But wait, that was my winnings. I also received a package from one of the dearest friends a girl can have. My birthday present from Deborah. I am speechless and in awe of the gift she made me. The stitching is flawless and so beautiful. The pattern she stitched brought tears to my eyes. (When I had time to really sit and look at it.) And the finishing idea is so perfect. Heck, the other goodies in the box pale in comparison too the stitched gift.
Oh you want to know what it is? Deborah stitched a memorial piece in a Quaker style to my Mother. And it is attached to the cover of a gorgeous photo album. What made this even more perfect is that after Mom passed my brothers, sisters and I went through my albums to create some photo collages for the wake. Now they are on flimsy photo boards and I stuck them in a corner after the funeral. I had noticed the photos slipping and that I really should either find some kind of frame for them or take them out. Well, now I can and I have the perfect place to put them.
Deborah, my dear, dear friend, there are no words to tell you how much your gift means. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Didn't she do an exquisite job? (For those that don't know Deborah she has come such a long way both in her stitching and in her health. When I first met her almost four years ago she was lucky if she would finish on small piece over a years time on 14 ct aida. This piece that she did for me in over one on 25 ct! And her third or fourth finish for the year! You go girlfriend!!)
Then I received another birthday gift from Heidi. Wednesday's mail brought the cutest scissor fob and a darling pair of stork scissors. The fob is so pretty. Thank you Heidi.
I have a mat and a frame for it and had hoped to get it done yesterday but all my supplies are downstairs and, well, I had a little mishap yesterday morning. I slipped or something and ended up falling down the stairs (only two but a stair is a stair) and I kind of messed up my knee. It's always something.
So instead I tried to stay off my knee for most of the day yesterday and got a bit of stitching done. Poor Rory missed his long walk yesterday. But he was a good boy and didn't make me get up too many times. 
Here a photo of the piece I worked on yesterday.
And a progress update of my BBD piece, Awake the Dawning Day. Now that Home of a Needleworker is done I'll concentrate on this one. Who knows maybe I'll get this finished this week. Ya think?
Don't forget my giveaway. Details and where to leave a comment are here. (Click on the word here to take you to the right posting.) A hint of one of the items. Purple. :)

Until next time.................
Love, stitches and licks,
and Rory, too
Kathy, what can I say other than "You lucky fish"!!! : )) I also entered for Lauren's Voice but I am happy that a friend of mine won it. Love your LHN finish and the progress on the other one. Girl, you could have broken your neck even if it was just two stairs. Another friend of mine also hooked and fell down three steps and ended up with her head through the glass window in the garage door. She could have had her throat slit. Touch wood that nobody else has an accident with stairs. "I have stairs" Alice says with a very worried look!! Love the progress on BBD. Your stitching Mojo is back I see. Don't you have a hosepipe? Why is Rory watering the garden with a watering can? He is well trained I'll say. : ))
What a blessed girl you are!! I know what you mean about never winning anything- that's me as well! But you have given me hope! I will keep trying! lol I know you are feeling so accomplished in your finish. You have been working on that one awhile. It's beautiful! And your WIPs are coming along wonderfully. The gifts you received are so precious. Messing up your knee is not so bad given the good fortune you have had lately! :) Have a great week!
First, Rory is just the cutest! I just love dogs. Second, I am glad that you liked the scissor fob. Sorry it wasn't done in time for your birthday.
Congratulations on the winnings. Isn't it fun when you win stuff.
The piece from Deborah is fantastic. She did a beautiful, beautiful job on it!
Your finish is really pretty too and the rest of your WIPS are just coming along nicely.
Congratulations on your run of goodluck regarding the giveaways! Too bad the run ended with a hurt knee. I hope you recuperate fast. That tribute to your mom that Deborah gifted to you is wonderful! That Rory is a cute, cute puppy!
Your WIP's are absolutely beautiful. I love them all! Love the memorial one. And the Home of a Needleworker is pretty. I've often looked at this one but haven't got it yet. .....but soon.....
Your dog is sooooo cute! looks sweet......
