. The two of you looked good!! Of course, Rory ALWAYS looks good. (I would say the same of you, but I don't see you as often as Rory, lol.) Your exchange looks good, and so does your prize. Love all the green!!
Lovely gifts
So glad you and Rory are back,I thought I had accidently deleted your blog frommy reading list LOL
Funny that you posted now... I was thinking of you this week! A neighbor's dog and me 'met' yesterday at the trash can, and from afar I had always thought it was a setter like Rory. But--no! It is a mixed dog, with the same color coat but the face is like a shepherd or something else, not distinguished like Rory. And the body was chunky, not sleek and smooth. Funny! Glad you are back with us bloggers!
Welcome back to blog world. What a lovely package from Blu! And Rory's an amazing dog with a wonderful owner. I'm not surprised you won :)
I was just thinking about you and Rory! Glad to see you and Rory had a good Easter weekend. What's better than dog shows, family and friends and a win? Love seeing your stitchy stuff too!
I'm really glad you like your winnings!
Congrats to you and Rory on winning! It's always interesting to hear about the dog shows.
COngrats to you and Rory!!
That win from Blu is fantastic :)
Glad to see you back online.
Rory is always a champion. I like the HOE pieces. Hope your fingers are starting to feel a little bit better.
Congratulations to you and Rory! It's good to see you two back.
Aww....Rory is the best!!! He's a champion no matter what!
The price you won looks stunning. Love it.
Lovely ornaments.
Hopefully your fingers will feel less painful soon.
Oh Kathy, I have been a little worried I only said to Miss Meah last night, we must email Kathy & Rory to see if they are OK!
OMG a FIVE POINT Major!!! Woohoo, I have chills. The boy is looking good (so do you), and of course you never win when family is there!
Five points to go before American Champion. They are wonderful words aren't they, just like the other two words Australian Champion :D.
I still remember my first major win, all those years ago, I pretty sure I was like... Who me? Then I swore!!! "oh sh*t"
Glad to see you in the land of blogging again.
LiBBiE in Oz
Congrats to you and Rory!
Lovely exchanges too.
Beautiful exchanges you got! Congrats to you and Rory!
Kathy & Rory, you were missed. Congratulations on your big point win!!! That is so awesome! Really enjoyed reading everything. I won a needle pillow from mouse too! Isn't she a great stitcher?!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE mine. Take care. Cathryn
Oh Kathy....I wish I had known you were going to be in Baltimore! I have stitched with Beth a few times and live near her, it would have been so much fun to meet you!! *sigh* Next time you are down this way PLEASE let me know! Love your gifts, what a nice surprise! Congratulations to you and Rory on your exceptional win!! I hope your hands feel better soon! *Hugs*
Congratulations to you both. Rory is such a cutie. Your stitchy goodies are just wonderful. I am glad to have found your blog.
Congrats to you both!!!
And what lovely exchanges!!
So good to see you posting again and what beautiful exchanges. Congratulations to Rory, he is getting there and hope he wins mores points soon.
So much to comment on. First your stitching is beautiful. And then your gift was just breathtaking.
Sorry your hands are hurting. Here's to hoping for dry, warm weather.
And congratulations on Rory's win. He is a champion!
Ohh you have made my day with your post. I was getting Rory withdrawal symptoms.
Super duper stitching received and done .
Right shove over Rory I am sharingyour bed lol.
Take care sweetie hope the hands improve soon , I have had sore wrists and fingers too so know how you feel.
I just LOVE Rory! How exciting to be only 5 points away from being a Champion!
Nice stitching stuff too!
congrats on Rory's winnings!
Nice exchanges and blog-winnings
I've been wondering where you are! I'm glad to hear you've 'just' been busy. Congrats on all of Rory's success. I loved that pic of him giving a hug, making sure that everybody was looking. LOL Beautiful stitching and exchange pieces! I hope your fingers are feeling better soon.
Wonderful news on the majors win. I know Beth enjoyed being there since she used to be into dog shows as well. Weather sure has been very wet and damp here on the East Coast so far this spring; wonder what summer will hold?
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