And the rewards? Unconditional love. Companionship. And never a day without a smile.
So in honor of Rory's first Birthday I am holding a special giveaway.
I am sure most of you (if not ALL of us) have been eagerly awaiting all the new things from the Nashville Market. All those who attended and picked up all kinds of wonderful new things for us to buy are busy updating their web sites or rearranging their store shelves. Just waiting for us stitchers to come and empty our wallets and bank accounts. I know I can't wait to go see some of these fabulous treasures at my LNS. She is having a Market Day this coming Saturday. My calender is marked!
So what does this have to do with a giveaway you ask? Everything!
The giveaway prize is a 25 US dollar gift certificate to the online needlework shop of your choice. Maybe you will spend it on some of those fabulous new things from the Nashville Market.
To enter you need to leave a comment on this posting only telling me which ONS, online needlework shop, is your personal favorite and why. Be sure to leave your email address if it isn't part of your profile. And the full name of the shop so I can locate it online.
That's it. Easy peasey.
Oh, and if you would like to wish His Royal Higness, Prince Rory, a Happy First Birthday I will pass on the message. Especially since he will be helping me pick the winner of the giveaway on Saturday, March 6th. I will announce the winner here on Monday, March 8th.
Until next time...........
Love and stitches
and licks from Rory too
I guess I'm the first to wish Rory a VERY Happy Birthday. I've enjoyed watching him grow over this last year. He's just adorable!
Please include me in the giveaway. I'd spend my $$ at Down Sunshine Lane. I just love shopping with Amy.
Happy birthday to Rory!! Wow, a year already! Give him some cuddles from me & The Fluffinator.
I'd love to be included in your giveaway! I think my all time favorite ONS has to be my LNS, The Strawberry Sampler. They're the Cheers bar to my inner Norm. ;) Great customer service, wonderful shop gals, fantastic framing, amazing stock... a great group of people.
Happy birthday, Rory!
Hello Kathy,
My favorite online shop is The Silver Needle in Tulsa Oklahoma. Send your robins my way (Nebraska). It has been a very long winter here with lots of snow.. I believe over 79 days with snow on the ground. The birds are starting to sing so maybe spring will arrive soon.
Thanks for the fun contest! Oh, noticed you like mysteries. We have a mystery book store in Omaha that has a combination stitching supply shop.. "A stitch in crime". I love the name!!!
Hi Kathy, this is a great giveaway! My favorite online store is "123 Stitch" http://www.123stitch.com/. They have a good costumer service, fast shipping and great prices. I will be happy to win and spend some money shopping there...:)
I'm sure he will do a super job - since he's got the floss taste between his lips already! Happy Birthday, Rory - keep your mom happy!!
I think I'll choose Shakespeare's Peddler if I were to win.
Well--Happy 1st birthday to HRP Rory! May he have many more with you...
It is hard to pick my favorite online needle shop as I have a couple but I will pick Wasatch Needlecraft @ www.wasatchneedlecraft.com
They have been so helpful and I even won a prize for making a new year’s stitching resolution! I hope someday to visit them in person!
Happy birthday to Rory! He's a big boy already :)
My favourite online store is 123Stitch. Please enter me!
I hope Rory has a GREAT birthday! My favorite needlework shop is Down Sunshine Lane. Amy provides the most fabulous customer service and always has the newest items in. I can't say enough about her! She even went above and beyond to get me items overnighted so I had something to stitch in a snowstorm.
A very Happy Birthday to Rory from us here in Washington =) If I were to win, I would pick 123Stitch! because she is very fast at sending her orders out! I also have a pretty hefty wish list there ;) Thank you for having such an awesome give-away!
Happy Birthday Rory and thank you for such a generous giveaway! My favorite stitchy store is ABC Stitch Therapy in NH. I live in Massachusetts, and believe it or not, this is the closest store I have found! A mere 2 hour drive...but I make it at least once a year.
I hope Rory has a wonderful birthday!
