Now the ups. And there are more of those.
On Saturday I received my Prairie Schooler exchange from Susan P. She stitched the PS design from the current JCS Ornament issue. It is just darling. It kind of reminds me of those snowmen we built when we were children. Thank you Susan. I can't wait to get my tree so I can hang this along with my other stitched ornaments.
Speaking of stitched ornaments. I was lucky enough to win one of Andrea, of the Craft Room blog, giveaways. I received it just before Thanksgiving and didn't get a photo of it until yesterday. It is gorgeous. I love the cording and the tassel and the delicateness. It is perfect! Thank you so very much Andrea.
Now for the part you are waiting for.
Rory is feeling much better. The sneezing has stopped and so has the coughing. Since he is feeling better he has his energy back and all his silliness. Oh, and here is a new things he started doing last week. Between 6 and 6:30 in the morning I always let him out for his potty break before I leave for work. You know how he likes to "chase" planes? Well, since the full moon last week, the moon is still shining while the sky is getting light. I really think Rory thinks that moon is a big plane (even though it isn't moving). He runs back and forth and around the yard head up at the sky barking and growling his fool head off! At 6:30 in the morning!! Sigh. I can't wait until the new moon . I'm sure the neighbors can't wait either.
The other thing we did over the weekend was go see Santa. Rory tries so hard to be good. Really he does. And Santa kept saying he was such a handsome boy. Even if he didn't want to sit still.

Until next time.............
Love and stitches
and licks from Rory too
Isn't it amazing how our pets can wrap us around their little paws? Your Rory is very special and is perfect for you. I'm glad he was able to make a very difficult time a little better. Tears can sometimes help mend our hearts. I'm so sorry- I will pray for you to be comforted.
PS - your stitching and exchanges are fantastic!
Glad to hear that Rory is doing better!
Anniversary days can be hard *hugs*. But you managed, nice job.
Your stitching is all looking great.
Rory is such a sweet dog, and so handsome! I'm happy that he was there to comfort you.
Rory looks so pretty in the photos. :) I'm glad you have him to keep you company and help you during your down days.
The ornies, both received and sent, look really nice.
Glad Rory is there to cheer you up. He looks very content with santa. The major sadness will pass, let it come for now.
What gorgeous gifts, and I'm glad you had Rory to help you through a hard day. ♥
Proof that even our pets can be treated like our children. I miss having a cat around. Rory is, as always, too cute for words. The pics with Santa are adorable. Love all the ornies!
Oh Kathy, my heart aches for you...I know what you are going through a little bit as the Saturday after Thanksgiving was the day my Granny died and then my Aunt (my Mom's sister) died on Dec. 12. Your heart never forgets though for nothing can take your memories and love never dies.
Thinking of you....
Sweet Rory, and what a sweet baby brother, I can tell you feel about your baby brother the way I feel about mine :)
How lucky you are to have such a sweet dog!
The pot pie looks so good! Love the Santa pictures of Rory. The story of Rory about the moon is too funny. Now are you a good neighbor? LOL! Just kidding.
The exchange is so nice and the one you stitch is too.
Happy you had Rory with you and he knows when you are feeling low. Glad that he is feeling better and just love his pictures.
Gorgeous ornaments and Rory is just adorable.
Love the ornaments. Very nice.
Glad Rory is back to ol self and is such a comfort to you.
((((HUGS)))) Kathy! So glad you have Rory there and that he is such a sweet doggie. Your ornaments are beautiful, both stitched and received. I like that finishing idea, may try that one out. Was there instructions in the magazine for that?
Dogs always seem to pick up on the sadness of their owner. Sending (((hugs))) at this sad time. I'm so glad he's feeling better and he got to meet Santa. Santa never forgets the animals either does he? Your ornaments both sent and received are wonderful, I thought I recognised that one just there. :)
Those sad anniversaries are better with a caring pup by your side. I'm sure your brother is thrilled that Rory turned out to be such a great companion for you! Your stitching and exchanges are very nice.
Awww, I love Rory's Santa photos! :)
Big hugs over the anniversary. I know how hard that day is for you. My dad will be gone 20 years in January and I still feel like I was hit in the stomach whenever January 4 rolls around, or I see it on the calendar. Thinking of you!
The ornaments are beautiful, both stitched and received.
Aww Rory is such a good boy to have around. My Holly is really picking up on the 'mood' in my house and is always by my side lately. Pets can be such a comfort! They are unconditionally loving.
Rory looks so darn cute! I love the pics of him with Santa!! Love all the stitching too!
What a wonderful and loyal pet you have in him. your ornies are beautiful and congrats on your win!
Awww sorry to hear about the downs. Rory sure is a faithful friend. Love the ornies you got. xx
So glad that Rory is being such a comfort to you - this is a hard time, I know. The stitching is lovely!
Santa is right - Rory is a handsome boy. I am glad he is doing better. I am so sorry about your mom and I know the anniversary was hard for you. I am pretty down this season because of my dad's passing.
Lovely pics of Rory with Santa.
And, {{{hugs}}} and sympathy on the anniversary of your loss.
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