Now to finish my chores and put my knee up and stitch. Or maybe a nap.
Rory stories and stitching stuff
Rain, rain and more rain. That's what we've been having. The sun is finally shining but now I'm at work. I really think the damp dreary weather got to me this weekend. I don't have any stitching to show. Not a lot of progress on the WIPs I posted last week and the three starts I attempted this past weekend only have a few stitches in each. My stitching mojo is sadly missing. Nothing really got my interest enough to get into even when Rory wasn't in my lap.
Speaking of Rory. He is getting so big. I swear he grows every night and looks bigger in the morning. He is a good little boy. Most of the time.
He is getting braver and braver at chasing poor old Rosie. (She's eight years old compared to his three months.) And she has taken to hiding out in his crate! Either she thinks he hates and won't go in it unless he has to or she just likes it in there. You know, come to think of it she used to sleep in it when I had it up for my Maggie years ago.
A view of my back yard from the back.
Don't forget to enter my surprise giveaway. Leave a comment on the June 5th post to enter. I will draw the winning name on the 26th.
Until next time.............................
Love, stitches and licks
and Rory too.
I love this one and she didn't even know I was getting my puppy when she stitched it!
Well, I am now back to work. Vacation is over. Time to get Rory into a work schedule.