I'm still discovering new ones, but my current favorite is Anita of "Anita's Little Stitches" because:
• You can order by simply looking around on her site, seeing what you want, then simply email her telling what you'd like and she does all the work of arranging and tabulating it up then emails you with a total. Easy and fast replies. I'm a pretty savvy internet user, but a lot of other sites/cart systems/billing systems of these online sites are just too complicated. A nice personal shopper experience.
• She accepts Paypal.
• Her chart listings include an exhaustive list of all called-for threads, so you can see if you need anything.
• She offers "thread packs" alongside most charts which are all called-for threads AT A DISCOUNT! No more making a list 'n checking it twice to be sure you've ordered all those threads, then paying "full price". So easy.
• Her charts are almost always discounted, even new items, yes, even Nashville, no pre-pay required! (http://www.anitalittlestitches.com/2010nashville.html)
• She has a *lot* of scissors, even fancy ones. :D
• She has coloured floss rings (http://www.anitalittlestitches.com/flossringtag.html) and mother of pearl accessories for great prices (MoP is cheaper than the standard kelmscott stuff: http://www.anitalittlestitches.com/threadrings.html)
• She is generous. I had been on the fence about trying her, 'cause her site looks a bit..bloggish and therefore suspicious. Then, I saw that someone was offering a giveaway of a gift certificate to Anita's for $50 on their blog, but when they told Anita about it she increased the gift to $75 total, so the winner got $25 extra to spend at the shop! I thought, "Wow, I really need to try her; that generosity made me trust in the good faith of her shop's legitimacy.
• Fast service, cheap shipping, and though the listing on the site is "limited" compared to some places, she really does have it in hand. No waiting for restock! :D
So, her main site is
I hope if someone reads this who has been on the fence about it they will be encouraged to give her a try!
Now, about Rory! He is such a sweet looking boy, and I can't believe either that he is already a year old come March! Where does the time go! I remember when you first started telling us about him. Do you have a special birthday meal planned for him?
Awww Kathy and there was I hoping it would be Rory lol. Ok I know I can hear you shouting OH NO ITS NOT!!!!!!! from here in the UK. So may I go for second best and enter your generous giveaway Down Sunshine Lane is my fave online shop in the US .
If I am lucky perhaps you would contact me via my blog and I will email you.
Hope Rory has a wonderful time on his birthday I am sure he will.
Hugs from Barb and Ollie.
Happy Birthday Rory!
My favorite online store is house of stitches.
They ship lightening fast and will hunt out any item I am looking for. I can't tell you how many times they have saved me finding odd fabrics and hard to find items.
Happy birthday Rory from me, Cassie (my 4 year old GSD) and Bonnie (my 8 year old Golden Retriever). They help me type as well as stitch and have seen your pictures on your mom's blog.
I don't shop online a lot since I enjoy the instant gratification from going to my LNS, but I do like Wasatch Needlecraft.
How sweet, Kathy! I remember when he first came home with you. My, how he's grown into such a handsome boy and full of life, joy, and love. And he looks so tuckered out after a fun weekend!
I think I'd like to enter with 123stitch.com. There are others I like equally as much, but I chose this one, mainly because they are so speedy and reliable. Thanks for the opportunity and may your Rory boy have a wonderful birthday and many more!
Hi, Kathy!! Were you at sit and stitch last week? Please wish Prince Rory a very happy first birthday from me and enter me into your give away. I would appreciate a GC to Lazy Daisy (of course!) If you need my e-mail address, it is sleepypam@msn.com. Talk to you soon!
Happy Birthday to Rory. I love 123 stitch and Stitching Bits and Bobs--either would do! Thanks so much for the opportunity to enter your draw.
Has it been a year already. I have enjoyed watching Rory growup and become a beautiful Show dog. I love Nordic Needle online. I can order from the catalog or find something online. I just ordered a Just Nan pattern yesterday. Happy Happy Birthday Rory!!!
What a Great Giveaway! My Favorite is 123stitch.com. They have lots to choose from, great CS, Fast shipping and Always a Sale going on.
