And as you can see Rory is all dresses up with no where to go. But that's okay since I am not a big fan of New Years eve celebrations. A nice quiet night with a bottle of wine (a gift from one of my Goddaughters. Thank you Erin!) is fine by me. 
But I am getting ahead of myself on this post. So let's go back to Christmas Eve. I run around like a nut case running errands and getting those last minutes gifts for Rory and Rosie. Got all that done and I still had to finish the stitching and finishing on two last gifts. As you can see both Rory and Rosie were on their bestest behavior! They even stayed close enough so I could take a few photo! My very own Christmas miracle!! Now don't get me wrong, they don't fight or anything (though I wouldn't blame Rosie in the least for scratching Rory) but they are rarely ever this close to one another and sitting still no less. (Rory thinks Rosie is his own personal chase toy! Round and round the house!)

Christmas morning. Rory was so good waiting until I was ready before heading into the living room to see what Santa brought. (Oh, okay I kept him on a leash until I was ready. LOL) I think Santa may have gotten too much for him. (Rosie got hers early because Rory tends to steal her toys.) What do you think?
Following a nice quiet morning watching Rory play and a few hundred tosses of his new favorite toy, the cow that moos,

I headed out to celebrate Christmas and have dinner with my Aunt and Uncle and cousins. Little Matthew is such a doll. And he just loved the Buzz Lightyear things his Aunt Erin and Uncle Ian had bought him. (The cars I gave him were pushed aside when he saw this gift!) For Erin and Ian I gave them one of the ornaments I was working on so feverishly the night before. I actually made three of these. One for each of this past years newlyweds. And. silly, me I only got a photo of this one. Oh well, the other two, except for the names, look and are finished the same way. 

Next was a visit to my nieces home. There my sister and her children were all together. A rare occasion so I made sure to get a photo of them all. And one of them insisted that I be in a photo of me, my sister and her middle daughter, who is also one of my Goddaughters and soon to be a mother herself. (Her baby is due in mid February.)

Back home Rory was finally tired and just crashed. And so did I. After all my frantic stitching and finishing the week before I was too tired to even stitch!

Sunday brought this winters first (and I hope last!) major snowstorm, well, actually it was a blizzard. Sunday into Monday we got somewhere between 15 and 24 inches of snow! Yes, that is a lot but in many areas it is hard to tell. The winds both days were wicked with gusts up 50 miles and hour! Which piled the snow in drifts. Thank goodness I didn't need anything. Well, nothing except patience. Why you ask? Rory adores the snow. He is worse than any snow crazy child. In and out and in and out but mostly out until I can coax him in. Then after 20 minutes of all the snow melting out of his coat he wants back out again.
To say I haven't gotten much done the past few days is an understatement. As soon a I get settled to try and stitch he either wants out. Or is it in? Usually about now he has exhausted himself so that is why I am able to update and I am so hoping that I will now be able to go stitch. Or even start getting my 15 wip together for the January challenge which will be here before you know it!

And until then I wish you all the healthiest and happiest of New Years. May 2011 bring you everything you wish for. From Rory, Rosie and me.
Until next time....................

