I have so much to say that I don't know where to start. I take that back. I do but have had a hard time finding the words to express how much all your comments and emails on my previous post have meant to me. I am moved. You all have touched my heart more than you know. The warmth and caring that you shared with me. The love and prayers. The peace and understanding. Stitchy bloggers ROCK! From the bottom of my heart I thank you.

I managed to get some stitching done. Not as much as I would like but it is coming along. I still have a few more gifts to finish stitching and then there will be a finishing marathon so I can get these things in the mail. Nothing like waiting until the last minute.

Last week also found me home for a few days with a terrible head cold. I can't remember the last time I had one this bad. I am feeling much better but still not a hundred percent. If I hadn't had the flu shot this year I would say that I had the flu and not just a cold. But then I rarely get colds so I tend to be a big baby when I do. But with that time at home I did manage to get my Christmas decorations up. I put up my Christmas village and two trees. One tree is Rory's tree. Ninety percent of the ornaments are dog related. Including the Angel tree topper which has the head of an Irish setter. (The other ten percent are kitty ornaments for Rosie. See her photo in her favorite spot under the tree.) The second tree is a small three footer that is my stitchy tree with all my stitched ornaments. Not as many decorations as years past but it does look pretty. Between putting up the trees and all

Now I have a favor to ask. I need to get some Christmas cards made and get them out in the mail this weekend. I just can't decide which photo of Rory to use for my cards. Below are the ones I think would work. Also the two with Santa above. I just can't seem to pick just one. Which one do you like?

Thank you again for all your wonderful comments. For your caring and your friendship.
Until next time...........
Love and stitches
and licks from Rory too.
First off HOW CUTE!!!! I love the one with Rory in his rudolph ears inside with his head tilted....makes you want to give him a treat :)
Your decorations are beautiful Kathy! My Grandma had a little church just like yours under your tree :) Made me smile to remember today....
Your ornaments look fab, so do the trees. I like Rory's third photo best, his expression is great.
Ohhh how beautiful pictures of Rory !!! I love the one with the reindeer (ears?) and he is outside. LOVE that one !!!
my vote goes for the one with Rory in his rudolph ears inside with his head tilted, he looks so darn cute. Your tree looks fantastic as well, glad your starting to feel better.
I love Rory with his reindeer ears outside. But it was a tough choice!!! Congrats on your decorations - sorry about the cold that kept you home. And as for finishing - join the crowd of those of us at the last minute - no matter how hard we try!!
Linda B
They are all precious but the third one down is really, really cute. I called my kiddoes over to see, too, and they thought they were delightful!
I think the one with Rory's head tilted and the reindeer ears is adorable - that's my choice.
Your decorations look great! XO
Yup, I like the third one down too. lol! Rory is such a cutie! I love all your decorating -- so pretty! Sorry about your cold. Sounds like it was pretty dreadful! Hope you feel 100% soon.
Really pretty trees, I love the 3rd one from the bottom. the way Rory has his head tilted is just so cute. Your cat is really pretty too:)
Mary Louise
Hey Kathy, glad that you are feeling better, both physically and emotionally. Have been thinking of you.
Your trees are great, but as to the photos of Rory!!! well all of them, of course!!!
OK, my favorite ones are the 1st one with Santa, the one with the raindeer antlers and head tilted #3
and number 1 with the Santa's helper.
I know lots of help!!
ENjoy the Season.
I'm so happy to hear you "sounding" better! I've thought of you often! Your decorations are so cute!! Your house definitely has the Christmas spirit now!! I like the picture of Rory with the antlers on outside on your deck the best! He's such a cutie! Have a very Merry Christmas and all the best in the coming New Year!! *hugs*
Tough decision! They are all cute, but I think my favs are #2 and #3.
Love your decorations!
Merry Christmas!
My vote goes to Rory on Santa's lap! Just to cute--all of them are great--can you do a composite of three? My next was Rory with the Santa hat and beard. Third is Rory outside with the reindeer antlers!
Glad to hear you are feeling better. Missing parents is always harder at Christmas....lots of fun memories with family and the holiday chaos. Enjoy those memories and make new ones with family and friends!
1st reindeer pic is my favourite but there is not one I would not send out. Rory the gorgeous reindeer. So glad you are getting into the spirit of things and got over your cold...no wonder you weren't yourself. Looking forward to seeing all the stitching... enjoy every minute.
The 3rd or 5th one down are the best! Glad you got some decorations up to get you in the holiday spirit!