Be sure to give Rory Special hugs from me and tell him Happy Birthday from Me & Breezy and How Great we think he is. Such a big boy. Be sure to rub behind both ears while you tell him this. AND add little kisses to his cheek.
Awwww, happy birthday, Rory! I can't believe time has gone by so fast!
Enter me in the giveaway please! I have a few nice LNS so I don't shop online a whole lot but when I do, I use 123Stitch.
Happy birthday Rory!
And thanks Kathy for such a great giveaway!
I shop at several ONS but I think I would choose JoAnne at 123stitch. She has really fast and friendly service and is rarely out of stock on the designs I'm looking for.
Thanks again!
Happy Birthday, Rory! What a sweet looking dog.
Count me in for your giveaway! Thanks for offering it.
Jana C in Tulsa, OK
Just realized I forgot to say which ONS is my favorite. I am blessed to live in Tulsa having the Silver Needle as my LNS. However, there are some things they don't have, so my favorite ONS is 123stitch.com. They have great sales & a great inventory!
Jana C in Tulsa, OK
I only use my LNS which is called, "Buttons and Needles" in Victoria, British Columbia on Vancouver Island. It is famous for all of the buttons that u can get for ur stitching needs. They also carry many different threads like Crescent Threads, Week Dye Work, etc. I love to feel their evenweave and linens.....The owner are so helpful that it is always a pleasure for me to go there. Thea's from the Victoria Samplers teach her classes there as well... Hardanger classes. I don't shop online due to not having paypal nor do I like to send money via computer.
Please enter my name in the give-away.
socialsue a4x4aspect@yahoo.com
Happy Birthday, Rory! I wish you many, many more! Thank you for the giveaway. My favorite OLS is Anita's Little Stitches. She is in Texas. Her service is great and fast, prices good, and she accepts paypal.
Awww Happy Birthday Rory! My Holly will come over and give you a big birthday kiss! She's one also! I have truly enjoyed seeing him grow up and grow so beautiful, I mean Handsome!
Please enter me in your giveaway, my newly favorite ONS is Mary Kathryn at Handcrafts Online. Her addy is:
http://www.ehandcrafts.com/ She has such a nice site. She's very quick and willing ro help out whenever I need it.
A Very Big Happy Birthday To You Rory!!! you remind me so much of a furry friend who lived next door to us when I was about 9. Your more handsome though hehehe. And as for the giveaway please ask Kathy to put my name in too. My favorite ols is Nordic Needle.Its a very loveley shop and has a huge selection of Mills Hills beads.It also has a widw selection to pic from and very prompt deliveries. Thanks for your time Rory and Kathy and blog on. love to keep up with what you 2 are up to. Terry N
Happy birthday Rory from me and the pugs! That sure was a fast one. :- My favorite ONS is Needlecraft Corner in Baltimore. Drema is, well a dream! LOL!
Happy Birthday Rory! Amazing he's only one what with all the shows and ribbons he's gotten! I would love to be included in your giveaway draw. I would pick Needlecraft Corner as I order from there quite a bit. Drema is a dream to work with and has helped me with lots of things. Even catches mistakes I make! lol
Happy birthday Rory!!!
Dogs are the sweetest...so loving!!
Please enter me in your giveaway.
My 1st choice shop is my home(near home town) LazyDaisy in Rockville Centre,L.I.NY
My 2nd choice is Needlecraft Corner in MD. for any mailorder I need.
Karin :)
in NY
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO RORY! Many hugs and licks from my two 4-legged girls, Penny and Stella, also.
Love to read your blog, and love to hear about Rory. I have two absolutely wonderful girls who make my day every day. I'm always greeted with wagging tails (and usually it's more like wagging behinds, they wag so hard!!), the kind of love that only a dog can give, and the constant companionship of my two very best friends. And you know, it seems like they never have a bad day (or if they do, they never take it out on me!)
The fact that you love cross stitch, too, makes your blog my all time favorite :o)) A great read . . .
