Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Edgar's having a "Lo How A Rose" Giveaway
Edgar asks that we mention his drawing for the pattern on our blog. So I'm mentioning it. LOL
Only I hope I win it. :)
Please, please, pretty please pick me.
Just kidding. May the best deserving stitcher win.
Until next time...................
Love and stitches
Monday, April 27, 2009
Whew!! TGIM
Nope, I'm glad to be at work. I am beat. Rest wins. LOL
To recap my weekend. Friday night on the way home from work I stopped at the local pharmacy to pick a brace for my left wrist. If you read my post on Friday I had a few goals that I really wanted to get done and figured I better get something for the carpel tunnel in my left wrist. That done I made dinner and stitched until bedtime.
On Saturday I hoped to get the far left corner of my yard cleared. 19 bags of leaves later I did it! (Well, there is about 10 more to pick up but at least the leaves are all in a huge pile.) I also managed to clear the leaves from two more gardens. Only one more large garden bed to do! Then I will on to weeding and edging them. I wrapped up the yard work at 5. I had absolutely NO energy to even think about making something for dinner so headed to Micky D's.
by Little House Needleworks
stitched on 32 ct linen using the recommended Crescent Colors floss
By 8PM everything was put away and it was time to sit, stitch and watch one of my all time favorite movies. Turner Classic Channel was showing "Funny Girl" with Barbra Streisand. Love this movie. And while I watched I actually finished my Traveling Stitcher piece! Wooo Hooooooooo!!
My list of weekend to dos included trimming the shrubs and hedges in my front and side yard. (I only wish I had done this chore on Saturday. It was cooler. Oh well.) Once I finished the laundry and vacuuming Sunday morning it was time to head outside. Now in the past when I trimmed the bushes in the front it usually took about two hours. Now remember it has been a while since I did these. (As you can see in the before photo.) Almost two years. So that two hour job? Try closer to FIVE. In record breaking heat. (87 degrees!) And in the sun! (It is only shady in the late evening. Right before sunset.) Can we say HOT?? Oh my, even with a hat and sunscreen I am burned. But it is done. I'm sore but there is good sense of accomplishment.
So as you can see the weekend was busy. And one where I got a lot done outside and even a stitching finish for April!
Until next time.................
Love and stitches
Friday, April 24, 2009
TGIF and weekend plans
I am planning on spending most of it outdoors. Yup, more yard work. On the list for this weekend is to get more of that back corner finished, trim the bushes out front, trim the bushes on the side yard, put the fences back up around the gardens, prune the branches of the trees in front of the house, and maybe, just maybe, sit on the deck and relax. Or is that collapse? LOL
I'll be sure and take photos of the before and after. Again these are chores that haven't been done in a while so I know they won't be easy but darn will it feel good to have them finished.
On the stitching front I have been catching up on the many blogs I enjoy reading and finding new ones to add to my reading list. I have also been falling in love with some new designs.
I LOVE this one. Of course it would be an OOP and hard to find but find it I will!
Then I spotted another design that just screamed out to me on Melissa's blog. (Click on her name and it will take you to the posting on her blog.) The pattern is by The Goode Huswife. Of course it too is OOP. BUT has recently been re released as part of a collection. It's a bit pricey but if I'm a good girl maybe I can get it with my income tax refund. Whenever that comes. :)

The book consists of ten 9 by 12 envelopes which each have the pattern inside, with a hard cover and back. It was designed in this manner so that you may put your fabric and floss in each envelope with the pattern as you're working on it or for future use.
The designs in the book are: 1798 Quaker, Nine Patch, The Birth Sampler, Ellen Birdseye, A Primitive Bird, Mattie Graves Quilt, With My Needle, Elizabeth Easton, Live Simply and June Morning
And last but not least another design to add to my hard-to-find wish list. I first noticed this one on Vonna's blog. I liked it but it didn't completely grab me then. Then I saw Edgar's more recent finish if it. And for some reason it has become one of those I MUST do soon patterns. Another OOP and I understand it is very hard to find. Nothing I like than a good challenge. :)
Oh, that pattern is by Brightneedle, called "Lo, How a Rose e'er Blooming". I love this carol and once sang it as a solo at Christmas Midnight Mass. So it does have special meaning for me. Wish me luck in finding it.
