Actually my posts may be a bit sporadic as the days go by. I have a lot of adjusting to do and some days may be hard. After taking care of my Mom for so long I find myself bewildered with all the free time. I know it will get easier as time goes on. But in the meantime bear with me.
That brings me to the slight change in my blog title. Rather than start another blog I thought I'd just use this one for the occasional non stitching comments. Like now.

This entry is really a tribute to my Mom. One of the most caring and loving people I'll ever know. I have been my Mom's caregiver for a number of years. And as the years passed the care on my side became more as my Moms health went downhill. I have been trying to find the right words for a week now but nothing sounds right. 
There is a pillow sitting on her bed that says “Mother – Daughter, Friends of the Heart”. That pretty much sums up our relationship. Our tastes in books, music, TV were so much alike. I miss her so much. And I know I always will.
I also wanted the thank my online friends for their heartfelt sympathies, prayers and support. You all have no idea how much those have meant to me. You all have helped me get through some very dark days. I have saved every email, every post here and every card as it arrives. I love you all. And thank you from the bottom of my heart.
My Mother, my friend, my hero.
I love you Mom.
I know time will help heal the sorrow and pain but until then……………
Love, stitches and tears
Love, stitches and tears
Kathy, for a little while in my mind I was with you. Big hugs, no words needed, I think.
I have been through what you are going through. My mother-in-law was like a mother to me and when she passed there was a big hole. Slowly it has healed, but I still, after 4 years, find myself wanting to call her. It will get better, I promise. She is at peace and is well and whole now, and looking after you.
Love, Jana
I am so very sorry for your loss. Your blog post is a beautiful tribute to your mom and brought tears to my eyes. My mom passed away in 2001 and yes, time does ease the pain of your loss. Many many hugs!
Barb in TX
Kathy, my only real loss was the loss of my father, whom I was terribly close with. It took a long time, but it is better now.
You know, for you to be so far away, I feel bonded to you by the fact we both take (took) care of our Moms during their time of need.
My arms are wrapped around you and my thoughts are with you. I am so glad to see you posting again.
Cherish your memories, all those wonderful times you had together over the years. My Mom has been gone since I was 7 the loss never goes away, but I have my memories.
Much love and hugs,
Patty Smith
Your Mom is looking down at you right now with joy and caring. You will always have parts of your mom with you. Those who we love never actually leave us. They are always in our hearts. Your pictures of your mom are wonderful and shows really how vibrante and alive she really is in your heart and memories. :)
Hang in there you will get through this.
Terri ILCS
I know how much your mom meant to you and how she really did fill your life and time. The pain will be less as the days go by and the memories will be there forever. I think of you often and I know that your mom will be forever deep in your heart!
Will keep praying for comfort & peace for you. The emptiness may be hard to bear at first, but time is a great healer, too. Your tribute to your mother is beautiful. Take it one step at a time, my friend. We'll all be right here with you.
A simply lovely heart felt tribute. Your words were just right. Sending you a hug hoping to visit you soon.
A beautiful tribute Kathy......
What a nice tribute, Kathy. Your Mom was so beautiful!
beautiful tribute to your mom
Debra in Indiana
Your tribute to your Mom was beautiful. I lost my Mom to cancer 6 1/2 years ago and the whole is still there. She cared for me as a child, was a guide through the growing years and a confidant and friend as I grew to adulthood. I too cared for her while she was ill, and it broke her heart and her spirit to ber dependant on others. She was a strong and loving woman. She gave of herself to many. I miss her terribly, even now. Your pain and loss are shared. I will keep you in my prayers for peace and healing.
Take care,
Huge hugs Sweetheart. I lost my mom about this time 2 years ago. She was my best friend. You wrote a lovely tribute to your Mom. Thanks for sharing. We are all here for you - anytime you need to chat. Love and hugs, MArta
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