My favorite ONS is also my LNS - Welcome Stitchery (www.welcomestitchery.com) I am blessed to have one of the best shops literally right down the street from me, and I speak from experience when I say, if it exists, they can almost always get it - if they don't have it already. I love to stop in just for inspiration, and am always greeted with a warm, friendly smile. Because I have such a great shop nearby, I rarely order online, but have truly enjoyed learning about all the shops out there from our fellow stitchers.
Hope to win your giveaway - and how generous of you, thank you for doing this.
Happy Birthday Rory! I hope all your doggy wishes come true on your birthday! You may not remember me Kathy, but I attended the stitch nights at the library a few times. Give Rory a hug from me! *Hugs*
Happy Birthday Rory!!!
This is my favorite on line shop. Because it is close by, I can drive or have them mail it to me.
Debra S
This is a fun giveaway!
Happy Birthday to His Highness Rory! One year old already! Please give him a hug for me. My favorite online shop is 123 Stitch and I see that many others use Joanne's service too. GREAT! Thanks for the birthday giveaway. pj
Happy 1st Birthday!!! Rory
We Love you!!!
I shop at many OLN.
You can enter me for Karen at www.wasatchneedlecraft.com
She has fast shipping at reasonable rates.
Great sales and very helpful.
happy 1st birthday Rory, and a woof woof from Ben and Alfie my 2 pooches, Ben will celebrate his 4th birthday on 1st March, Alfie is 1 in May
If i was lucky enough to win, i'd like to spend it at Anita's little stitches, I have just discovered her site recently and the service is great
thanks for this very generous draw, good luck everyone
My goodness, a year already! WOW, that has gone super fast. HAPPY BIRTHDAY RORY!!!
Its a very generous giveaway your are offering, I would have to say that my favourite ONS is Down Sunshine Lane. I have used two recently and they seemed to be the best in the customer service side of the order.
Thanks LISA V.
Happy Birthday to Rory! It's been fun reading about his first year in your blog. He has grown into a beautiful dog!
It's fun to see what others are saying about their favorite online needlework shop. It is kind of hard to pick a favorite. I have had good luck and excellent service from three.
I guess I would have to say Down Sunshine Lane. I've received quick and friendly service from them.
Thanks for your drawing.
Happy birthday to Rory! He is such a sweet looking dog.
My favorite online needlework shop is Needlecraft Corner. She always gives very fast service and there is usually a sale going on. Hope Rory picks my name!
Happy Birthday to Rory!! Wow, it is hard to believe you have had him a year already....that year did go fast!!! He is such a pretty boy....ok, sorry, handsome...sorry Rory!!!
What an awesome giveaway you are having! Thanks for the chance. If I can't get to a real shop, my favorite online shop is 123stitch....like so many others have said!!!
Well, Happy Birthday Rory!!
My favorite ONS is Karen @ www.wasatchneedlecraft.com.
She by far has the best customer service I have ever recieved via the internet. Karen ships everything out as quickly as possible and her shipping rates are very reasonable. She goes out of her way to get what you want/need.
Good luck to all of us who have entered in this drawing. Thank you for hosting this Kathy.
Happy Birthday to Rory and thank you so much for this giveaway. I have a few shops that I like, but I'll support the local economy and say Stitches N Things in Fenton, Michigan is my favorite. My email is in my profile!!
Happy Birthday Rory & thanks for bringing so much joy into my friend's life!
I love 123Stitch because generally I find what I need and they are quick, quick, quick!
Thanks for entering me into the drawing!
Happy Birthday, Rory, from Woody (a nearly 4-year-old golden doodle in Peoria, IL)! And thanks to your Mom for this wonderful give away opportunity.
I haven't explored a lot of online shopping, but I really enjoy browsing at ABC Stitch Therapy, because they seem to carry everything I love, including Lizzie Kate and Bothy Threads.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed!
Bark,Bark,Ruff,Ruff, Happy Birthday Rory from Wrigley (11month old Bassetthound.)Kathy, you certainly have a warm, sharing stitchers heart, thanks for this great giveaway. I like a number of ONS, my favorite, Stitching Bits and Bobs. Good customer service, reasonable prices, nice sales & pictures of all inventory listed.
