Friday, January 30, 2009
Another finish
Another finish and another award

1. Reading. I've been hooked on books and have been reading since my first trip to the library when I was five. I can close my eyes and still see my Mom and my aunt handing me that book that started it all.
2. Cross stitch and stash collecting. Even though I haven't been addicted to cross stitch as long as my books my collection grows every year. :)
3. Photography. Just ask any of my nieces and nephews. When the aunt has more photos of the little ones than their parents you know she's a shutter addict. :)
4. My pets. At this moment I don't have a dog but have my Mom's kitty. I am getting closer to getting another dog. It's just a matter of time. Again, ask my brothers and sisters how I am about my animals. :) They will tell you that I am certifiable. LOL
5. Clothes and shoes. Long story but my closets, dressers, many storage bins, the attic all bear witness on my addiction and obsession to clothes. Though I will say I have been really good this last two years and am so overdue for a shopping binge. Hmmmmmmmmmm. No, I'll be good there are too many sales this weekend on cross stitch supplies. :)
And here are the five that I pass this award on too:
1. My dear, dear friend Deborah, and MiPrezious too. :)
2. Debra, love you girlfriend even if I am pea green with envy over your organizational abilities. :)
3. Donna, a "Fabulous Award" for a fabulous lady. And may your birthday (coming up soon) be a Fabulous day.
4. My dear friend Mare. Her finishes are fabulous and deserving of the "Fabulous award."
5. Carla, I enjoy reading your blog. And your stitching is "fabulous."
I also have another finish that I can show you. Heidi, another member of the ILCS Birthday exchange group, finally received her stitched gift from me. I am so pleased that she liked it. This one was stitched on 18 ct aida with gold flecks. They don't really show very well in the photo but do make the fabric sparkle. I used the H from the Lizzie Kate ABCrazy pattern and the other side is my adaptation of a Forever in My Heart design.
I have a couple more finishes but will post them tomorrow. I still have to take photos and download them to my computer.
Until next time...........
Love and stitches
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
My very first blog award

Mare, my dear friend. I miss our lunches and sharing our stitching stories. I love checking out your unique and gorgeous finishes.
Nancy, Your stitching is gorgeous and so is your spirit.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Two finishes and a new beginning

On the left is the back of the fob. The photo on the right is the front.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Isn't it too cute?

Monday, January 19, 2009
Snow, stitching and snow

Well, it's been over a week since I've updated. Been busy.
I did go to both the book signing on Tuesday and my very first sit and stitch. Loved both but especially the sit and stitch. I have already signed up for February's meeting. Of course I didn't get as much stitching done as I had hope. Meeting the others and sharing what each was working on kind took some of the time. :) As well as browsing the shops patterns and trying my best to avoid temptation. :) Oh, okay I did pick up some more of that lovely fabric that I have fallen in love with, a 25 count laguna, and the new Lizzie Kate, It's a Girl Thing. I couldn't resist. Isn't it adorable?

I have two more stitched pieces finished for this weeks birthdays and two more to go. I had hoped to have them all done and in the mail this past Saturday but you know those best laid plans? Well, mine were kind of like that. :)
For example. I had one piece almost finished and just needed some ribbon in a color to match. Of course I didn't have any in my stash so that meant a quick run Friday night after work to Joann's Fabrics with the piece to match the ribbon color. I get home at 7:30, make dinner, clean up and at 8:30 I am ready to get stitching. I go to the bags to get my stitching and can't find the piece. I go through everything three times and then call the store. Whew! Relief. They have it. I must have dropped it but it's almost closing time so now I have to wait until Saturday morning to get it. Sigh. Okay, instead of finishing up that one I'll move on to the next one. It should stitch up quickly and I'm hoping I can get it finished in hours. (yeah, right.) Well, after two hours of stitching I notice that I am off by one. In the second row! A mistake that can't be fudged. So now I spend another hour and a half frogging. By now I realize I'm not going to finish either by Saturday morning. Best laid plans. Remember? :)
It's now Monday evening and January birthday gifts two and three are completed, wrapped and ready for the mail tomorrow morning. Number four? Not quite finished. Those couple of hours? I definitly misjudged that one. But with luck it will be tomorrow. Then one more to go.
So I better get stitching.
Until next time.........
Love and stitches
PS. Just looked outside and guess what? It's snowing. :(
Friday, January 9, 2009
This and that
The past week has been a rough one. I have been missing Mom a lot. Especially the nighttime. I am still finding it hard to come home at night and no one is home. I guess since this is the first full week back to work things just hit me. :( Oh, I know this will happen for a while and I know it will get better.
I try to keep busy and keep the emotions at bay. But I'm not always successful.
I've been stitching. I have one completed finish and two more half finished. But no photos since these are Birthday gifts. Once they have been received I can post photos.
As I said I try to keep busy since it helps. So when I saw a posting about a book signing at a NYC bookstore, The Mysterious Bookshop, I decided to go. I hadn't been to a signing in ages and ages. The book:In the Shadow of the Master: Classic Tales by Edgar Allan Poe and Essays by Jeffery Deaver, Nelson DeMille, Tess Gerritsen, Sue Grafton, Stephen King, ... Lisa Scottoline, and Thirteen Others by Michael Connelly. A number of the books contributors as well as Michael Connelly, the editor, were at the shop to sign copies. It was really nice seeing many of the authors I have come to know as well as old acquaintances from the mystery community. In some ways I am lucky to work in the City so I can attend some of these events. And now I have the time. Next week is another signing. This time for Carol O'Connell's new book, Bone By Bone.
We are expecting a snow storm tomorrow so I should get some quality stitching time in this weekend. I hope so since I would like to finish up at least three more gifts. Too many January birthdays. LOL I also want to try and make a small dent in organizing my stash. HA! It would be so nice to find that pattern I think I have. Especially before I buy it a second time. LOL
Another thing I am thinking of is joining the sit and stitch at the LNS near (about a 40 minute drive) me. I've never been to one. Another thing to keep me out of trouble. LOL Of course if I go I MUST keep my checkbook and credit card at home! Well, maybe just a few dollars to get some more of that lovely 25 ct fabric that I used for my Mom's box piece. Would that be okay?
I want to thank all of you who have left me such lovely comments. I appreciate them and they go a long way to lifting my spirits. Thank you so very, very much. Maybe one day I'll find the right words to tell you all how much your support has meant and still means to me.
Until next time..................
Love and stitches
Thursday, January 1, 2009
A special project finished

Thank goodness I have tomorrow off so I can do the rest of the things I had planned on doing today but didn't.
Until next time..........
Love and stitches