Ok, before I read anyone else's comments (and change my mind) I vote for the last one which looks like a professional photograph! Rory looks quite distinguished in his Santa hat and holly at his neck! It's really sweet that he's on your card. I do think that next year, you should join him in your photo. <3 <3 <3
Hello Rory and Kathy ,I am here thinking which one ,which one of course all are fabulous.I like the one with him talking out of the side of his mouth with Santa , I have been good Santa and I am not pouting! Oh RORY you have made me smile so much this year ,thankyou soo much and you my friend Kathy.
Your home looks so twinkly and Christmassy warm.
Have a wonderful time you two.
Hello Rory and Kathy ,I am here thinking which one ,which one of course all are fabulous.I like the one with him talking out of the side of his mouth with Santa , I have been good Santa and I am not pouting! Oh RORY you have made me smile so much this year ,thankyou soo much and you my friend Kathy.
Your home looks so twinkly and Christmassy warm.
Have a wonderful time you two.
Hi Kathy :) oooo what a hard choice but I think the one with Rory in the reindeer ears outside :). My DD says AWWWWWW he is soooo cute :) love the trees too ... merry Christmas to you all love mouse xxxx
Hi Kathy, I love the second photo of Rory. Your tree is so pretty
love the photo in the reindeer ears with the cocked head...o you hear what I hear?
I think I'd pick the inside picture with Rory in the antlers. It's adorable!! Have fun finishing and I do hope you feel better!
Head colds are a pain, but better than the flu. Glad you are feeling better. Both your trees are wonderful, love the Rory tree, glad Rosie did get a look in :D I love the Rory piccie 3rd from the bottom with antlers and his head tilted to the side.
Rory Merry Christmas from Meah, Evie & Quincy
Rosie Happy New Year from Stella, Sylvia & Levi
Kathy best wishes and safe holiday from LiBBiE
For your Christmas cards, I love the 2nd reindeer one. :)
Your Christmas trees and decorations are awesome, Kathy.
Glad you're feeling better. I still have the residuals of my sickies right before Thanksgiving. Being out in the snow trying to clear the driveway and bitter temps aren't helping!
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year, my friend.
My favorite is Rory the Reindeer on the porch (or deck). What a beautiful dog!
Glad you are starting to feel a little better in yourself.
I will cast my vote for Rory's 3rd photo with his head tilted in the roudolf antlers, so cute :-)
So glad to hear you are feeling better.
Your decorations are beautiful! Love Rory's pictures - he is so photogenic! My eye goes for the two with the antlers. I think I prefer the outside one.
Wishing a Merry Christmas!
Oh, my favorite is the one of Rory and the antlers--he looks so much wiser than any of us humans, don't you think?!
I'm relieved to read that you're feeling a little better about things, Kathy. This time of year is hard on many of us who have lost loved ones or can't be near them...
Sending you big hugs from Pennsylvania (((())))... And I hope you and Rory have a very Merry Christmas!
I think the one of Rory with the antlers, inside, is the best one!! Happy Christmas to you and Rory! Hugs!
All of your trees look great! I vote for the picture with Rory in the antlers with his head tilted to the side. LOVE that picture!
Love the pic of Rory with head cocked a little to the side. too cute!
I'm so glad you were RAK'd just in the knick of time. Bravo Edgar!
I love the one of Rory as the indoor reindeer! Such a precious pose! And I like all your ornaments, too cute.
I just love you dog,it is so cute .you have a nice blog page too..
Decorations are lovely!
I love the 2nd one of Rory in the Reindeer ears where his head is really tilted. Soooo adorable!!
Hope you feel 100% soon.
Kathy, the pictures are so cute of Rory! I like the one of him outside with the antlers on. But it is a hard decision, they are all good ones.
Hope your holidays are happy!
Take care.
The middle one with the reindeer ears for sure!!! He's so cute!!
- Lisa N.
I go with Vonna, but then Rory is so photogenic it doesn't really matter which one LOL
So glad to hear your spirits were able to be lifted, what a gorgeous package of goodies! I really like the bearded pic of Rory in front of the cabinets, he's a very dignified Santa! :P
Love your Christmas decorations. Everything looks great and the Irish Setter angel is so cute. I like the first Rory and Santa photo and also the one with the words Santa's Helper best. {{{{Hugs}}}}
Sooo glad that your spirits have lifted. :-) I like the first picture with Santa because Rory looks like he has a little smile. And I like the indoor picture with the reindeer gear...he is such a cutie!
Thanks for sharing your pictures of your trees and decorations.
I like the first picture with Rory and Santa.
That was a great gift that you got and glad it lifted your spirits.
Hope you feel better soon.
I have to be different... I love the one up top, of Rory in the Santa's Helper bib - with no head adornments - smiling in front of the tree. Could that one be cropped to work? He's such a gentleman, the head gear just doesn't do him justice!
I love the one where Rory is "Santa's" helper!!!!! like that one the best....or this one where he is wearing a santa hat /w berry necklace----the last picture here.
