I'm floating on air. I'm tickled to pieces. I am still pinching myself to make sure I'm awake. Why you ask? This past Friday was an important dog show. The Western New York Irish Setter Club specialty. There were 18 class dogs entered making it a 4 point major to the Winners dog. This was the first time I had entered Rory in the "big boy" class, also known as the open class. The judge shocked me and gave him first in the class of four. (Rory was the youngest.) Then we moved on to the next level which is all the winners of the other classes. The winner of that level gets the points toward their Championship. We do our run around the ring and the judge steps in front of me and says, "Would you like to be Winners?" Of course I am stunned and mumble something like "Uh, Yes?"

And that was it! Rory WON!! This was the win he needed. His first and last time in the big boy class. He is now Champion Beaubriar's Master of Arts. Aka, Champion Rory!!!!! WOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

Many years ago as a little girl I read a book titled, Champion Dog:Prince Tom, about a cocker spaniel show dog. I fell in love with the idea of owning and showing a dog. Many books and years later I bought a beautiful Irish Setter named Kara. This was thirty years ago and I learned a lot with Kara. I learned about grooming and showing. She hated the show dog life and didn't do well but the experience only whetted my appetite for more. Time and life moves on. Then Maggie came into my life. Unfortunately she had health issues that prevented her from fulfilling my show dog dreams. And other life issues came up the prevented the dog show dream from happening.
Then came Rory. He has and continues to be a joy. And best of all he has made my dreams come true! My very first Champion! And the best part, even the surprising part, is that I have shown him. I have groomed him. Me. Thirty pounds or so over-weight. No longer a spring chicken. With lousy arthritic knees and hands that can no longer make a fist! I DID IT!! Oh, okay Rory helped. Seriously, showing a dog is team work. The handler can make the dog look good or bad. For a while I did think that I would have to hire a handler to show Rory but I so wanted to do it myself. AND I DID!

Now we take a break for a couple of months. Rory will get his hips x-rayed and checked. (Many large breed dogs can suffer from something called hip dysplaysia. Before we even think of breeding we need to make sure Rory's hips are good.) Then Rory and I will continue to show and work on his Grand Championship title. Another step closer to being able to enter the Westminster at Madison Square Garden someday. In the meanwhile we will rest for the summer and let Rory grow more coat and mature some more. And just be my silly baby boy.

Oh yes, before I forget. Rory also won a photo contest on facebook. An organization called
Pets for Patriots sponsored a 4th of July photo contest. Of course I had to dress Rory up and submit a photo. thanks to Rory's many facebook friends he tied for first place. I love entering him in these silly contests. Win or lose they are always fun. Here are some of the photos I took to celebrate Independence day.

Now on to some stitching. My mojo is returning. And I owe it all to a dear stitching friend, Cynthia. I originally met her through a yahoo stitching group. Only to discover that she grew up about 5 miles from where I live. She moved away from the area but does come to visit family on occasions. Well, long story short. She was visiting family a couple of weeks ago and stopped for a visit to meet Rory and chat. Of course we were discussing stitching and I mentioned that I really wanted the new Lizzie Kate, Life's a Beach. You know when you must have a certain pattern and you can't really stitch anything else until you get it? Well that was happening to me. A few days later was the July 4th weekend. My local LNS,
Lazy Daisy, was having a sale and I thought I would check to see if that LK pattern had come in. It had. And not only that but Cynthia had bought it for me! Along with a skein of Crescent Colors that she couldn't resist called Frogs Legs. Thank you Cynthia. You are the best. My mojo is back. Oh and I had to pick up a few other things that were on sale too.

Cynthia and Rory
Once I had that pattern in my hot little hands I started stitching like a mad woman. Not that new LK but something else entirely!! But that's okay at least I'm stitching and this piece was for the exchange that needed to be done. I finished the piece in three days. Now to finish up another exchange piece and then I can work on my new Lizzie Kate.

Speaking of Lizzie Kate. I am part of the
Lizzie Kate exchange blog 
and received my Round C exchange from
Melissa. It is a darling pin pillow. Thank you Melissa it is just adorable. I finished and sent out my part of the exchange but no photos until it reaches its new home.
I only have a couple of photos from the fabulous show weekend (the ones at the beginning of this post.) but hope to have more soon. When they are emailed to me I will be sure to post them. As well as a celebration giveaway. Soon. I promise.