Best of luck to all.
Happy Birthday ROry - what a difference they make in our lives. What a generous offer. I love 123 Stitch - they are alway so quick to send your order and they carry such a wide range of goods. I love using this place especially living in Australia we don't get to see much of the newer things. email is in my profile.
Happy Birthday Rory!!! Wow, it doesn't seem possible he is one. And what a sweet giveaway! Please enter me - it's hard to pick one ONS but I guess I will say 123 stitch? My email is in my profile. :) Thanks!
Rory is just beyond handsome! Happy Birthday big guy. I would love to be entered in your drawing and if I were to win I would spend it at 123stitch.com. I really wish I had a LNS but Hobby Lobby is all I have here.
Aw...Happy Birthday to the handsome fella!! As I said before...he's absolutely gorgeous!!
Give him a big hug and a kiss from me!!
My favourite online ONS is Downsunshinelane.com
Thank you for the wonderful giveaway!
Take care
Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday Dear Rory, Happy Birthday To You... Does he hear me singing? lol and please enter me. I use Anita Little Stitches Shop online.
Thank You and Happy Birthday Rory!
April Mechelle
Happy First Birthday, Rory dear! Oops, pardon me, His Royal Highness, Prince Rory. You are such a beauty and a joy to watch from afar.
Kathy, such a generous Birthday Gift from you and Rory! I'd be delighted to help you celebrate.
I can't choose a favorite ONS, I use so many. No LNS within 3 hours of me. But for this I would pick wasatchneedlecraft.com
Hugs to you both,
omashee at msn dot com
Happy birthday to Prince Rory !!! He is certainly regal enough to warrant the title. I love the picture of him "holding" your floss for you. Does he stitch too ??? hee hee hee
I love to shop at Down Sunshine Lane OLS -- great service and if I don't see what I want Amy is always accommodating enough to get it for me. Her pricing is great and her site is very easy to navigate. Even though I have a LNS not to far away, it is enjpyable to get things at a discounted price now and again.
LNS: www.thistleneedleworks.com
ONS: www.downsunshinelane.com
thank you for sharing Prince Rory's Birthday with us -- he is certainly a handsome fellow.
Happy Birthday Rory. What a lovely friend you have there Kathy.
Please enter me in your giveaway. My favourite shop is 123 sitch.
Hugs Lorraine
I thought for one second that you were giving away Rory!! He's looking wonderful. Happy Birthday Rory. I'd love to enter your draw - choice of store is tricky, as there are so many I love, but top would probably be The Silver Needle, Tulsa. Thanks Kathy!
Happy Birthday to Roy!!! I haven't done a lot of online shopping (try to get what I need from my local CS lady but I love 123 stitch for those things that she might not have in stock.
Thanks for the chance to enter!!
Happy Birthday Rory...
What a lovely way to celebrate and soo generous.
My favourite online shop is Down Sunshine Lane. Amy has been so helpful getting rares supplies all the way to me and patient in dealing with postal problems, that really she deserves a big halo.
Happy Birthday to Rory! I can't believe he's going to be one (well, perhaps I can, my puppy turned one back in December)...
I have several favourite ONS in the US, but if I can name only one, it's going to be the European Cross Stitch. They have great service, they are the perfect place to get the supplies for Chatelaine designs (and they have other gorgeous designs, too).
Happy 1st Birthday Rory :)
Our Ruby will be 2 in April but she was 15 months when we had her so missed the real puppy stages.
I see the giveaways really bring out the comments! Too bad, just a regular post doesn't do the same thing...oh well. You know I LOVE Rory and the photos you take of him. I know the unconditional love they give you and my Mulligan helped me through a pretty rough patch in my life. I'm still trying to convince Carl we are ready for a dog again! Your ONS question is a good one. I have to admit that most things I order I get from Down Sunshine Lane,(great sales and customer service) but I prefer SB&B's website. But she is only just over an hour drive for me, so I'd rather buy things I can see in person in her store. The threads are marvelous to drool over!!! Anyway....Happy Birthday to Rory and hope there are many ribbons in his future!!!!
