Snip for Queen by Raise the Roof
used 18 count white aida
and DMC floss called for
The above photos are of an earlier finish of mine. I was hoping to finish finish it into a fob this weekend but................. :) Is it Friday yet??
(deep breath) Yes, I know it's only Monday but I'm tired. :)
The weekend was mixed. Friday night I had very little sleep. My Mom had a bad night and was up until after midnight and then again at 4 AM. I gave up trying to sleep at 5:30.
Got up made my coffee and checked on Mom. She had finally fallen asleep. Figures. :)
Well, I read a little, stitched a little and tried to doze. Got Mom up at 8 and my day was really off and running. Typical Saturday of laundry, grocery shopping, errands and taking care of Mom. I was finished with everything by 8 PM. I was so beat that I didn't get much stitching done and went to bed early. So that my Mom would sleep (and therefore I would) I gave her a tylenol PM to see if that would help.
6:30 am Sunday. Yippee! Sleep. A whole 7 straight hours! I feel like a new person. The tylenol did the trick for Mom.
I love the morning when all is quiet and I can sit and enjoy my coffee and a book. maybe a little computer time or stitching. I did a little of the above.
Now it's almost 8 AM, the usual time when I get Mom up on a weekend. Since it is Sunday I am hoping to get her hair washed. 7:50 am and my head feel odd. My eyes feel like there is something in them. Within 10 minutes my suspicion is confirmed. A migraine! Geeze but I hate those. I get the "aura" that signals the migraine. It's like a jagged bolt of lightening that blurs and clouds your vision. When I get it I quick go take my med, Imitrex. It works-- no light or noise sensitivity, no awful headache pain. BUT there is a side effect. At least for me. Within an hour or so my joints start aching from the tips of my toes to the tips of my fingers. I still have to give Mom her shower.
By 8:30 the "aura" is gone so I get Mom up. This week her shower and hair washing were a little harder but she is getting a little stronger. I'm sure next week will be even easier.
Once breakfast was over I could do a little housework. (And I mean a little! LOL) I was so grateful that I had finished the errands on Sunday because I had a hard time moving at all yesterday.
I had a couple of finishes with all that extra stitching time. One is for an exchange so I can't show it. The second was a really quick stitch from the Christmas SAL book that was RAK'd to me. A quickie design by Helga Mandl. Maybe next weekend I'll have the energy to turn this into an ornament.
I Believe by Helga Mandl
stitched on 18 count aida. hand-dyed by me
using DMC
I changed the green called for in the pattern to a darker one so it would show better on my fabric.
Last night was another fairly early night. And here we are Monday.
Whew but I'm tired. :)
Oh, that's right, that's why I came to work today. Just to get some rest. :)
Until next time..............................
Love and stitches
I agree... Is it Friday, yet?
I've been getting cluster migraines a lot lately. :( Luckily, I don't get the auras and usually not the upset stomach. Just the extreme stabbing pain. So I can empathize with ya!
Your projects look good, Kathy.
I am so glad you were able to keep the migraine away, I hate you had to suffer through the side effects. I pray your mom keeps getting stronger too.
I can so relate to the tired feeling! LOL! Thankfully I have vacation coming soon. Love your I believe in Santa.
I'm glad the Imitrix works to chase the migraine away, even tho' it isn't without some side effects. Hope you feel more energetic soon!
Glad you were able to stop the migraine and actually get one good night's sleep. Hope this is a good week for both you and your mom.
I hope this week goes smoothly for you. I agree, roll on Friday! Love your stitching.
You've been tagged, but this one is different. See my blog for details :)
Great finishes.
Praying your Mom continues to get stronger daily.
Nice finishes! You can see I am behind too, had company among other things.... but glad to hear you got some uninterrupted sleep!
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