And before I forget again here are my TUSAL entries for June and July. June on the left and July on the right.
Until next time..............
Love and stitches
and Licks from Champion Rory too.
Hooray for Rory! And for you, Kathy! As you said, you're a team :) Where in western NY was the show held (I'm from western NY)? Love his patriotic garb!!
Glad to hear your stitching mojo has returned--enjoy the rest of your summer ;)
Kathy I'm so, so happy for you and Rory! YAY!!!! Your Mama is smiling down from heaven too, proud as can be over your win!
And what a perfect ending to your blog post but with a meeting of the needles with a dear stitching buddy?!
Smiles all around Kathy!
Congratulations to you and Rory! He is a gorgeous boy, with a beautiful smiling face in his patriotic garb. :o)
I'm glad you have your stitching mojo back. Stitch on!
Congratulations to you and Rory!!! Love his wonderful July 4th pictures!
That is awesome!!!!! Congrats to you and Rory. Rory is the best!! But you know what? Out of all those pictures I like the one where you 2 are cuddling on the seat the best. That's a picture of the 2 of you which shows the love you have for each other and the fun you have too.
Cong to Rory. Know you are real proud of him. He is great looking dog. Stitching is also great
Happy stitching and dog shows.
You are an amazing pair, you really are! Congratulations to both you and the gorgeous red bombshell, dear Kathy!
Congratulations to you and Rory! :) This is wonderful news and the two of you have worked very hard for this honor. Who says blonds have more fun??? I think you and the red head (or body) have proved that you are doing just wonderfully!
Love your stitching and enjoy the rest of your summer.
Congratulations to you and Rory! What wonderful news!!!
And I'm glad you got your mojo back. Your stitching is gorgeous!
OMG!!! Congratulations to Rory and you!!! That is wonderful news. I am so happy you got your stitching mojo back and that you met Cynthia. How wonderful. Great, great news on all fronts, Kathy. TFS! :D Cathryn
Glad you got the stitching mojo back, LK's are so fun. Congrats to you and Rory for winning championship that is fantastic.
congrats to rory! love the costume! nice stitching too.
chris b
Kathy you and Rory SO deserve that championship. You both have worked so hard to get there!!!
Hugs for you and puppy nose kisses for Rory!
Oh Kathy, WHOOO HOOOO doesn't even begin to cover the feelings and emotions!!!!! The tightness in the chest the lightness in the head, the utter relief, and disbelief!!! Don't you just love judges who ask if you would like the 'points'. I am so happy for you both, and am getting goosebumps just writing about it. Big hug for Rory and you both, and a big kiss for Rory!!!!
I'm sure your stitching looks lovely as usual, too excited to really look!!! Did Rory get steak for dinner?
LiBBiE in Oz
I just love your blog and hearing all about Rory - what a joy he must be for you. He seems to be one of those 'love 'em to death' dogs. I'm so glad you got your mojo back too!
Congratulations to you, Kathy, mother (adopted) of Rory! What a ride, hey! Thanks for the background of your ring work, it was intereting to read.
Glad that your mojo is back-and you're stitching like a mad woman!
Rory- you are a treasure!
Congrats on the championship and the winning the contest. Who knows? Someday, I may see you and Rory on TV at the Westminister show! How cool would that be?
Cute stitching. :)
Congrats to Rory & you, Kathy. Your hard work and many miles logged, have paid off. Now I can say...'I remember when Rory was a pup.' LOL. Westminister...here you come!
What a wonderful and inspiring post. Congratulations to you and Champion Rory! Glad you have your stitching mojo back, too!
Oh, wow. Great big enormous grats to both you and Rory. I'm so proud of you both!!! I've been following your blog for a long time, way back in my ILCS days, lol. Geez, that would have been 2005 or so. I'm so glad you achieved the status of Champ! That's just wonderful news. And you have your stitchy mojo back too. Awesome!!!! Love your little pillow. And no ants, lol. Hope you have a great weekend this weekend, and get to relax and just hand out as champs! Grats again!
Rory is awesome, I am so happy for you both :)
Whoo-hoo for you and Rory!! I bet you are still floating on cloud nine!!
Love all Rory's patriotic pics - he's such a ham!
What a sweet little pillow too - glad to hear your mojo is back!
I could not post on Tuesday--blogger wouldn't bring up your blog! But I surely wanted to say Congrats to you and Rory, the Champion!! Whooo Hooo!! So exciting!! Love the holiday pictures--so photogenic! Now get busy stitching! Hugs...
Such amazing news about Rory! Congrats to both you and Rory, you sound like a proud mom! The exchange you got is beautiful. I love Lizzie Kate, too many cute designs to choose from.
