Then on my Birthday I got the nicest gift. Well, not really a gift but something I had been waiting for since January. Some of you may remember when I entered Rory in a photo contest on a local pet website. With your help he won and the prize was a custom portrait. It took a while but the artist finally let me know it was finished. Well, almost. It seemed she didn't think the color of Rory's coat was correct in the photos I sent so she painted him a very light organge-ish color. Well, I brought Rory along when
I picked up the painting and she was a little
upset that she was so off on his color. She is taking the painting back later this summer and will correct the color. I think she did a lovely job capturing Rory's head and can't wait until it is complete. In the meantime here it is so far.
A couple of days later Rory and I were on our way to Massachusetts for a weekend of dog shows. We stayed with a dear friend and Rory had a great time playing with his setter friends. He didn't win at these shows but we both had fun anyway.

Speaking of stitching. I haven't really done any. I did start a couple of things but haven't made all that much progress. I have two exchanges I must get done so I am hoping to spend most of the upcoming July 4th weekend stitching. Well, I kind of have to since one of the exchanges needs to be in the mail by the 5th. My stitching mojo seems to have flown the coop. I do miss it but can't seem to find the urge to pick up the needle. Anyone have any ideas on how to jump start my stitching mojo again?
I am overdue with a giveaway. Especially since I like to do one for my Birthday. Well, that has come and gone so I will have to think up another idea. I will too as soon as the weekend of July 8 to 10th is over. That will be the next dog show weekend and probably the last one until October. So keep your eye out for giveaway goodness soon. Just as soon as I get inspired again.

I hope I haven't bored you too much with all the photos and non-stitchy happenings. With luck I'll have something stitchy to share next time. And with even more luck some good news from the next weekend of shows with Rory.
Until next time.......................