Kathy, GREAT great great pictures. I love your Christmas decorations! I have to pick the picture of Rory inside with his head tilted. He's really paying attention and I am a sucker for those kinds of photos. Just makes you want to say "Awwwwwwwwww". :D Merry Christmas!!! Cathryn
It's a very difficult choice at to which picture but the one Rory has his raindeer antlers on with his head tilted to the side was my first choice. He is such a handsome young boy.
Your Christmas decorations would take first prize in any contest.
Hope you are feeling better and wish you a Happy Ho HO and a Merry Humbug.
Penny, NC
I'm glad you're feeling better.
I love all the pics of Rory but my favorite is the second antler pic.
Merry Christmas!
Hi Karen,
I think this is my first time leaving a comment on your blog. But I've enjoyed visiting it since I found a couple of weeks ago. Know that you are not alone in your struggles, and you are cared for.
The children and I like the picture of Rory with the ears on inside.
Blessings to you,
I love all the pics of Rory, but my choice has to be one of the two with the reindeer antlers. I like the outdoor background ALOT, but I also like Rory's expression in the one with his head tilted. The one with his head tilted looks like he is begging us to make you stop dressing him up and taking pics :)
My big doggie, Dots loves to have her picture taken. If she sees the camera out, she actually poses! My other tiny doggie, Snickers, hides when the camera comes out.
Wishing you comfort and peace!
Pam in IL
i love the reindeer one with his head to the side...just the cutest! I like the first picture with Rory with Santa! Too cute!
Lovely tree Kathy. I love the last pic where he's outside.
Have great holidays :)
I love the photo of Rory with the antlers on with his head tilted to the side standing in front of the cabinets.
Merry Christmas!!
All the picutres are great. It's hard to choose. I think I like the last one best.
I'm glad you are feeling better.
What beautiful Christmas cheer. As for which picture of Rory I would choose, I think the last photo in line where Rory is wearing his Santa's hat and his holly bow tie. . . So handsome.
My vote has to go the the second pic but they are all fantastic and I had a hard time choosing
I have always said that stitchers/quilters are the best people around. I like picture 2 of Rory! Glad you are on the mend. Keep feeling better and I am always here if you need to chat about holiday blues.
Your place looks beautiful! It is always so nice to get happy mail! I think all the pics of rory are great but the third one for me stands out the best!
I love all of them, but my favorite it the one that he has his head tilted with the raindeer antles.
Have a wonderful Christmas and New Year.
Joyce F Texas USA
They are all beautiful I love the one with him in the deer antlers best. Tell Rosie and everyone Merry Christmas from her fan club in the cold Ky hills LOL
Kathy, I love your pictures of your decorations and of course Rory. He's a beautiful dog. I know how you feel about your Mom, especially this time of year. I lost my Mom just last May and think about her daily and miss her so much. This is just not a good Christmas for me either.
Our stitching and our 'babies' (Rory & my Holly) give us big smiles and make us a littler happier.
Merry Christmas!
Rory is adorable in all those pictures but my favorite is the one with the horns, way too cute for words!!! Happy Holidays to you and Rory, too!
Your trees are beautiful especially the pet themed one. All the pics of Rory are so cute but my choice for a card would probably be the second from last, that beard certainly suits him.
kind regards,
Very nice decorations Kathy.
I love the pic of Rory in his Santa's Helper scarf, how cute.
He's abeautiful dog.
I vote for the pic with the reindeer ears.
Rory is so cute, the way he will allow himself to get dolled up for the holidays! ;) Duffy will barely allow us to put his coat on him. I love your decorations!
I forgot to tell you... At my FIL's wake (an old fashioned Irish wake that went from 10 am till 11 pm for the two days preceding the funeral), one of his nieces/DH's cousins, Brid, was telling us about her 'red setter'--which is what they call Irish setters here. She and her husband have a farm in Tipperary and she said that one of their cows started to calve early, unbeknownst to them. It was their red setter that came to get them, to let them know the cow needed them. She said the dog looks after all the live stock and always alerts them to problems with the animals or with the farm. I thought of you and Rory when she was telling us. :)
Have a merry Christmas, Kathy! And Rosie and Rory, too.
Kathy, thanks for the giggle I just had, when I scrolled down and saw those pics of Rory- they are all adorable! The one with the Santa beard made me laugh out loud! Poor Rory, he's so patient but he looks miserable with that beard on!
Love your Christmas trees too, thanks for sharing.
Love the trees and all the goodies. Rory STILL makes me smile! I really like the first photo of Rory with the reindeer ears.
Hugs and kisses, dear friend and Merry Christmas!
your christmasstrees look fantastic. I love all the pics of Rory.
I live the reindeer pictures!! so cute and funny :D
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