I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. You probably won't hear from me until Monday. I'll be outside and no where near the computer. :)
Until next time...............
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Thank you

Thank you Meari for giving me this award. Awards like these make me feel special.
So I would like to pass this award on to others. To make them feel special.
and so many more. :) I wish I could pass this on to all the blogs I enjoy reading. But then this post would go on far too long. :)
No new stitching to report. One project that I worked on Sunday and Monday is a gift. And then last night I stitched for almost two hours only to find I was off by one row and need to frog all the work I had done.
Heck, I didn't even stay up long enough to rip out all the stitches and will have to finish that tonight. Grrrrrrrrrrrr. I hate when that happens. :(
Add to the stitching frustration the fact that I am still recovering from my marathon yard cleaning this past weekend. Like many other people, I have carpel tunnel problems in both wrists. Now for the odd thing. Raking triggers the numbness and tingling. It is the weirdest thing. I can type at the computer for hours (I often do for work) and have no problem. But let me rake for longer than 30 minutes and BAM! Even stranger is that it is my left hand and wrist that is being effected at the moment. Maybe that's a bit of a blessing considering the fact that I am right handed. :) The numbness is so annoying. Especially when I want to get back outside and work some more as soon as the sun comes back out.
To all those who said such lovely things about my garden photos and hard work all I can say is: Thank You all! I know gardening is hard work but seeing the beautiful blooms and listening to the birds that some plants attract is so well worth the effort. And even spiritual.
Alice, you mentioned about a compost pile. That is something that I want to add to the back corner of my property BUT I need to make sure the area is free from the invasive plants that are currently there. No need to add more poison ivy, invasive wild rose, bind weed and invasive honeysuckle. When I get the compost going I do want it to be a "clean" as possible. I am hoping this is the year I can get it going.
Here's hoping my stitching this evening goes better than last. :)
Until next time.....................
Love and stitches
Monday, April 20, 2009
Have you ever.........................
The weather this past weekend was picture perfect for Friday and Saturday. I decided that I needed to take Friday off to get a some serious clean-up done. Now I have been doing a little in the yard each weekend for the past month but this one was my most productive. Actually so much so that by the end of Saturday I could barely move. Those little used muscles were really telling me what for. But as you can see in the photo below I got a lot done which made me feel gone. Achy body and all. It includes 5 trash cans filled with larger sticks and branches and 34 bags of leaves and debris!!
Knee pads! I got these in the flooring section at Home Depot a few years ago and they have saved my poor knees. The arthritis in my knees as well as the fact that the cartilage is nonexistent , do bother me a lot when I work in the yard. But once I discovered these it made things so much easier on my knees.
Try it and I am sure you will agree.
The daffodils are blooming beautifully this year. I have a few different varieties blooming right now and more to come. These are one of the prettiest. IMO.
A few more in another area. Below is the bleeding heart and it is doing really well. I should start seeing blooms on this in the next week.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
A mostly wip stitching update
Now for lots of stitchy pics for today. No finishes but a few are close. So by next week I am hoping for some finishes.
Most of the wording is done and I just need to concentrate on the border. I just love what this says. This one will look so pretty in my living room.
The Rain Fell by Little House Needleworks.
I had hoped to finish this one last week. But it wasn't meant to be. Between my work deadlines and running out of two colors (the green was one) it was hopeless. I'll pick up the green (or one as close as possible) tonight when I go to the sit and stitch at my LNS. Oh well, maybe the next SAL on my Yahoo LHN/CCN group will be the one that I actually finish on time.
The Traveling Stitcher by Little House Needleworks
I had put this one aside for a couple of week until my dear, dear friend, Deborah, caught up to me. We are doing this one as a SAL. She has made fantastic progress so it's time for me to catch up or she will finish before me.
This is one of my newer starts. Actually the one that had a small line in the post from March 30th. (click on the date and got to the end of the post) I had asked if anyone could guess which pattern I had started. No one did. (Not that I really expected anyone to with the little bit I had done.)
I have made a bit of progresson it. Can anyone guess now???
This is a photo of the exchange I received from Emily in the needle and floss exchange we were in.
Now that my busy time at work is over I can begin to wade through the many emails that have piled up. And all the blog posts and group posts that I haven't had time for. So if you have emailed me and were waiting for a reply. I'll get there soon. I hope.
Until next time..............
Love and stitches