Until next time.......................
Love and stitches
and licks from Rory too
PS. I tried to post this yesterday but for some strange reason blogger wouln't let me publish.
Not boring at all! I love seeing pics of Rory and what you two have been up to! Bummer that the artist got Rory's color wrong. It's a beautiful picture though. One thing I can tell from your pics is what a character Rory is. His personality just bubbles out! Looks like he had a great time with his setter friends and at the beach in NC too! Fun times!
Not sure what to suggest about your stitching mojo. I've had times like that too. Maybe just going through your stash and finding something you absolutely love? Although if you're like me, you might feel overwhelmed by all you want to stitch someday. lol!
Good luck at the next shows! Oh, and happy belated birthday too!
Love the picture that was done. It does look like rory. looks like you had a great time on your trip. Rory always looks like a happy dog.
Not boring at all Kathy. I loved to read your blog post and looking at all those pictures. Seems to me that you and that cute dog of yours are having a fun time.
Your stitching mojo most likely will return over time. Can't force these things. Been there too. And as long as you enjoy yourself all is fine I would say.
Beautiful portrait--I'm sure it will be amazing once the color is corrected! Glad you are enjoying your summer too. I'm in the same boat as far as the mojo goes. Haven't stitched in weeks, even though I continue to acquire new charts...
Sounds like you and Rory have had a great time this past month. Love all the photos. The portrait of Rory does look good but when his color is corrected it will be perfect.
Oh that Rory is priceless. What great fun you two have had.
helloooo you two :) ooo you look like you have had oodles of fun :) lovely portrait of Rory and will be excellent with the right shade of him :) and oooooo you have made me a very hungry mouse with that scrummy looking cake .... mojo mmmmm try something little and new may be >>>??? till next time take care and hopefully happy stitching :) love mouse xxxx
Hi Kathy and Rory!
Happy belated birthday Kathy! The painting of Rory looks great, even though she wants to fix it. Rory looks like he had a fabulous time! His pics are cute.
Have a great week!
Blessings, Jessica
I thought it was a great post! My brother got married in the Outer Banks and I haven't been back there since the ceremony (13 years ago - yikes!). It's so pretty there. :)
Rory is gorgeous and your portrait is, too. I'll look forward to seeing it again after the artist has re-touched the color.
We share a birthday!! Happy (belated) birthday!
Happy Birthday! Hope it was great - looks like you had a lovely vacation! Poor Rory - he got so tuckered he needed a nap! :)
Love the beach photos :) Ahhhh, what I wouldn't give...
What a great portrait, and really nice that the painter is correcting the color.
Happy Belated Birthday!
Are you stitching?
You were so close to ME! In Virginia Beach!! Happy Belated Birthday! I was wondering where you were of late... Glad it was good things like family, beach and Rory of course! Good luck on the next competition next month! I look forward to hearing about it! Hugs.
Blogger's been a bit wonky lately! I loved looking at all your pics Kathy. Rory looks fabulously content in your beach photos. I can imagine all the fun he had! Good luck in the upcoming shows. If my stitchy mojo gets a bit light (or even gone) a new start or some new stash often perks me up. I hope you get yours back soon enough to do your exchange piece!!
I love seeing what Rory has been up to. He is such a photogenic dog.
Firstly- Happy Birthday Kathy!
Not fair posting that pic of your cake, it looks and sounds delicious and now I want something yummy to eat.LOL I had some delish blueberry pie recently, I'll just have to reminisce (sp?).
You arrange the most fabulous pics of Rory, I love coming over here to see what he's been upto. I always have a giggle and call over anyone else who is home to look at them too!
When my mojo has gone, I pretend to myself I'm getting inspiration by looking at stitching blogs. I also window shop online til I see something I really want to stitch, then come back to reality and work on something I already have! Usually the window shopping online works.
Looks like everyone had a wonderful time at the retreat!
That's a lovely picture of Rory. I love that photo of Rory with the huge sunglasses. So cute!
Happy Belated Birthday! Your cake looks fantabulous!
It's always fun to see pics of Rory. His portrait is wonderful - how nice that the artist will correct his coloring!
Love the pic of Rory and his footprints in the sand!
Wow you and Rory have had a busy summer! Very Happy very very belated birthday!!
I love the photo's of wet Rory, a wet, bedraggled, and happy Irish, always makes me smile. Shows the true inner dog under all that lovely coat.
LiBBiE in Oz
Who has her fingers crossed that blogger will actually allow me to comemnt!
Kathy, I never get tired of reading about you and Rory and your adventures. Love reading your blog. The pictures were so great! Thanks so much. :) Cathryn
There is never too many pictures of Rory! Thank you for sharing and happy very belated birthday!
Happy birthday, sounds like it was a great day! The picture of Rory is beautiful. You and Rory have been on the go a lot. That cake looks divine, making me wish it was my birthday, lol. Less than a month to go before I get my birthday cake, yea!
It's so nice to see Rory's finished portrait--I can see why he won--what a handsome, handsome best friend you have :)
Happy belated birthday, too, Kathy--and I wish you all the best in the coming year!
Looks like Rory had a very relaxing week at the beach! How do you keep him from drinking the salt water??? I think it's the summer slumps for stitching. Just too much to do in a short time. We have all winter for staying in and stitching!!
Rory is too cute! I thought of him yesterday... My daughter went away to the coast of Kerry with some friends & was upset when she got back because her friend told her that she "gave up" her (Irish) red setter because he kept trying to come in the house and be with them. DD was upset because she knew the dog wanted to be with his family and that "some people just shouldn't be allowed to have dogs!". They are farmers, though--to them, the dog was an animal, not a friend or a pet. So, give Rory a hug for us!
Sorry to hear that your mojo is on vacation. That happened to me last year. I say--enjoy life, read, do whatever else you do when you're not stitching. The mojo will return when it's time.
Enjoy your 4th of July!
Thanks for sharing your and Rory's good times. The portrait is beautiful, and the shot of him on the pier in the sunshine is almost the same color. Maybe the 'have to' stitching will turn your mojo around, but if not, enjoy what you like!
Happy belated birthday! You and Rory have had a busy, but fun summer.Love the portait of that beautiful dog.
Rory just makes every post full of smiles for me.
I love the pics, and specially the one with rory and his pic. He looks as if he's smiling. :)))
Glad that the (talented!) artist will change the hues to match his real color. Well, had she been a stitcher, you could've given her the colours in "DMC language". lol!
No help for the stitching mojo. You probably need a rest. Don't feel guilty about it.
Take care,
Lili Bear/leeland
Happy belated birthday! Great snaps! He sure is a ham. hugs,
I love to read your blog, Kathy! You and Rory seem to have some fantastic adventures (and I do love ALL the pictures!!) I wish I had some advice for jump starting your stitching mojo...I've been on vacation myself, and didn't put one stitch in, and I have an exchange I need to get stitching too! I'll wish with all my might that your mojo comes back if you do the same for me! *wink* *Hugs*
great post, as always! Love all the pictures of Rory!!
Beautiful portrait.
Love the photos of Rory. Thanks for sharing.
CONGRAULATIONS to you and Rory !! what a fine showing you had, and he is part of your life so part of the blog....never get tired of him, and he does so well when you dress him up, : ) I really enjoyed the fouth of July photos. look forward to his next showing.
Rhonda P.
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