Above is my idea of Birthday cake and ice cream. Total chocolate decadence. That yummy cake has raspberry filling with a semi-hard dark chocolate shell. Mmmmmmm. Hey I figured it's only once a year so why not celebrate all the way?
I had a wonderful relaxing weekend. No dog shows. I did some shopping, some reading, some napping and just lazed around. On Tuesday, my Birthday, I took the day off, making it a nice four day weekend. I had a really lovely Birthday this year. Thanks to some wonderful ladies in a birthday club I belong in. The stitchy gifts and gift certificates made my day. I spent the better part of yesterday trying to figure out what I wanted to order! (That's why this post is late.) Well, the gift certificates are all spent and I can't wait for all my new stash to arrive!

An Irish Prayer and linen to stitch it on from Lisa.
Thread pickers from Lisa. Aren't they just darling? I love them!
LK's Dog Lessons for People with the linen are from Rene.
CCN Harvest Blessing with the linen and crescent colours from Shelley.
Thank you so much. Girlfriends you made my day.
And then Deborah sent me my first flower frog. I have been wanting one since I started seeing them on other blogs. Well, the ones Deborah sent are just beautiful! I LOVE them. Now to get some more scissors to put in them. 
More stitching news. I did have a couple of finishes and I have been working on exchange pieces. I can show you a couple of the finishes since they are now in their new home. For Deborah (her birthday is two days before mine) I stitched The Tea Room by Country Cottage Needleworks and attached it to the tea cozy by Impie, Hattie and Bea. 

Then I had a brilliant idea for this little jar. It is a candle and comes with a lid. I have a bunch of these. Why not use the empty jars to collect and display ort? So presto. Here is my first Ort Jar with a pin cushion on top. The design is an impromptu one. The idea is probably not original and I must have seen something like it some where. But I plan to make more. What do you think? (Sorry that the photos are a bit blurry. I didn't realize it until too late. I hope you get the idea anyway.)
I got the official photos from the dog show where Rory won his first and second points. I get a big grin every time I look at them. Now I may not look too great in them but Rory does! So I had to share them with you. We are off this weekend for two shows in Massachusetts and then one next weekend in Connecticut. So I am hoping we can win another point or two.
Above: the judge who gave Rory his FIRST point.
Below : the judge who awarded Rory his second point.