Happy Birthday Rory!! I have watched you grow from a cute puppy to a very handsome beautiful big boy!!!
My favorite on line shop is silver needle. They provide great customer service and have lots of great things!! They even have vera bradley!!
Happy Birthday Rory!! I have watched you grow from a cute puppy to a very handsome beautiful big boy!
I would love to enter your birthday give a way. My favorite on line shop is silver needle. They provide great customer service and have lots of great things!!! They even have vera bradley.
Thanks Pat Matejcek
Wow. Has it been a year already??? Time went by so fast. Give Rory a good petting and wish him a happy birthday for me. :)
I'd like to be included in your drawing. My ONS? I have several, but this time my choice would be 123stitch. They are easy to work with, and give pretty fast service.
Happy Birthday Rory. You are a beautiful boy. I love you picture holding the skein of thread.
Please enter me in your giveaway. One of my favorite shops is Anita D.
She is so helpful and is very interested in helping you find exactly what you need.
Ahhh Mr. Handsome is the same sign as I am so OF course I want to wish him a Happy Birthday! I really am enjoying about reading everyone's comments about their favorite shops. My answer would be 123 stitch but after reading a few of the posts I think if I win I'd actually like to try one of the other shops I have read about. So I would let you pick which one. I have heard only good things about http://www.anitalittlestitches.com/, Down Sunshine Lane, wasatchneedlecraft.com, Nordic, or Silver Needle. And yes there were some awfully pretty things at the market.... even though I was trying not to look.
What a cutie! Give him a happy birthday squeeze for me. My favorite online NS is probably Nordic Needle, although I troll Shepherd's Bush online (but buy in person since it's the closest LNS to me).
Happy Birthday, Rory! I would choose my favourite - Anita's Little Stitches- if I win. Anita gives great customer service and fast delivery.
I cannot believe that it is a year already that you have Rory, I remember when you got him and want to wish him a Happy Birthday.
Would love to be in your give away, I chose 123Stitch.com.
Happy Birthday beautiful boy!
I have three ONS that I use, for this give away I'd say Anita's Little Stitches. Her service is great and she always adds that extra personal touch.
Happy Birthday dear Rory! What a wonderful and loyal companion, Kathy!
I would love to be included in your giveaway drawing. My favorite online shop is also 123 Stitch because of their huge inventory and amazingly quick service. Having no LNS nearby, I rely on them for most of my stitching "needs!"
Happy Birthday Rory!!!!!! I can't believe he's going to be 1 already. Where has the time gone.
I don't have a favorite ONS because I work at my LNS. It is a great place to work & also shop. We all have a great time. It is called The Busy Needle & they have a website & we ship anywhere in the world. The website is: busyneedle.com.
Betty in AZ (ILCS)
Happy Happy Birthday to His Royal Highness!!! He certainly is a Prince or maybe should be King, for all the joy he has brought into your life.
Love the stitching....great job of finishing the exchanges.
My favorite ONS, really I have two, are 123Stich and Wasatch Needle Craft. Both have a great selection of charts and kits and excellent service with fast shipping.
Happy Birthday to Rory, he is such a beautiful dog, and if is not to late to enter the giveaway my favorite ONS is 123stitch, they have a great selection of charts and shipping is very fast.
Happy Birthday Beautiful Rory.
Please enter me in the giveaway.
My favorite ONS is 123stitch.
Wow he's almost a year, time does fly!
I've only bought from 123stitch so far, being from Europe, I'm only taking babysteps in ordering my things online from America.
Hi Kathy & Rory,
Happy 1st Birthday, Rory! Wow you have grown
into a handsome boy. Kathy
he is gorgeous.
Please enter me in your drawing. My favorite
OLS is 123Stitch.
Your stitching is beautiful.