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love and stitches,
and licks from Rory too
Kathy, thank you for sharing. I always enjoy reading about you, Rory and Rosie. :) Love all the pictures (I am such a visual person). The one of Rory in his 'Tux' is adorable! :D Cathryn
Thank you for sharing your Christmas. Rory looks so dashing for New Year's Eve. I, too will be alone on Friday night, but I am having something stronger than wine,lol. I love the pics of Rory playing in the snow.
Thank you for your words on my post. Wishing you a Happy New Year, filled with happiness and lots of stitches.
It looks like Rory is wearing New Year's antlers with his bow tie! Love the snow pictures. We got teased in MD, only got a dusting of it.
Have a Fantastic New Year!
Happy New Year to you, Rory and Rosie. Love all of the pics. Looks like you had a lovely Christmas. I plan on doing the same as you for New Year's Eve. Stay home and watch the ball drop on tv.
You look so pretty in the photo with your sister and niece!
Looks like Rory had a great time with Christmas and snow.
Happy 2011 to you! I'll be having a quiet evening at home, too.
Awww...Rory looks dashing in his bow tie, and dashing in the snow, or is that dashing THROUGH the snow? Oh, no wait, that's a song isn't it? Anyway, looks like you had a great Christmas (sorry you were snowed in, but thankfully you didn't need to go anywhere!) I hope your New Year is bright and cheery! *Hugs*
Kathy, seeing Rory all spiffed up just brought the biggest smile to my face! He is the best! I love the pic of Rory and Rosie together -- talk about a miracle! They are both perfectly posed! That just doesn't happen! Glad you had fun running around to celebrate Christmas. I enjoyed seeing what you were up to. I do think Rory is rolling in toys now. lol! But he deserves it, right? Looks like he enjoyed the snow too. I could have done without it myself, but whatever! Hope you have a happy, healthy New Year!
Thanks for sharing all the wonderful pics, Kathy. Rory is quite handsome in his New Year's attire, but then, he's handsome in everything he wears. ;-)
Glad you had a nice Christmas with Rory, Rosie & family. Have a very Happy New Year.
Barb in TX
What a handsome fella that Rory is in his New Year's getup. Your post was a very enjoyable read. There is something special about famiy isn't there!
Wishing you a wonderful stitchy 2011 and a Happy New Year.
Rory looks like the hit of the party in his tux!!! And all that now looks like a fun game of "Snowball catch"....throw a snowball for Rory to catch and then he runs to get it and of course it's not there when he goes to get it!!! LOL...I used to play with my dog all the time!!! The bewildered look is priceless! You sure got a lot of great pics of both dog and cat together!!! hope you have a wonderful New Years!!
Kathy. . . . Rory looks gorgeous against that snow backdrop!!! And what a handsome guy in that tie.
Happy new year!!!
I love Rory's cow that moos and his New Years pics - thanks for sharing!
Sammi wishes Rory and Rosie a Happy New Year! Looks like Rory made out like a bandit with the toys. Glad that you had a good Christmas. Love all the pic's. Hope your Mew Year is wonderful.
I am so glad that you had a wonderful christmas, Rory sure did do well on the new toys.
A picture says a thousand words Kathy and you have many pictures of Rory and Rosie. So beautiful indeed. I looked at your prior post and I love all your crosstiched pieces along with the first christmas by LK. I've stitched that one twice and beautiful each time as is yours.
Thanks for sharing your pictures.
Hope you will have a Happy New Year.
I always love to hear of your adventures with Rory and Rosie! Love the pic of them together and the ones of Rory in the snow!
May you have the happiest of New Year's!
Rory must be an absolute joy to live with. He is gorgeous - love the pics where he left his print all over in the snow! You are so lucky to have him and he is lucky to have you. Happy New Year!
What an adorable necktie Rory is wearing! Too cute! I must show my daughter who has two dogs! Thanks for sharing the pictures of your Christmas. Mine was too hectic to bother with pictures! Woosh! Gone! Today is my first day of empty house... my son is loving it! Enjoy sitting and stitching on New Year's Eve! Those are my plans too! Finally--time to stitch! Hugs!
Mum took one look at the snow and said, "OMG! No thanks!" You can tell we come from a warm climate. Looks like everyone had a lovely Christmas. Rory looks so cute with his cow, and very handsome for the coming New Year. You definitely have the right idea for New Year, enjoy a glass for me.
Happy New Year
LiBBiE in Oz
...and fun was had by all! Great sharing! Stay warm, and Happy New Year!!
Love all of your latest pictures of Rory and Rosie. Rory sure looks mighty dapper in his tux collar--guess he's all ready to ring in the New Year. Hope it is a happy and healthy one for all of you, Kathy :)
What a lovely post Kathy. Best wishes to you and yours ( Rory and Rosie) and all the very best for 2011!