Congratulations!!!!! What a Great accomplishment for you as well as Rory!!! I'm so Happy for you!!! Enjoy your break and looking forward to your adventures for Grand Champion!
So glad your stitching MoJo has returned. Happy Stitchin!!!
Congrats to you and Rory! You set a goal and met it! I absolutely love the patriotic pics of Rory. His personality is so evident in all the pics you post. I can just about read his mind!
So happy that you had a visit from your stitching friend and that you were able to get some stitching in too.
Wow, Kathy, how awesome is that! Rory's championship is well-deserved. So glad for you both. Funny, I had the same book as a kid. Gotta love Arrow Book Club! You still have the book? Great stitching, too. Enjoy the rest of the summer. :)
Way to go, Champion Rory!!! Fantastic job from both of you, congratulations!!!
I love reading about your adventures with Rory! Congratulations to both of you on your extraordinary wins...all of them!! (Glad you found your mojo...have you seen mine anywhere? LOL) *Hugs* Oh...and DH took me to a wonderful B&B in Virginia...if it had been NY you know I would have given you a call!!
Wow! Kathy, you must be walking on air still! I am happy that you were able to realize a life long dream. What a great accomplishment!
PS - Love the Lizzie Kate. Cynthia is great, is she not?!
Wanda in Edmonton
Three cheers to you and Rory, the champion!!! You really did a great job of grooming him. He looks sooo cute in those pics. Your years of dreaming and hard work has definitely paid off. Congrats again.
Great to see your stitchy updates too. They are both such pretty pieces :)
woohoo!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats to you & to Rory!!!!!! What an awesome feeling for you......I know, because we had the same feeling showing our rabbits.....nothing like hearing you & your beloved pet are champions...
so glad you have your stitching mojo back as well....stitching friends are the best for that, aren't they!?!?! I am eyeballing the up & coming snow men from LK!!!!
Congratulations Kathy and Rory.
It just shows that where there is a will there is a way.
That you have your stitching mojo back is wonderful too.
Denise ILCS
What a great thing to fulfill a lifetime dream! Congrats to you both and I hope the trend continues! I'm glad you are taking a break at the same time your stitching mojo returned! Your exchange piece is cute, but there isn't a LK I don't like!
Congratulations to you and Rory and you have finally gotten your dream come through. Like the way the dressed him up and love your stitching.
Congratulations to you and to Champion Rory! You and he have worked very hard to get this win, and I'm sure there will be others in your futures! That mojo got back just in time, while you have a break to do some stitching! Relax, stay cool, and enjoy.
Well done and big congratulations to you both. That is some accomplishment although no surprise to the rest of us out here. It goes to show if you work hard at something you will realize your dreams. Remember in the winter when you car was breaking down, then you had the flu, life was miserable as you saw it...you never know what is ahead and you don't want to miss a thing.Well 'doe kathy I am so happy and excited for your future dog shows...your stitching good too lol!!
Congratulations to both of you, you are a great team! Your stitching looks lovely.
Congrats to you and Rory. Yay for the mojo being back.
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy for you both. I love the pics of Rory in his 4th of July outfit--he is definitely a dandy!
Your stitching and the exchange look great! I'm glad your mojo is back.
I am so happy that you and Rory are were you want to be. I love all your photos but especially the one of him upside down in your lap. My Tucker is usually in this position on my husband in the front window. People passing by usually give a double look when they pass by. Tucker is not spoiled just loved a lot. The Irish love to play and they also know how to kick back and relax!!!
Congratulations on your big win. I will be looking for you some day soon at Westminster.
WOW Kathy, I'm soo pleased for you. Sorry about the late congrats but for some reason when you first posted this I couldn't access it, so I waited until your next post and then I could.
Super Rory has done it!! Fantastic news, he certainly deserves it. I'm soo happy that you have managed to achieve your dream.
Well done! Hugs to you both.
Huge congratulations to you and Rory! That is so awesome. Rory is a very beautiful dog and I hope both of you make to the Westimester show. So happy you got your stitching mojo back too.
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