Pam in PA
Happy Birthday to Rory! I just love reading your blog and about his antics! My very favorite ONS is 123Stitch. Thanks much for hosting this great giveaway!
Happy Birthday to Rory! I just love reading your blog and about his antics! My very favorite ONS is 123Stitch. Thanks much for hosting this great giveaway!
Happy Birthday Rory! That first year sure did fly by.
I have two furbabies and they are the joy of our house, never a day without laughter around here :0)
What a special giveaway you are holding. I have a few favorite ONS but I love Down Sunshine Lane. Amy is the sweetest and her shipping is the fastest around.
Thank you for a lovely giveaway and I hope Rory has a puperrific birthday!
I like The Silver Needle in Tulsa, they are friendly and one of the few cross stitch shops only two hours from where I live. Online they are very accomadating.
Pamela in Kansas
Happy Birthday to Rory! He's grown so much in the time that I've been reading your blog. I've only ordered from 123Stitch so I guess that would be my favorite ONS at this time. Thank you for the opportunity!
Happy first birthday to that sweetie Rory!Thank you for sharing all of his beautiful photos with us. My ONS would be Mary Kathryn at Handcrafts Online. Thank you for doing this!
Happy Birthday to a sweet boy Rory. I'd love to be a part of this. I order from 123 stitch all the time :)
Happy birthday, Rory! It sure looks like you had fun playing in the snow with your cousins!
Please tell your mom that I'd like to enter her contest and tell her thanks for having it.
ldepalatis at earthlink dot net
I was so excited about your birthday that I forgot to say which is my favorite ONS. lol!
It's 123 Stitch. Joanne has lots of wonderful things available and her service is topnotch.
Thanks again.
ldepalatis at earthlink dot net
Happy Birthday to Rory from Brandi.Aren't they just the best babies.
My favorite ONS is HAED. I also love 123Stitch.
Happy Birthday Rory!
New to the blog and cross stitch, but I love everything that Blackbird designs comes out with.
I love "The Cottage Lane" becasue Katy there is such a kind person and goes above and beyond customer service. I have cares about her customers.
Audrea C. Narro
rory it's your birthday! happy birthday rory!!!
my favorite ons is needle in a haystack (www.needlestack.com) because of their great service & seemingly endless supplies! i LOVE that store & wish i lived closer to it.
my email is lisa.marie.nicholson@gmail.com
btw, rory is gorgeous!
- lisa n.
I would love to be in your drawing in honor of your gorgeous little boy Rory- Happy Birthday Rory!
I love 123stitch.com for the reason that Joanne is always so helpful if you have a special request and their shipping seems to be super quick and also I love that they send you an email to let you know that your order is on its way. My email addy is hdboxer1@verizon.net thank you for your drawing and hugs to Rory on his special day!
Happy birthday to Rory! I'm own by kuvasz name Topaz. She just had her 7th birthday but it seems like yesterday when I held her for the first time. I know all about unconditional love, it is priceless and you are lucky to have it! I wish you both many hears of happiness!
Since I do not have any LNS in the whole territory of Yukon I do shop on line. My favorite are:
- 123stitch.com because they have the greatest selection of everything (if they don't, they will recommend someone who has)
- herrschners.ca - best prices for DMC floss (I mean, best on line)
and since I love down-loadable patterns:
- everythingcrossstitch.com
- creativepoppypatterns.com
Rory is such a gorgeous dog! Happy Birthday a little early to him!
One of my favorite ONS is Inspired Needle. She also has a brick and mortar shop in Illinois. Cathy is a friend I met several years ago at Rockome Gardens, also in Illinois. Her shop is absolutely gorgeous and her service is awesome! And she also has a blog - inspiredneedle.blogspot.com - I think.
Happy birthday Rory! My favourite ONS is Wasatch Needlecraft, always a great service from Karen.
Please enter me in your wonderful giveaway - I would use 123 stitch because of their fast and reliable service and great selection.
kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com
A big happy birthday to Rory! And he is just so beautiful although he looks rather bored with it all in that last photo...lol.