Thank you for sahring your Christmas. Rory is one dapper dog :) and Rosie is pretty sanzy(sp) too, I just adore your photos of Rory, if I was to place anything abnormal on my two little hellons they would give me the evil eye for sure LOL
I hope you have a FABULOSE New Year and it is followed with much happiness and many ribbons for Rory in the dog shows!!
Looks like you had a wonderful time with your family at Christmas. Rory looks so cute with his bow-tie.
Want to wish you a Happy New Year.
Rory looks great in his NY Eve attire. Rosie has the most original face! Great picture of the 2 of them together. Sounds like your Christmas was fun this year, except for the next day and trying to tunnel out. We haven't had a flake of snow for a few weeks now and this weekend we are supposed to get rain, so I'm thinking what we have will be gone. The pictures of NYC snow were something to watch. Don't know where they put it all. I'm assuming you didn't have to get into work this week. We'll be staying home to see the New Year in, although we do have a party to go to earlier in the day. But we want to be home by 10:30. Does that show our age?? LOL
Kathy, your Christmas sounds like it was wonderful. I have to say Rory looks very dapper in his bow tie. Quite the gentledog !!! i don't know where you live but it sounds like we got the same blizzard. I am in Connecticut. Have a Happy and Healthy New Year !!!
Looks like you had a wonderful Christmas! Happy New Year!
Glad that you had a wonderful holiday with your family...not to mention the additional entertainment from Rory! Happy New Year!
OO7 has nothing on Rory,Kathy has he! Oh I know what you mean about snow and dogs, Ollie was imitating a snow plough out there for ages in it. All gone now here in our corner of the Uk. The photos of Rory and Rosie are so gorgeous and he was just so lucky,that word in Santas ear must have worked.
Lovely family pics too in all just a really nice post to read and pics to look at. A happy new year my friend to you three and I am already looking forward to next years antics.
Take care out there in the snow.
So many pictures. Rory got more presents that my little girl!!, Santa did spoil him. He also looks so regal in his "tux", thanks for sharing.
I loved reading about your Christmas. I loved to load up Whiner with gifts at Christmas too. He was so funny with them. I loved all your pictures.
What great pictures. I will try to make it my goal to go to Lazy Daisy each month this year on thursday nights. I look forward to meeting you. Have a blessed New Year.
The pics of Rory and Rosie are so precious! I love them all! Think they were on their best behavior because they knew Santa was coming? That is one happy brood you have there! There's nothing like a happy puppy, is there?!
Thanks for sharing your wonderful Christmas!
Happy New Year!!!!
Enjoyed the photos
I hope you were blessed through the Holidays -Best Wishes in the New Year
lol! Your sweet Rory looks like he enjoys having his picture taken! Happy New Year, Kathy!
Love the pictures of Rory and Rosie! I can just imagine Rory's excitement in the snow. My dog Joc, just adored the snow and loved to run in it with his nose to the ground. He would come running up to me with snow all over his face, just smiling at me. He loved it so much. I miss him....
Sounds like you and Rory had a wonderful Christmas! That is certainly a lot of snow to have to deal with!
Hope your new year's is great!
It is such a joy to read our blog!
The best of years to you in 2011.
Great pics of Rory! I'm glad you both enjoyed Christmas. :) I loved the stitching, too! Duffy gets a stocking from santa every year, which he loves--and waits for--but it usually contains a squeaky toy. He likes a few squeaky toys, but others he will bark incessantly at. This year, he was okay with the toy... until DH squeaked it for him. Cue the half hour of barking until we were able to distract him with another toy & hide the squeaker. Oy!! LOL
Wishing you a blessed & happy, healthy new year!
Oh, I love, love, LOVE the pictures of Rosie & Rory on the couch!
Best wishes in the New Year, Kathy!
Enjoyed all the Rory pics! Happy New Year!
Hi Kathy! Congrats on being the winner of my little give-a-way! I can't seem to get the email link to work, so would you please email me at maisonsheri@gmail.com with your address so I can send the linen out to you? Thanks!!! ~Sheri
A very happy new year to you and your family Kathy. Love your christmas decorations, they are so beautiful.
Wow, the snow!!!
How do you cut the felt like that (patterned)? Have a great stitchy year
Happy new years! What a handsome dog Rory is!
Rory definitely was enjoying Christmas and the snow! Family pictures are wonderful and your ornaments were such a thoughtful gift. Wishing you all a wonderful New Year and looking forward to seeing posts on the critters and the stitching!
Thank you for sharing all the lovely pictures!
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