Speaking of Rory, stash and my Birthday I bet you are all anxious to hear who won the giveaways. Sorry to make you wait until the end of the post. I can't believe the response this giveaway had.
Nancy M for the pin pillow. (As soon as I stitch her initial I can finish it off)
Donna for the gift certificate to DSL.
Congratulations to two special ladies.
Well, as I said earlier Rory and I are off for another dog show weekend. So I am going to try and read a few blogs, answer a few more emails and get a little work done.
Until next time................
Love and stitches
and licks from Rory too
Oh shucks....I didn't win...but I am thrilled you had a nice happy weekend. Love your Dog too!
Congratulations to the winners! :-) And Happy, Happy birthday!!
So happy that your birthday was a wonderful one! Looks like you got some really great stash. I love the flower frog. Look forward to seeing you stitch the Irish Prayer. I just love that one.
Congrats to the two lucky ladies:)
Take Care and Happy belated Birthday!!!!
Happy belated birthday! Looks like you got some wonderful gifts...and cake! With ice cream! Sounds like a fantastic birthday :)
Happy Birthday! It looks like you had a fabulous time. Love the stash and the ORT jars to just too cute. Congrats to Rory and he is one handsome fellow!
Happy belated birthday! You got some lovely goodies. It is mine tomorrow. The cake looks gorgeous. I am not expecting anything so decadent :(
Congrats to the winners! I am glad you enjoyed your birthday. I love the tea cozy you stitched for Deborah--I have had that in my stash for a while and looking at yours makes me want to get started on it.
Oh that cake looks soooo good!!! And with chocolate ice cream too! Glad you had a good birthday with a 4 day weekend! Love the stash you got! And the frogs too! That Impie, Hattie and Bea piece is a wonderful present you made. And the ort jar -- great idea! And those pics of you and Rory! That is one beautiful dog! Good luck in Massachusetts!
Wow - what fun with your BD gifts! And I love them all; now to wait and see what stash you get! Love the stitching gifts - so cool. And Rory's pictures are just beautiful!
Congrats to the winners!
You must be a day behind us as it is still Thursday and your birthday here. Nip over and we can celebrate lol.
One condition you have to bring Rory for Ollie to play with !!
love you stitchy bits and congrats to the winner of your giveaway. Done a bit of finishing myself if you want to take a look.
Take care and good luck Rory and you for the weekend.
Glad you had a great birthday & liked all of your presents! Rory looks beautiful!!
- Lisa N.
Looks like you had a great birthday, with delicious treats and lovely presents! Belated happy birthday wishes!
And what beautiful stitching and finishing you've done! The tea cosy is lovely, as is also the ort jar, what a clever idea!
Congratulations to the winners and a Happy Belated birthday to you!!
Did Rory pick the names, he is so cute with his head in the bowl. Anyway glad you had a good birthday and looks like you picked up some wonderful new things to work on.
wow! Happy birthday, those are great gifts.
Rory is looking lovely as always. :)
Happy Birthday! and what wonderful goodies you had too :-) that chocolate cake looks to die for, i can taste it from here, lol.
Congratulations to Rory too on his points, hope he does well this weekend too!
Goodness, is it possible to drool over pictures of cake? Obviously it is as my taste buds are working overtime! ; ) Love all your pressies and your gift to Deborah is just lovely. So glad you had a great birthday.
That cake looks divine!! Great birthday goodies - enjoy!! And, wow, that's a great bunch of frogs!
Congrats to Rory - what a handsome boy and he did such a great job picking the winners - congrats to them as well.
Happy Birthday! It sounds like it was a great one what with the yummy cake and ice cream and wonderful gifts! Is there still room in your birthday club? The one I was participating in got de-railed. Birthday groups are so much fun!
Congrats to the winners and Rory!
Love the flower frogs...I am even more jealous not that I can see them!!! haha Nice stash! I love the lil ort jar you made Deborah, that is a wonderful idea! So, what did you choose with your gift certificates or have u not made a final decision yet? It's tough sometimes! The stitch pickers are just darling, especially the cardinal..I work at Lamar University and we r the cardinals!
Love the frogs!! I finally found one on eBay a while back....I just love it!
Great birthday gifts and looks like you had a great birthday celebration!!
And as always, Rory makes me smile.
That looks like a delicious cake and what lovely stash you got. Hope Rory gets more points this week-end.
First, let me tell you again thank you for my winning gift certificate. I have already picked out some nice things and will have them posted on my blog this weekend.
Second off that cake looks so YUMMY! Third, your stitching is just beautiful. Fourth, what can I say about RORY? He has got to be the most beautiful puppy I have ever seen! Fifth, and you will laugh about this. I never knew those were flower frogs. I just saw them as scissor frogs. I must get some of those, although I must confess I don't have but two pairs of scissor so I would use it as a flower frog!
Love the cake!!! I would have it the same way!!!! Chocolate is to die for~~
Those are some awesome gifts!!!!!! And I love your tea cozy~
Wow!! I think I gained a couple of pounds just looking at your cake/ice cream!
You really "made out" on the birthday stash too. Everything is wonderful.
Great stitching too. Good idea on using those jars as ort jars.
Congrats to Rory.
Congrats to the contest winners!
Great gifts.
That cake looks so jummy!!!
Your finishes all look very lovely.
You got some wonderful gifts for your birthday! Love the dog poem and it is perfect for you. The tea piece you made for Deborah is gorgeous!!! So glad I'm the winner.....finally Meari didn't win something!! LOL Rory is a handsome man and looks so elegant posing in the photos.
You had a great birthday with choco-choco cake, ice cream, and wonderful presents! :) What a neat idea for the ort jar. I'm going to have to do some of those up!
Congrats to the winners of your giveaway. Me thinks Nancy is jealous, LOL ;-)
Belated Happy Birthday! The cake looks yummy and great gifts!!
Happy weekend!
Best Belated Wishes on the birthday, 21 I'm sure.
My goodness Rory is growing into a very handsome, elegant young man, and I think that neck has gotten longer LOL, you know what I mean.
Looks like you made out great with birthday stash. Glad you like everything you got.
The Tea Cozy is adorable.
Hugs to Rory!
The pincushion/jar idea looks really nice--it's a charmingly shaped little jar. :D
As for Rory, he looks stunning in the sun in that Judge photo (not that I know anything about breeding or showing, but...), and you look quite nice, too!
Thanks for the giveaway, and congrats to the winners!
Oh, P.S. that cake looks wonderful!
Congrats to the winners!
Love the gifts--you deserve to have been spoiled! :)
wow, you had quite the birthday celebration, didn't you?!?!?!?! Lovely everything!!!! Congrats to Rory!!! Keep up the good work!!!!
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