My favorite online shop is EHandcrafts of Mary Kathryn. I have always found her such a sweet person and gives great service. I even needed to find a pattern once and she went off and found it for me. She is a gem.
Hugs from Holland ~
Happiest of birthdays to the eminently cuddleable Rory. Clearly a beautiful addition to your family.
My favorite ONS is Stitches N Things in Davison, Michigan. Now that I live in the UK, I miss them so much (I used to take long weekends from Wisconsin just to visit).
My email is graceann DOT macleod AT ntlworld DOT com
Thank you for such a generous offer, wow!!
Happy first birthday Rory, hope you get all the treats you are wishing for and that you enjoy the day with mommy! Now be a good boy and pick me for the winner!
I like several OLS but Nordic Needle is one of my very favorites. They are always helpful and quick and have an array of designs and materials.
I love your blog and enjoy the stories.
Happy Birthday, Rory! I think my favorite ONS is The Silver Needle in Tulsa, OK. I first found it online about three years ago and fell in love. I've been able to go there twice "in real life" since... which is a jaunt, since it is in OK and I'm in Wisconsin! Thanks for the chance to win!
tjtraxler at gmail dot com
Oh my goodness Sir Rory your royal highness, many many happy returns and your birthday is the same as my brothers so how could I not wish you many happy returns of the day and please ask your Mom to enter me into the drawer, how very generous she is.
Hugs and cuddle
Sarah Lindfield
I can't believe he is going to be a year old already! Where has the time gone? But I have to say, what a lot he has packed into his first year, there's never a dull moment with Rory around! LOL
Now, my favourite ONS is Down Sunshine Lane. Amy is wonderful to deal with. The website is fab and very easy to navigate. She has a huge range of charts, fabrics and accessories and if by chance, she doesn't have what you are looking for, she can get it for you.
pop on over and say hi :-)
Thank you Kathy for your generous giveaway and for sharing Rory and his antics with us all :-) x x
Wow, Rory has grown up to be such a cute boy. Happy first birthday dear pup.
I love, love, love Down Sunshine Lane. They are just fabulous in every single way...customer service, products available, great web site.
Happy Birthday to Rory!
I'd love to be included in your giveaway, my favourite ONS is http://www.stitchesnthings.com Great service and a good range!
Well Rory and I almost share a birthday. Mine is March 6th the next day so we are close. I hope he has a great birthday and is he getting a cake? Mine is going to be red velvet cake. Anyway, I have to favorite ONS one is Stitches N Things in Fenton Michigan and I make a trip there once in a while as well and 123 Stitch. Give Rory a birthday hug from me.
Happy Birthday, Rory! You do have some great pictures of him.
This is a terrific giveaway. I've used several ONSs and have been very satisfided with most of them. My favorites
are Needlecraft Corner & Down Sunshine Lane, both have great sales and service.
Thanks for the chance.
Katherine (stitchkat@austin.rr.com)
Happy Birthday Rory.
I'd like to be included in your giveaway. My favourite shop is 123 Stitch. Their postage costs are reasonable and they send items quickly, even to Australia.
Happy Birthday to your beautiful Rory! I would love to be included in your give-away! My favorite ONS is Elegant Stitch in California. I live in central Pennsylvania and the closest LNS is at least 1 1/2 hours away and they NEVER have anything for sale that they have on display. Elegant Stitch is clear across the country but she answers your e-mails the same day and I usually get my order in three to five days! Lois is wonderful. Again, Happy Birthday to your beautiful dog - I have a Chocolate Lab grand-dog who gives me a great deal of pleasure when he comes to visit - three years old but still very much a puppy!
Happy Birthday to Rory! He is such a beautiful dog!
Happy Birthday to sweet Rory! I hope he get many dog treats for his birthday. I enjoy reading your blog and seeing Rory grow up. Please enter me in your generous drawing. My favorite ONS is 123stitch.com. Joanne's service is fast and friendly and their website is easy to navigate.
rcscg at aol dot com
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