Then on my Birthday I got the nicest gift. Well, not really a gift but something I had been waiting for since January. Some of you may remember when I entered Rory in a photo contest on a local pet website. With your help he won and the prize was a custom portrait. It took a while but the artist finally let me know it was finished. Well, almost. It seemed she didn't think the color of Rory's coat was correct in the photos I sent so she painted him a very light organge-ish color. Well, I brought Rory along when
I picked up the painting and she was a little
upset that she was so off on his color. She is taking the painting back later this summer and will correct the color. I think she did a lovely job capturing Rory's head and can't wait until it is complete. In the meantime here it is so far.
A couple of days later Rory and I were on our way to Massachusetts for a weekend of dog shows. We stayed with a dear friend and Rory had a great time playing with his setter friends. He didn't win at these shows but we both had fun anyway.

Speaking of stitching. I haven't really done any. I did start a couple of things but haven't made all that much progress. I have two exchanges I must get done so I am hoping to spend most of the upcoming July 4th weekend stitching. Well, I kind of have to since one of the exchanges needs to be in the mail by the 5th. My stitching mojo seems to have flown the coop. I do miss it but can't seem to find the urge to pick up the needle. Anyone have any ideas on how to jump start my stitching mojo again?
I am overdue with a giveaway. Especially since I like to do one for my Birthday. Well, that has come and gone so I will have to think up another idea. I will too as soon as the weekend of July 8 to 10th is over. That will be the next dog show weekend and probably the last one until October. So keep your eye out for giveaway goodness soon. Just as soon as I get inspired again.

I hope I haven't bored you too much with all the photos and non-stitchy happenings. With luck I'll have something stitchy to share next time. And with even more luck some good news from the next weekend of shows with Rory.
Until next time.......................

Until next time.......................
Love and stitches
and licks from Rory too
PS. I tried to post this yesterday but for some strange reason blogger wouln't let me publish.