I can sympathize with falling as last year in July I fell down 14 stairs. Hurt like heck too. Didn't really help my already existing cervical disc herniations. It can just happen quite quickly. I was just running too fast on the way to work. Hope you don't have any long-lasting injuries.
You are so lucky to win! I'm usually not a lucky winner......oh, pooh.....LOL
What a lucky lady you are..... wish we were closer then maybe your luck would rub off on me for a while.
Sorry you got hurt from your fall.
I have just past the anniversary of breaking my ankle last year. Hoping that does not happen again.
You received some lovely gifts - I am sure you will treasure the photo album.
Love your finish and your two WIPs - very pretty. You have Rory very well-trained too! ;)
Your finish is lovely and so are your WIPs. Rory is so pretty and looks so loved!
what a beautiful birthday gift Deborah made for you!!
Your other presents are lovely too. I just love the pics of Rory. He's such an adorable little guy that I just want to grab him up for a big hug. I love the last pic of him helping you water the plants LOL
Your gift brings tears to my eyes, Kathy. What beautiful BD gifts altogether you've received. Your Rory is adorable as ever and getting bigger by the second it seems. I'm coming home tomorrow from my trip - will be getting in touch with you. Take care.
You are truly blessed with such lovely gifts, Kathy!! And deserving too, you seem to have such a big heart for others. I am glad that you are receiving blessings. Lovely stitching too, congrats on the finish and I look forward to seeing more of your wips, love them all!
Look at that Rory...he's so handsome and a big helper to boot! :o)
All your stitching is gorgeous both the finishes and the WIP!
I absolutely LOVE that photo album Quaker that your friend stitched for you in memory of your Mom...how great is that?
I just love everything and I think that album that was stitched is absoutely gorgeous as is Rory. Lots of Love Patti xxx
Love your LHN finish and your wips, they are just beautiful. What a great friend, love what she stitched for you in memory of your mum.
After the past year you have had, you deserve a few *wins*!! Congrats to you . The book Deborah did is awesome and I know you treasure it with all your heart. You talked her through so many stitches, isn't it nice to see the fruits of your labor and love??? Your finish is great and you have so many nice wip going. Rory is such a cutie!!!
Great wins and fabulous gifts. Its a testament to what a special person you are to have friends make you gifts like that. Hope your knee feels better soon.
Glad you won in the giveaways and that is such a beautiful gift you got from Deborah. Hope your knee feels better soon. Your finish is beautiful and your WIPs are looking very nice.
You definitely have some wonderful friends, especially with Deborah. Her gift to you is exquisite.
Wow!! I don't know what to talk about first. Lucky you with the give aways--so glad that you won! The gift from your friend in honor of your mother--wow. Lucky you. I know you will treasure it. Your House of a Needleworker is beautiful! Congrats on the finish. Love the WIPs!! Rory is adorable, as always. I hope you are feeling better soon!
The gift from Deborah is stunning, Kathy. What a wonderful thing for her to do. :) Rory looks so adorable and I'm glad you're having such a fun time with your new pup. Your WIPs look great, as well as your finish. Hope your knee is feeling better.
Congratulations on your winnings!! I also say congratulations on the beautiful gift from Deborah! She is a blessing indeed. I love your finish!! Rory is soo precious and seems to love the camera!
Deb's gift is so sweet & such a thoughtful heartfelt gift! She was so driven that it had to be perfect for you because nothing less would do that her efforts touched many hearts. Lovely winnings & beautiful stitching plus the cutest garden helper. Hey all this rain plus your tender care has produced those stunning flowers in your photos. You should send Purina some photos of Rory, you have a star.
Lucky girl! Wonderful gifts and your finish looks great. Love the last picture. Made me laugh. Thanks!
Congrats on your wins!!!
The stitching looks great, I have to move "Home of a Needleworker" to the top of my wish list, I just love that one.
What a week you had! Congratulations on all the winnings!
The gift from Deborah is so beautiful, in every way!
The fob is really cute! And Home of a Needleworker too is so pretty! I just bought the chart this week and intend to stitch it, well, whenever I find the time...
And Rory is still as cute as can be!
Everything looks amazing!! Especially Rory! Congrats on the giveaways! Sorry to hear about your knee and I hope that it is all better soon!
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